Sacred Devil

Chapter 2039

After leaving the city of kasha, Jiang Hao also began to search for xuanming gold placer vein. The result was not ideal, but Jiang Hao was not discouraged. If xuanming gold sand vein was found so easily, xuanming gold sand would not become a rare mineral.

Under the scorching sun, Jiang ChiYan raised his hand from time to time to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and then said to Jiang Hao with a tired face.

"Master, do you think there will be xuanming Jinsha vein in this desert?"

"I don't know."

Jiang Hao shook his head. He didn't know. He was just looking for the xuanming Jinsha vein just by luck. Now he knows why it's hard for resource hunters to do it. It's too difficult to find a xuanming Jinsha vein. Without the help of a map, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.


After hearing this answer, Jiang ChiYan is also speechless, but she is not tired. After all, if she is tired, she can rest in the ancient Bodhi mirror. The main reason is that she is bored. In this desert, even deviant beasts rarely appear, so Jiang ChiYan can't find a temporary playmate.

Just when Jiang ChiYan was bored spitting bubbles, he suddenly remembered something. He trotted forward for two steps and grabbed Jiang Hao's sleeve. In the other party's puzzled eyes, he begged.

"Master, let Xiaojin come out and play with me."

Xiaojin refers to the xuanming dragon vein naturally. Since the last time the other party made great achievements, Jiang Hao is also much better at xuanming dragon vein. He always thinks of this little dragon if he has any natural resources and earth treasures. The latter has a good life in this period of time.

"Don't bully it."

In the face of Jiang ChiYan's plea, Jiang Hao's character naturally won't refuse, but he also told the other party not to bully xiaojinlong, after all, xiaojinlong saved his life.

"Don't worry, master. I'm bored and want to play with each other."

After hearing what Jiang Hao said, Jiang ChiYan also raised his head and looked at the other party with a naive smile on his face.

Seeing that Jiang ChiYan said so, Jiang Hao also summoned the little golden dragon out of the golden teeth. As soon as he came out, xuanming dragon pulse stretched out, and then he swam toward Jiang Hao with excitement on his face. He wanted to be caressed by his master and act like a coquette. He didn't expect that when he swam into the air, he was caught by a jade hand.

Xuanming dragon vein quickly struggled, but obviously with its strength, it could not be the opponent of Jiang ChiYan, a girl with strange power. After only struggling for a few times, he was defeated. He looked at Jiang ChiYan shivering.

Perhaps in the eyes of the world, Jiang ChiYan is a beautiful beauty and disaster, but in the eyes of xuanming Longmai, he is a full-fledged devil. In addition to snatching the master's favor from him, the latter usually takes bullying him for pleasure. If he can't beat each other, he won't shrink back and let him be at the mercy of the other party.

With little Jinlong to play, Jiang ChiYan is not so boring at last. As for Jiang Hao, he continues to search for the whereabouts of the xuanming gold ore vein. His divine sense searches the vast desert inch by inch, but each time it ends in failure. Gradually, Jiang Hao's look is getting tired. It seems that there is nothing he wants to look for in this desert West, just when Jiang haomeng had the idea of leaving, Jiang ChiYan suddenly ran over with xuanming dragon veins, and her bright yellow dress danced in the sunlight.

"Master, how do you find me

Jiang ChiYan's voice was full of excitement, just like a child who wanted to be praised. In her hand, she was holding a small mini golden dragon, which was supposed to be majestic. At the moment, she almost rolled her eyes.

"What can I do?"

After hearing this, the look on Jiang Hao's face also changed, and then he quickly asked.

"It, little Kim, it has a way!"

Jiang ChiYan raised his hand and sent the xuanming dragon vein to Jiang Hao's eyes. This treasure, which is called the top three treasures in the red earth continent, is now in such a mess that even an ordinary mutant fierce beast can't match it.

After seeing the miserable appearance of xuanming dragon vein, Jiang Hao also quickly rescued it from Jiang ChiYan's hand, and then he opened his mouth and continued.

"What can xuanming dragon pulse do?"

"When I was playing with Xiaojin happily, I teased him with xuanming gold sand. I found that it had a special induction to xuanming gold sand. No matter where I hid the xuanming gold sand, Xiaojin could always find it at the first time. Even if I hid the xuanming gold sand under the quicksand, Xiaojin could bring the xuanming gold sand back to me accurately! ”

Jiang ChiYan tells about her discovery just now, and her face is more and more excited.

After listening to Jiang ChiYan's narration, Jiang Hao also looked at xuanming dragon vein with sympathy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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