Sacred Devil

Chapter 2059

It seems that this should be the reward given to them by the old man who rang the bell. After feeling the more and more powerful power in his body, Jiang Hao couldn't help thinking about it.

After Jiang Hao discovered this, the other two also found that after knowing that the desert snake could obtain pure xuanming gold sand, they did not rush to the top, but began to circle with the desert snakes around them. The desert snakes, which were not strong in strength, actually reached the fairyland stage one after another after getting the blessing of the tower If on weekdays, if you want to kill four or five desert snakes at one time, the strength of the three people is absolutely not a problem.

But now they are facing the pressure of the tower, and their own strength is also limited, so they can at most deal with one or two at a time. Facing the desert snakes full of the whole tower, this is a test of the fighting experience of the climbers. Once they are in a deadlock and can not break the situation, they will inevitably suffer the group attack of the desert snake. If they are so, they will be attacked by the desert snake If the snakes in the desert are besieged, even the strong people in the fairyland will have a headache.

Jiang Hao is holding a heartless sword, and his body is flying around with five desert snakes. If he is able to come slowly on weekdays and put safety first, but now that every minute counts, he really has to do the most efficient thing.

After seeing this scene, Yu Yue under the tower can't help but frown a little. How can this man, who looks so steady in the day, be so reckless at the critical moment?

We should know that those desert snakes are not a good role to be provoked. If Jiang Hao can't deal with five snakes at a time, if they can't be solved in a short time, they will inevitably lead to the attack of other desert snakes. When they fall into the siege, even if Jiang Hao is so strong, he can't retreat completely.

You know, for example, Qin Mo Gu Zihan can lure three or four snakes at a time, and Jiang Hao's one-time action against five desert snakes is just playing with his life!

However, what shocked Yuyue soon happened. She thought Jiang Hao would be in a deadlock, but she didn't expect that Jiang Hao would solve the Five Desert snakes in front of her as quickly as possible! His experienced combat experience is simply dazzling.

Outside the city of edaras, people can't help but wonder after seeing this scene. Jiang Hao's clean and neat fighting style makes people who watch it very comfortable.

"This Jiang Hao is a material that can be made, but it's a pity that he is not from my native land."

Bai run nodded slightly after seeing this scene. Obviously, he appreciated Jiang Hao very much. The only thing that bothered him was that such a person was not a member of his Jiuyou family. It would be nice if they were from Jiuyou family.

One Gu Zihan and one Jiang Hao are enough to continue to establish their dominant position in the red earth continent in the future.

"Now the whole realm has been attacked by virtual creatures. The continents of all walks of life have been united together, and Jiang Hao is extremely firm in standing on the main side of the battle. Therefore, it is not important whether he is a man of the red earth continent, but his position."

After hearing Bai run said so, Zuo Qiu Kai'an on one side was not sure.

The meaning of his words is obviously to ridicule the other party's low vision. Now, what is the difference between Mainland and mainland? Everyone is in the same camp.

"I won't argue with you. Anyway, today's dispute over inheritance must end with the victory of my Jiuyou family."

Bai run is different from Zuo Qiu Kai'an in refuting. After all, in his opinion, the other side is full of fallacies. If we continue to argue, we will only let these younger generation see jokes.

"Is it? On the contrary, I think our guest is more likely to win. "

Zuoqiu Kaian is naturally responsible for this.

At this moment, the two highly respected great men are arguing again because of this kind of problem, and there is not a little bit of the appearance that a world expert should have.

"Wait and see."

White run simply brush sleeves ignore, the line of sight again on the screen above.

At this time, the battle of the three men entered the white heat. The number of desert snakes killed by Jiang Hao was obviously slightly ahead, followed by Gu Zihan. The number of desert hands killed by the other side was also closely behind him, while Qin Mo was the bottom. His fighting style was not suitable for group attack. Therefore, the number of desert snakes attracted by Jiang Hao was not the same quite a lot.

Every time Jiang Hao finished a battle, he would use the shortest time to absorb all the energy bodies he had obtained. Since these energy bodies are the most pure energy bodies, Jiang Hao did not need to refine these golden shining xuanming gold sands at all. As more and more xuanming gold sands were absorbed, Jiang Hao could feel less and less gain However, it has gradually reached a saturation point. After Jiang Hao grasped his fists and felt the majestic power in his body, he started his own road to the top again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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