Sacred Devil

Chapter 2090

But I don't know how many lines of water binding jewel are in front of him. Jiang Hao looks at it curiously. From Kong Hongjun's account earlier, Jiang Hao also knows that the water binding pearl is divided into nine patterns. Generally speaking, the water binding jewels owned by the mutant fierce beasts on the outer waters of the ghost sea area are one to three lines, which are separated from the variation fierce beasts on the outer sea area The water bound jewels have more than three lines, but most of them are not more than five. Most of the mutated fierce beasts with more than five patterns have reached the fairyland. The mutant murderer of that level, let alone hunting, will be devoured by one bite as long as they meet.

So generally speaking, for the sake of safety, most human practitioners choose to stay in the periphery of the ghost sea area. In this way, they can get water bound jewels without taking too much risk, but the grade will be slightly lower. And most of the strong people in fairyland like Jiang Hao will stay in the middle of the ghost sea area, so as to get the water If you are lucky, you can still get five patterns of water bound jewels, and five patterns of water binding jewels in the city of evil had been fried for a long time.

At the moment, Jiang Hao's water bound jewel is a four pattern water binding pearl, which is also of high grade. It is enough to make the practitioners in the fairyland crazy, but it is obviously not enough for Jiang Hao, a strong man of fairyland.

Jiang Hao played with the water bound pearl on his hand, and then he directly sucked the power inside into his body. With the disappearance of the power, the water bound Pearl was also scattered into thousands of brilliance. At the moment, Jiang Hao also felt that his body's water attribute, and the divine power was more refined at the moment.

After realizing this, Jiang Hao's face also showed a smile. You should know that his water attribute, Shenwen's power, is stuck in this realm, but he hasn't moved for a long time. Until today, he finally has a trace of movement.

It is indeed a treasure that attracts countless practitioners. Even he can't help but be fascinated. It seems that he needs more water bound pearls.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao was a fierce man who plunged into the sea and began to take the initiative to look for those deviant beasts. At the moment, the scene similar to Jiang Hao also happened in countless sea areas. No practitioner could resist the charm brought by water bound jewels. Even if they knew that the sea area here was known as the most dangerous sea area, there was no way Quench their enthusiasm.

Gu Hongyin is sitting on a boat. She looks so small in the vast sea. However, she is so small that she grinds a mutated fierce beast whose strength has reached the stage of fairyland into meat.

With a slight finger, a crystal clear pearl fell into Gu Hongyin's hands. The girl looked at it and found that it was just a three grain water. After binding the Pearl, it was directly swallowed into her abdomen. Her eyes closed slightly at the moment, and her face also showed a comfortable expression.

After absorbing the power of the water bound pearl, Gu Hongyin was obviously dissatisfied with the grade of the water bound pearl in the sea water. He directly drove the boat to the deeper sea area. On the magnificent sea, the small boat which seemed to be in danger of being destroyed at any time was running smoothly. It was obvious that the boat was far from what it looked like Simple, clear is a magic weapon of the same level.

Twin brothers are definitely the most ferocious beings in this sea area. However, in the sea areas they pass by, there are not only the corpses of mutated fierce beasts, but also the corpses of many human practitioners. It is not that they deliberately aim at those human practitioners, but they can get more from the storage bags of these human practitioners than by simply hunting those mutant fierce beasts Most of the amount of water bound beads almost become their consensus.

Therefore, once a human practitioner perceives the existence of these two brothers, no matter what they are doing at the moment, their first reaction is always to run away, but whether they can run away depends on their luck.

In the deeper sea area, lie's legs have already fallen into the sea water, and the sea water has overflowed his knees, but he is still walking on the land step by step. When he reaches this sea area, the suppression force of the ghost sea area is almost at its peak. Even the strongmen of fairyland can't use any flying magic power here Let alone blink, to be able to move forward step by step and fight, it requires great perseverance in support.

Just as AI lie moved forward slowly, a ferocious nine heaven God Jiao also appeared around him, but before the fierce nine heaven God Jiao launched an attack, four huge tentacles were directly wrapped around his body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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