Sacred Devil

Chapter 2101

"Since everyone is here, let's just open the door and talk about anything. After all, we have been forced to cooperate many times, and the rules are understood."

Ouyang Xingyue's voice is charming and beautiful. After she said this, many men feel their bones are crumbling.

"The leader of Ouyang said that every time I cooperated with Ouyang leader, I felt very happy."

Wang Haoyun on one side also fanned the folding fan in his hand and spoke politely.

At the moment, he looks like a scholar, and his identity as the chieftain of the sword cloud clan does not match. However, even so, no one dares to underestimate him, because everyone knows that this is not a good master. As early as half a year ago, the master of Jianyun clan had already reached the late stage of the Fairy Spirit period. With his age, almost everyone thought that he was the last one He is the most likely person to enter the legendary realm.

"It's the same with my wife."

After hearing what Wang Haoyun said, Ouyang Xingyue was also Jiaodi's mouth to reply. However, there was no temperature in that pair of monstrous pupils. Obviously, her heart was far less warm than she seemed on the surface.

"You look like a concubine, but I don't like to interrupt. But it's very important at this time. I have to be an uninteresting person."

Just when Ouyang Xingyue and Wang Haoyun say a word, you come and I go, Gu Yunxian, who has not opened his mouth, interrupts suddenly.

After he opened his mouth, all the people's eyes were on him again. If you want to say who has the most seniority, it is Gu Yunxian. He is also a strong man who has reached the later stage of the fairy period. He is also one of the top figures in the city of great sass. Even those in the army have to give a little face.

"It's an old joke. You need to take charge of the overall situation."

Wang Haoyun said with a smile.

Knowing that he couldn't fight with the other party this time, he also gave the other party face to use honorifics.

"I can't say anything about the overall situation. I just want to say a few words of justice. I think both of you should know that at this time, the famous work Jiang Hao in the mountains is the latest figure of the times. He has occupied several rankings in the mercenary Association. He is a young talent. He has reached the late stage of the immortal period at a young age. He looks a little younger than Lord Wang If the former with such strength is the first to discover a vein of xuanming gold sand, he is qualified to occupy it. However, Jiang Hao is not from the red earth continent. It is really hard for people to accept the resources that should belong to our red earth continent. "

This Gu Yunxian is obviously extremely old and spicy. In a word, he moved Jiang Hao to the opposite of everyone.

Sure enough, after he finished, some onlookers could not help but shout.

"This is the resources of our red earth continent. Let him, an outsider, go back to his own continent, and don't try to encroach on our resources!"

"That is, we are short of resources, and there are not enough practitioners in our own mainland. Why should we let an outside person take over?"

"Although Jiang Hao has made a name in the mercenary Association, how many high-strength practitioners will go to the mercenary association to take over the task and grab food from the younger generation?"

"Banish Jiang Hao and protect my home!"

"Banish Jiang Hao and protect my home!"

"Banish Jiang Hao and protect my home!"


soon, the slogans began to ring, deafening.

After seeing this scene, Wang Haoyun could not help but raise his eyebrows. He also thought that the old man would still stir up the atmosphere as usual. Unfortunately, Jiang Hao was regarded as a villain before he could do anything.

However, Wang Haoyun was also quite upset when he heard that the young man's talent in practice was higher than himself.

Growing up as a demon, he hated that someone said in front of him who was better than him. This feeling is really unbearable.

Today, if Jiang Hao is wise, he is OK. If he doesn't, he can only fight to the other party.

Think of here, Wang Haoyun's eyes also flash a trace of grim color.

"Since we don't like outsiders to occupy our local resources, it's easy to say. As the old rule is, we three forces each account for 30% of the xuanming gold ore vein, and the rest 10% belongs to all brothers and sisters. The mining spirits in this mountain range are also distributed to you. I don't know what you think."

Ouyang Xingyue opened his mouth and motioned for them to stop. After they looked at themselves, they continued to say Jiao Di Di.

Naturally, her plan was agreed by Wang Haoyun and Gu Yunxian, so after she finished, they did not refute.

As for others, they also chose to agree after looking at each other.

After all, this is not the first time that this has happened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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