Sacred Devil

Chapter 2112

At a later stage, Jiang ChiYan's attention was focused on sightseeing. Occasionally, Jiang Hao retreated from the state of divinity. After seeing Jiang ChiYan's appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head, but more of it was a kind of inexplicable joy.

Jiang Hao always felt that, from a certain level, Jiang ChiYan and he were not much different. They were all independent individuals. Even if they were spirits, they also had their own thoughts and lives. Jiang ChiYan did not live up to his expectations. He was more and more like a human practitioner. For this change, Jiang Hao was also very happy, but Jiang ChiYan himself did not have much feeling, as before Heartless to this resource exploration as a spring outing.

After searching for Mingjing, Jiang Hao didn't find that he was tired of searching for Mingmai for a long time. However, he didn't find out that he was tired of searching for mineral resources for a long time A nearby town.

Now Jiang Hao has come to the northern part of the red earth continent. The nearest town to them is called kasha city. It is a town built in the ice sky and snow plain. Compared with the ice city Jiang Hao has experienced before, the city of kasha also has its own characteristics as a snow city, and the overall style is also full of exotic customs.

However, it seems that these days are not comfortable in this exotic town. Jiang Hao's first feeling when he was close to the town was that the number of mutant fierce beasts nearby was quite unreasonable. If this phenomenon appeared in the mainland where Jiang Hao was located, it would be normal, but it would be incomprehensible if it appeared in the red earth continent. After all, the changes of this continent have taken place The number of strange fierce beasts is not as large as Jiang Hao's mainland, and even the quality is far behind.

However, in the vicinity of the city of kasha, Jiang Hao saw countless mutant fierce beasts with more than their strength during the period of crossing the city. They were distributed near the city of kasha and wandered around the edge of the city. As long as a human practitioner came out of the city of kasha, he was bound to meet these mutated fierce beasts. It would be a very dangerous thing to fight against them outside the city, after all There are a large number of strange fierce beasts. Once a practitioner falls into a bitter battle, he will probably lead to the active attack of other mutated fierce beasts.

At that time, unless there is an absolutely strong card, it is extremely difficult to escape.

"The big guy here seems to be a little more fierce."

Jiang ChiYan follows Jiang Hao, and his divine sense power also spreads out. After detecting the surrounding forms, Jiang ChiYan can't help speaking.

"Well, it's a bit strange here. We'd better be careful."

Although Jiang Hao and Jiang ChiYan are able to walk horizontally in this icy snow plain, they are still very careful to force them in case of emergency.

After all, the world is full of aura, and everything is not in accordance with the rules, and no one knows what will happen suddenly.

"Yes, I know. Be careful to drive a long-term ship. I still understand this point of xiaochiyan."

Jiang ChiYan on one side also nodded repeatedly after hearing Jiang Hao said so. His face was cute and lovely.

After coming to the icy snow field, Jiang ChiYan has changed into a thick snow-white rabbit fur cape, which makes her skin more and more white. When Jiang Hao occasionally accidentally sees the light, he can't help feeling very much.

Little Laurie didn't know when she had grown into a big girl. She was not the girl he could hold in his arms with one hand.

"What is the master looking at?"

Feeling Jiang Hao in a daze, Jiang ChiYan also turned his head and asked curiously.


After Jiang Hao coughed, he also shifted his attention to the scene. After entering here, he could see some trees wrapped in ice and snow. Few human practitioners passed by, but the deviant beasts were everywhere.

Today, Jiang Hao's divine sense power has become more and more powerful. Therefore, they successfully bypassed the territory of some powerful mutant fierce beasts and headed for the city of kasha. On the way, they also met the attack of this wave of mutated fierce beasts. Those fierce beasts were all over the only way for Jiang Hao and Jiang ChiYan. Jiang Hao took a look at the strength of these mutant fierce beasts After that, even if they chose to kill them all the way, they solved the ape like snow ape with several more arms as quickly as possible, and successfully left before other mutant beasts came here, completing a beautiful and clean killing.

All the way forward, Jiang Hao almost never had a fight. It was Jiang ChiYan who fought there alone. She had been bored for a long time. Now she has a chance to move. Naturally, she will not miss this opportunity! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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