Sacred Devil

Chapter 2206

Alina's blue hair is raised by the gorgeous but not vulgar headdress, showing the slender swan neck. After being decorated with makeup, Alina's face appears incomparably noble and elegant. If the former Alina was like a fairy between the ice and snow, then today's Alina is really the queen of ice and snow.

Even in Alina's body, Jiang Hao also saw the figure of the old man.

"Master Jiang Hao, xiaochiyan, farewell today. Although I don't know when we can meet, the gate of kasha city will always be opened for them."

Alina stepped forward and said to Jiang Hao and Jiang ChiYan that she is obviously more mature in her life, which is much different from that of the young girls. Although in the face of Jiang Hao, she has deliberately put a kind attitude, but the mask has been worn for a long time, that is, Alina wants to be kind, but still shows a bit of nobility.

"Thank you, Lord."

Jiang Hao also said with a smile.

The relationship between them is a little more polite than before.

"Even though you haven't seen each other for a long time, you are still beautiful. Your hair is still beautiful."

However, Jiang ChiYan is relatively slow, and does not feel the atmosphere between the two people is not right. On the contrary, he still opens his mouth to Alina as usual, and his tone is still close, witty and straightforward.

After hearing what Jiang ChiYan said, the standard smile on Alina's face was also frozen at the moment, and then gradually expanded. The empress gave a sweet smile, and this smile also made many people look straight.

Including Jiang Hao, he seems to have not seen such a simple smile on the girl for a long time.

"You are also very beautiful. If you can, you must come to Casa city to play with me."

Alina looked at Jiang ChiYan and said earnestly.

Smell speech, Jiang ChiYan also hastily nods.

"That's for sure. As long as I'm free, I'll come and play with Miss Alina."

Seeing this, Jiang Hao on one side also opened his mouth and then said, "if I have time, I will bring a small pool of cigarettes to look for you."

After hearing this, Alina also turned her head and looked at Jiang Hao. At the moment, her face was a little more sincere. In addition to the different costumes, the others were just like the appearance of their first acquaintance.

"That's a good agreement. If you are free in the future, you must come to see me."

The girl said playfully to Jiang Hao.

After seeing this scene, many officials in the city of kasha showed a look of shock. Since their queen became the throne, they have seldom laughed and acted vigorously, not to mention their iron and blood. Of course, it is precisely because of this that they have managed the city of kasha in an orderly manner, so that the surrounding cities and towns do not dare to invade at will.

However, such a queen is just like a little woman in front of Jiang Hao's powerful people, which is really astonishing.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Jiang Hao also set foot on the transmission array to leave the land of red earth. His mission on the land of red earth has been completed for a long time, and now he has retired after success.

"Master, where are we going this time?"

Jiang ChiYan looked up at Jiang Hao, and asked with a puzzled face. Even though they had already set foot on the transmission array, Jiang ChiYan still did not know where Jiang Hao planned to go next, and the rest of the people in the red earth continent also did not know, because Jiang Hao never told anyone where his next stop was?

There is a reason for Jiang Hao to do this, and the reason is very simple, that is to keep the people of the void creature informed of his next plan. After all, one year ago, he destroyed the good things of the void creature one after another, and offended many forces related to the void creature. He did not aim at Jiang Haocai according to the nihilism's usual rules Strange!

However, Jiang Hao has been closed in Gujian mountain villa these days, and in order to avoid being retaliated by the virtual creatures, all the powerful people choose to protect the Dharma for Jiang Hao and put a mind in Gujian mountain villa. So even if the virtual creatures want to do something, they can't do it. As long as the empty creatures appear, they will be exposed to the red earth The siege of all the great powers of the mainland, even if the virtual creatures no matter how strong, there is no way to directly counter all the forces of a continent at the moment.

But now that Jiang Hao has finally left the red earth continent, those empty creatures naturally want to start now. After all, it is the best time to start now. But naturally, Jiang Hao won't give these disgusting insects a chance. So after he decided to leave the land, he didn't tell anyone where he planned to go? Even the transmission array was arranged by himself. Now, after Jiang ChiYan asked about it, Jiang Hao answered.

"Come to the land of Cerro."

"To the land of Cerro?"

After hearing the place name, Jiang ChiYan's face also showed a look of amazement. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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