Sacred Devil

Chapter 2223

"It seems that this time the sea of ghosts will have more bad luck."

After hearing Ji Haoyan's words, Ji Haoyun also said helplessly.

Obviously, the twin brothers are quite different in appearance and character. The elder brother Ji Haoyan is bloodthirsty, and he is the blood Shura who crawled out of countless battlefields. His younger brother Ji Haoyun is much more refined, but Sen Leng, hidden in his fingertips, reveals his equally brutal character.

How can you be a kind-hearted master if you can stand still in the city of abomination and climb to the top three of the list of the city of abomination? Maybe it's more cruel to kill people.

With the arrival of the Lingxiao holy palace led by the twin brothers, many forces and powerful figures in this terrible city have come to the scene. However, all the people have not let down their expectations. On the contrary, after the twin brothers appear and sit in their own positions, the expectations on people's faces are more intense.

Even if Jiang Hao didn't know about the city of abomination, he knew what these people were looking forward to. We should know that the super strong man who ranked first in the list of the city of abomination has not yet appeared.

Just under the expectation of all the people, the super strong man who ranked first in the list of the city of abominable finally appeared. It seemed like a finale. As soon as he appeared, the atmosphere of the whole slaughterhouse wharf was stagnant and became silent. Everyone looked at the "man" who was climbing up from the bottom of the sea.

Although he had known this fierce figure from Kong Hongjun, he was still stunned at the first moment when he saw him. Even Jiang ChiYan, who was beside him, was stunned.

"Is this still human?"

Jiang ChiYan couldn't help murmuring in a low voice. He was obviously surprised.

Two thick chains appeared first from the sea level, and then they were thrown on the shore. One fell on the ground by virtue of help. A human like monster appeared in front of people. Although the monster has the same face as a human practitioner, its body is no longer the ordinary human body. It seems to have been transformed, although the legs are still hard His hands are made up of normal hands and four tentacles. Behind them are a pair of small wings. As for the skin, they are made up of numerous hard scales. The scales stained with sea water are vivid in the sunlight.

As for the two huge chains, they were set on his hands. Jiang Hao looked at the chain carefully and found that it was full of mysterious runes. It didn't look like a magic weapon. Instead, it was like a chain specially used to imprison prisoners. However, because of its incomparable hardness, even the strong in the fairyland could not open it.

We don't need to speculate too much, that is to know that the super strong man in the list of the most vicious city in front of him should be a prisoner who escaped from a prison. But how high is the prison where such a strong man can be held?

"Is this the number one strongman in the city of evil? What a terror

A fairyland full of strong people can not help but praise the way.

Obviously, this man is also from the outside world, but he has only heard about the name of the strongest one in the list of the most evil cities in the past, but he has never seen him himself. After seeing him, he has caused a great shock.

"It's a really evil city with crouching tigers, hidden dragons. I thought there was only one monster in this city, such as the old pub? I didn't expect to find out how short-sighted I was when I came here today. "

"It seems that today's water hunting competition will be very good-looking. All the super Tauren on the list of the city of abomination have come, and some of the most favored ones from other continents have come. I don't know who the final winner will be."

"No accident, I bet on Elle."

AI lie is the name of the monster like Tauren who ranks first in the list of the most evil cities.

All the people came to the slaughterhouse from the outside, but the Tauren appeared directly from the sea of the nether world. Although it was only the periphery, the fog on the sea of ghosts had not yet dissipated, which was a fatal threat to human practitioners, but it seemed that this threat did not exist on AI lie.

Just after the appearance of AI lie, the poisonous fog which has been enveloped in the sea of ghosts for a year has finally dissipated, revealing its seemingly calm surface.

Under the blue sea level, Jiang Hao was able to know the undercurrent of the waves just by looking at it.

Because the sea of ghosts has been shrouded by poisonous fog for a long time, once someone is lost in it, it is absolutely impossible to return to the shore. Even the strong in the fairyland can never go deep. Therefore, only today every year, when the poisonous fog above the sea of ghosts has dissipated, is the best time for human practitioners to enter into it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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