Sacred Devil

Chapter 2229

"I need you to help me entangle Gu Hongyin's little girl. I'll get rid of Liu Wenhao as quickly as possible. Before that, you can't be defeated."

At this time, Wu Sanfu also said his plan.

"If I remember correctly, Liu Wenhao is the fifth strongest in the list of the most evil cities. Brother Wu is so sure that he can solve the other side?"

After hearing that Wu Sanfu finished, Jiang Hao also asked in a rather puzzled way that Liu Wenhao's ranking on the ranking list was much higher than that of Wu Sanfu.

"Mountain people have their own mountain people's plan. As long as brother Jiang can ensure that Gu Hongyin's little girl is involved, I will do the rest."

Jiang Hao's query did not make Wu Sanfu uncomfortable, after all, any normal person would think so.

"Oh? It seems that brother Wu is very sure, but there is only one pearl with six patterns of water. I don't know how brother Wu intends to divide it. "

Jiang Hao is also directly into the subject.

You should know that there is only one pearl with six patterns of water binding, and they have two people. Naturally, Jiang Hao will never let go of this bead.

"It's very simple. As long as you can get Gu Hongyin involved, you can have the six patterns of water tied with the jewel. I just want to be buried with the water tomb."

Obviously, Wu Sanfu had made a decision before he came, so when Jiang Hao asked, he said his plan almost without thinking.

After hearing this, Jiang Hao was silent instead. He looked at the skinny man in front of him and didn't rush to speak.

Seeing this, Wu Sanfu was also a little anxious.

"Isn't it that you are not interested in six patterns of water binding beads?"

Wu Sanfu asked.

He didn't believe that the practitioners who could come to the water hunting competition would not be interested in the six pattern water bound pearl. You know, it is a treasure that the strong in the fairyland are all flocking to. Jiang Hao must have a deep interest in the water bound pearl if he could take the initiative to participate in the hunting competition from the outside world.

"Interested is interested, but you also know that I am the first time to come to the city of abominable evil. Although I don't know the rules of your abominable City, I also understand that cooperation and trading are the most unreliable thing in this city. How can I know that after I promise to cooperate with brother Wu, brother Wu won't stab me at a critical time?"

Jiang Hao is not a fool, and he will not easily trade with a man who is only one-sided. What's more, the cooperation proposed by the other party is not reasonable. Since everyone comes here for the sake of water, how can he give up the temptation of six pattern water binding jewel in the most crucial benefit distribution.

"If I want to stab you, I can do it to you now, but I came here to cooperate with you. I think I have explained clearly enough why it is you. As for the six pattern water binding jewel, I am also very interested in it, but compared with the things in the water tomb, the six pattern water binding pearl is not so important to me."

Obviously, Wu Sanfu knew that Jiang Hao would never cooperate with him if he didn't disclose any news, so he also said his plan.

After hearing this, Jiang Hao was also interested, when even asked.

"I'm very curious about what's in the water tomb, which can be guarded by a fierce mutant beast whose strength has reached the middle stage of fairyland."

"That's none of your business, is it?"

Wu Sanfu obviously did not intend to give in on this question. After asking about the account number, he did not say what was in the water tomb.

"This time I came to cooperate with you with a win-win mentality. I think you won't refuse me. Even if I don't tell you what's in the water tomb, I think you can be moved by a six pattern water bound pearl. What's more, I can help you solve the fierce enemy Gu Hongyin at one time."

Speaking of this, Wu Sanfu also pauses for a moment, and then looks at Jiang Hao. In a pair of turbid eyes, he can't see clearly his emotions. He doesn't know what he's thinking. Just as Jiang Hao is about to open his mouth, Wu Sanfu continues.

"I heard that Gu Hongyin's little girl is looking for you everywhere. With the strength of you and your sister, it will be very difficult to deal with the two strong men in the early days of fairyland."

What Wu Sanfu has said is very euphemistic. After all, we should know that both Gu Hongyin and Liu Wenhao are the super strong in the list of strength of the city of evil. It is no doubt that Jiang Hao alone wants to fight them both.

As for Jiang ChiYan? Wu Sanfu had long been excluded from the competition. After all, the latter was just a waste of the fairyland. In the confrontation between the strong in the fairyland, the waste of the fairyland was not qualified to influence the situation of a game. Finally, he relied on Jiang Hao himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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