Sacred Devil

Chapter 2248

It's like there's a connection between the two.

After thinking about this, Jiang ChiYan can't help but feel a little strange. You should know that she is an instrument. Besides her own life, she is also related to. Now when she sees a mysterious tombstone, she still has such a feeling, which also makes Jiang ChiYan feel a little confused and even doubts whether he is wrong.

Then, just after Jiang ChiYan finished, Jiang Hao's face also showed a look of curiosity. Looking at the tombstone in front of him, Jiang Hao was also depressed at the moment, and then carefully observed it with his divine sense. As a result, the expression on his face soon became a little strange, because he found that, like Jiang ChiYan, he was carefully examining the mysterious tombstone in front of him Hou, I also feel familiar in my heart.

"This Isn't it divine? "

After thinking about some possibility, Jiang Hao couldn't help saying that, but after saying that, he was even more puzzled, and he didn't say whether the words engraved on the tombstone in front of him were divine texts? It's hard to figure out why it's just because Jiang ChiYan, the spirit born of Bodhi's ancient mirror, can have a sense of connection with each other.

"I think it should be Shenwen. Only Shenwen can I feel a trace of desire and connection."

Jiang ChiYan tilted his head and thought about it, then he said.

"If the characters in front of me are Shenwen, they are absolutely not any of the Shenwen types I have seen before. They are very strange and seem to integrate the power of the sea."

Jiang Hao put his hand on the tombstone and said as he carefully understood.

Although Jiang Hao didn't know how powerful the high-level Shenwen power was, he could definitely conquer the sea in front of him, even though he was known as the nether world Sea.

"Can it be a mutated divine text?"

After hearing Jiang Hao say so, Jiang ChiYan is also the mouth way of sudden fantasy.

"What you said is possible, but does divine writing also change?"

Jiang Hao thought of it thoughtfully.

"Then I don't know, but if it is really made up of divine script, the owner might as well try to crack the divine script on the tombstone."

Jiang ChiYan suggested.

After all, if the inscriptions on the mysterious tombstone in front of him are formed by the mysterious divine power, then Jiang Hao will definitely be able to react with the tombstone in front of him, and he is likely to master it and know the secrets about the ship.

"I'll try."

Jiang Hao nodded. This is the only way that can be implemented now. After all, there is a treasure hidden in the water tomb. In this case, Jiang Hao is not willing to leave like this, so since there is a way, he will try it.

Jiang Hao closed his eyes and put his mind completely on the tombstone in front of him, and operated the power of divine text in his body. However, as he moved the connection between God and text in his body and took the initiative to contact with the tombstone, the mysterious tombstone finally responded. In front of Jiang Hao, a picture appeared, which was a grand wharf, in that magnificent ship There was a big ship alongside the dock of the ship, which looked majestic.

Almost instantaneously, Jiang Hao recognized the big ship that was now sinking on the sea floor. After seeing the magnificent scene, Jiang Hao could not help feeling sorry. If the ship did not sink to the bottom of the sea, he would be able to conquer a large area of the sea and leave behind countless miracles and legends.

Just when Jiang Hao couldn't help feeling sorry, a man appeared in the picture. The man looked middle-aged and his brows were full of vicissitudes. Obviously, he was a middle-aged man with a lot of stories. Behind him was a huge bow. The bowstring of the giant bow was rare red. In addition to the huge bow, the man also carried it He was carrying a long sword, which was black all over. Just by looking at it, Jiang Hao could know what the middle-aged man was carrying behind him. Whether it was a bow or a long sword, it was absolutely extraordinary.

As soon as the picture turns, the big ship the middle-aged man was riding met with a storm on the sea. The storm was so fierce that it seemed to destroy everything in the world.

Although Jiang Hao was only a spectator, he was better at the moment when the storm appeared. He also had a kind of immersive feeling. He also personally realized the terrible place of the storm.

After all, the huge ship that threatened to conquer the dark sea area still did not get rid of the curse of the ghost sea area. It was swallowed up by the unprecedented storm on the sea. The middle-aged man opened up the mountain sea with a bow and a knife, but still could not walk out of the vast fog and finally became a tombstone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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