Sacred Devil

Chapter 2279

In this deep-sea Canyon, not only is the spiritual power not affected by the virtual creatures, but also is very abundant. It can be used to practice and break through the realm.

Obviously, after obtaining the nine pattern water bound jewel, Jiang Hao did not intend to leave this deep-sea Canyon so quickly, but chose to stay and practice here. The reason for doing so is very simple. We should know that both the eight pattern water bound jewel and the nine pattern water bound jewel are treasures that will cause competition from the outside world as soon as they appear The best way is to directly absorb the power inside.

Therefore, after considering this point, Jiang Hao directly chose to stay and refine the eight pattern water binding pearl. As for Jiang ChiYan, he still protected Jiang Hao's dharma as before.

Time flies by.

Outside the deep-sea Canyon, Ali lie, who was meditating and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, while the twin brothers sitting not far away from him also stood up, and then looked almost at the direction of the outermost sea area at the same time.

The water hunt is over!

"I thought that strange boy should have some skills, but I didn't expect that he couldn't even handle a seriously injured jiutianshenjiao. It's such a good opportunity to be blind."

Ji Haoyun first estimated the time and then looked at the entrance of the deep-sea canyon. He thought Jiang Hao would come out of the water tomb soon. However, he didn't expect to wait until the water hunting competition was almost over. Neither Jiang Hao nor Jiutian Shenjiao had seen any shadow, so they didn't know what was going on inside.

"Maybe, he didn't dare to come out. After all, it was a jewel bound with eight patterns of water. I guess he was afraid that we would kill and steal the treasure."

Ji Haoyan is laughing, and the smile is also with a trace of bloodthirsty.

After all, the reason why they stayed here was this calculation. However, Jiang Hao stayed in it and refused to come out. Instead, they waited in vain.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense. Are we like that? I think the reason why Jiang xiaobrother dare not come out is that he is afraid that brother AI lie will force him to open the iron chain on his wrist? But. "

When talking about this, Ji Haoyun also stopped for a moment, then slightly narrowed his eyes and continued to say.

"I still prefer that he was swallowed by the nine heavenly gods of that one. After all, the water hunting competition will soon be over, and this sea area will be covered by resentment again. At that time, unless he is an old drunkard, no one will want to come to this sea area. Even though he has absorbed the power of the eight pattern water bound pearl, he has successfully broken the mirror and stepped into the fairy king In the middle of the territory, it is impossible to leave this area alone. "

Ji Haoyun's conjecture is obviously reasonable. After all, once the water hunting competition is over, even if they don't leave the sea area before the end of the water hunting competition, they will fall here. What's more, Jiang Hao, if the other party is really alive, it should appear now, but the other party has not appeared for a long time It should also be killed by the head of nine gods Jiao.

So just after Ji Haoyun finished, there was a trace of disappointment in AI lie's eyes. After he took a deep look at the direction of the deep-sea Canyon, he left with his back.

Although at the beginning, he still had some confidence in Jiang Hao, but as the other party did not show up, AI lie's self-confidence also went away, but after the loss of self-confidence, she was still more unwilling.

He could not think of any other way to untie his wrist for many years, but he could not find such an easy way to open his wrist.

After AI lie left, the twin brothers also looked at each other and chose to leave the sea area. With the departure of the three people, the sea area became calm again, just like a dead land.

For the city of abomination, the annual water hunting competition is obviously one of the biggest events. Almost every year, new stars and black horses will appear in this competition. Jiang Hao is obviously the blackest horse among these black horses. The latter not only defeated Gu Hongyin, the fourth in the list of the city of abomination, but also dares to cooperate with twin brothers and AI lie A head of strength has reached the fairyland of the nine gods Jiao.

Jiang Hao's performance can be regarded as a great achievement!

However, it is a pity that such a strong man from the outside world has just had a dazzling record, but then it quickly fell.

Although Jiang Hao's body has not yet been found, no practitioner has been able to cross the ghost sea and return to the slaughterhouse after the water hunting competition. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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