Sacred Devil

Chapter 229

After distributing the booty, Jiang Hao went back to his room directly. Of course, he was not alone. He also took Xiao Cheng, Chu Yue, Ye Ling and Feng Yaoyao away.

Xiao Cheng is his followers, and Ye Ling and Feng Yaoyao are his confidants. As for Chu Yue, his father is a follower of his father and always respects him.

When the five arrived at the room, he took out the sword in the spirit weapon directly, and then handed it to Xiao Cheng and said, "Xiao Cheng, this sword will follow you later. This youth Dabi, I don't want any of you not to be promoted."

Xiao Cheng was stunned. His eyes were full of disbelief. He didn't expect that Jiang Hao would give him such a precious spirit weapon. You know, he is just a follower, not Jiang Hao's confidant.

Followers may betray, but Jiang Hao did not hesitate.

"Young master, aren't you afraid that I'll run away with the spirit weapon?" Xiao Cheng takes the long sword and looks at Jiang Hao and asks.

Jiang Hao raised his head, looked at Xiao Cheng and said, "do you think I will be afraid of you running?"

Xiao Cheng was stunned. Thinking of these controlled animals owned by Jiang Hao, he also had a trace of bitterness in his heart. Indeed, with Jiang Hao's strength, he would not care about running away with his spirit weapon. After all, he had too many cards in his hand.

"Yin San can block the king's attack, I know you can. For such a follower, I have never regarded him as a subordinate. He is my brother, my brother of life and death." Jiang Hao said solemnly.

Xiao Cheng heard Jiang Hao's words, but his heart was not warm. He made up his mind to follow Jiang Hao. Even if there was a sea of fire ahead of him, he could not stop his steps.

It was, is, and will be!

"Master, I will not let you down." Xiao Cheng took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao nodded, looked at Xiao Cheng and said, "you go to refine the spirit weapon. In this way, it will be easier for you to compare the second stage three days later."

Xiao Cheng nodded and left the room.

"Three of you, will you blame me for not giving you spiritual tools?" Jiang Hao looked at Ye Ling and Feng Yaoyao and asked.

"Little Lord, I want to see the martial arts skills given to you by the little Buddhist temple." Chu Yue shook her head and looked at Jiang Hao.

He didn't care about the spirit tool, because the halberd in his hand was a spirit tool, and it was also a killing spirit tool.

He cares more about martial arts, especially some high-level ones, than spirituals.

His martial arts are honed by himself. Even those powerful martial arts are taught by Chu Tian. As for other martial arts, he has nothing.

"Do you want these two martial arts books?" Jiang Hao asked with some doubts.

Chu Yue nodded. He wanted to know what the martial arts skills the little Buddhist temple gave Jiang Hao and whether it was suitable for his own cultivation.

Now Chu Yue has a strong spiritual power, and his martial arts skills are just these moves, so he wants to cultivate some other martial arts skills.

If his strength is strong enough, he now controls the martial arts and enough, but Chu Yue wants to be like Jiang Hao, can jump the level to fight, so he is not willing to have this kind of martial arts.

Jiang Hao took out two books of the best martial arts. He looked at the big characters on the cover, and was stunned.

Dragon Lion sky thunder chant!

Six turn immortal body!

One of these two martial arts skills is sound wave martial arts, and the other is body building martial arts. For the monks now, they are chicken ribs.

When Chu Yue looked at these two martial arts skills, he was slightly stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that the small Buddhist temple would take out such a chicken rib martial art.

"This damned little Buddhist temple has such useless martial arts skills." Ye Ling said with some dissatisfaction.

Jiang Hao collected the two martial arts books, but his eyes were full of satisfaction.

These two martial arts skills are extremely useless to others. After all, whether it is dragon lion sky thunder yin or six turn immortal body, it requires extremely strict requirements to cultivate, but for Jiang Hao, these two skills are undoubtedly not timely help.

He still has a wisp of Buddhist power in his body, so if he practices dragon lion sky thunder chant, it will be a natural result and will have extremely powerful power.

Of course, Jiang Hao felt that the most difficult fact was the power of dragon and lion. Only with the power of dragon and lion, could the dragon lion sky thunder Yin exert his strongest power.

In the eyes of Xiaofo temple and these ordinary friars, Longshi tianleiyin can only be regarded as the best martial arts of Xuanji level, but in Jiang Hao's eyes, it is comparable to the existence of immortal martial arts.

After all, the monks who practiced dragon and lion sky thunder chant did not have the power of dragon and lion, so they did not give full play to the power of this martial art.

If you have the power of dragon and lion, plus the Buddha power in Jiang Hao's body, it will be powerful.

As for the six turn immortal body, it is a martial arts skill for cultivating body. If you want to cultivate it successfully, you need to pay a very strong price.

Of course, as such a martial art, its power can not be underestimated.

The first one is that practitioners need to reach the level of all kinds of objects, which makes most monks stop.After all, not everyone can have the body of any kind, so there is no one to practice the six turn immortal body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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