Sacred Devil

Chapter 2290

At that time, Elle just need to break free, that is to be able to break away from the shackles of the chain.

The other courtyard built by the sea naturally can hear the sound of waves. Under the sound of such waves, Jiang Hao also quickly entered the state of cultivation, and AI lie sat opposite him. Those huge tentacles were like beasts in the dormant period, lying on the bed board, and on the contrary, the iron on AI lie's wrist Chain, at the moment, those iron chains seem to feel the crisis. They are madly suppressing the tumbling breath in AI lie's body. AI lie frowns and looks at the iron chains in front of him. For years, he has been tossed by these iron chains on his wrist. No matter how he tries to break free from it, it is of no help. This time, although he blocks his hope on Jiang Hao, it is not very big The young man was able to untie the chain on his wrist.

Just under AI lie's gaze, the sacred texts on the iron chains appeared again, and at this time, Jiang Hao also put his spirit into the top of those iron chains.

These divine scripts are so wonderful that Jiang Hao feels that his mind and spirit have been purified when he understands them. If he can completely master the sacred texts on these iron chains, he can also get the secret methods contained in these sacred texts. For example, he can refine iron chains to bind the enemy and then use the divine script to bless them. He is afraid that it is any stronger than the first immortal's realm There is no way to get rid of this move.

Just under Jiang Hao's concentration, time passed quietly. During this period, Kong Hongjun visited once, but was blocked by the array outside. After learning that Jiang Hao was in the process of closing down, Kong Hongjun had to leave. He wanted to thank Jiang Hao well, but he didn't expect that the other party would enter the closed state again.

When he thought that he had become a strong man in the fairyland at such a young age, Kong Hongjun also decided that he must practice hard in the future and not be left too far away by Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao is naturally not clear about this beautiful misunderstanding. In these days, he has been silent in the beauty of divine literature, and his attainments in interrogation have also made rapid progress. As a result, he didn't rush to untie the iron chain on his wrist for AI lie. Instead, he repeatedly understood the divine texts and determined that there was nothing missing. Then he decided to untie the bracelet for AI lie.

At this time, AI lie has been waiting for a long time. These days, you Jiang Hao has been practicing with his eyes closed. Although he can feel that the other party has been trying to untie those iron chains on her wrist, the time spent is too long, which leads to AI lie's last remaining confidence almost disappears with the passing of time.

Is it hard to become the only hope in front of him, and there is no way to untie the iron chain on his wrist?

When he thought of this, AI lie couldn't help feeling a little desperate. He even couldn't help asking Jiang Hao not to continue to waste his energy. When he thought about it, he suddenly rang.

Under AI lie's unbelievable eyes, the chains that were leaning against his hands suddenly opened, then fell off, and fell heavily on the ground, making a crisp sound.

At this time, Jiang Hao also opened his eyes, he took a deep breath, and then looked at Ai lie, who was shocked, with a smile on his face.

"It took me a lot of effort to keep brother Eric waiting. The chain is really stubborn."

Jiang Hao said.

"How could I've been waiting for a long time. Thank you, Jiang Hao

AI lie trembling hands, sacred complex to look at Jiang Hao, that pair of usually have no feelings in the eyes, at the moment also brought up a little tears.

The man has tears, but not to the sad place!

Over the years, he has endured humiliation and even dare not die, in order to open the iron chain on his wrist one day, and then go back to revenge. Today, the iron chain that has imprisoned him for several years has been finally untied. How can AI lie not be excited.

"It's OK. I wish I could help you, brother ERI. Now you can try to recover."

Jiang Hao waved his hand to show that the other side should not pay too much attention to it. After all, he helped the other party, and he gained a lot of benefits. Just relying on the Shenwen he had learned these days, he could quickly help him stabilize his state of mind. Besides, his Shenwen attainments were far better than before.

By this alone, he has gained a lot.

After hearing what Jiang Hao said, AI lie nodded heavily, and then she took Jiang Hao out of the room. After all, the noise that will come out later may be a little big. In the room, it is very likely that the houses here will be destroyed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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