Sacred Devil

Chapter 2303

The strength of these evil Qi red sky crocodiles has obviously reached the early stage of fairyland. Although they are not born with high intelligence, they are bloodthirsty and even eat their own group when they get ferocious. Just after Jiang Hao's hand, they also cause the ferocity of these evil Qi red sky crocodiles. They don't care that the level of human practitioners in front of them is higher than them. Even if they fight, even if they are Tianwang Lao They are not afraid.

Just when Jiang JiangHao is ready to make a move again, Jiang ChiYan on one side becomes extremely excited.

"Lord Master! I come, I come, I come! "

The girl rolled up her sleeves, and her eyes were full of excited light. The sight of the red sky crocodile seemed to be looking at the plates of meat that had been put on the table.

"Be careful."

Jiang Hao gave way to his body and told him.

Although Jiang ChiYan's state has also broken through from the fairyland to the early stage of Xianwang Kingdom after the water attribute of Bodhi Ancient Mirror reached its perfection, there are a group of evil Qi red sky crocodiles in the early stage of Xianwang Kingdom, which can even compete with the strong ones in the middle stage of Xianwang Kingdom when they are in danger. Therefore, seeing Jiang ChiYan rushing up with interest, Jiang Hao could not help but worry.

However, his worries were obviously superfluous. Although the evil Qi red sky crocodiles in front of him were not mutated fierce beasts, and Jiang ChiYan had no suppression effect on them, Jiang ChiYan was not an ordinary strong person in the early stage of fairyland. Even if the strong people in the middle stage of Xianwang kingdom came, they would not be able to compete with her, let alone a group of small ones Red sky crocodile.

Under the education of the girl's pinnen fist, soon, a group of hateful red sky crocodiles were beaten up and lost their temper. They just hid at the bottom of the lake. No matter how Jiang ChiYan yelled, they refused to come out as if they had not heard.

Naturally, Jiang ChiYan didn't want to run into the lake and continue to beat these guys, so he rubbed his nose with his hand and yelled at the calm lake.

"A bunch of cowards."

She wanted to catch a bloody red sky crocodile to come back for dinner, but she had just had too much fun and forgot for a moment. When she remembered it again, these evil Qi red sky crocodiles were already hiding at the bottom of the lake and refused to come out.

One side of Jiang Hao saw this is also helpless smile, he went forward to touch the girl's small head.

"Want to eat?"

It is said that although these evil Qi red sky crocodiles are full of ferocity, their meat is very delicious. They are really a good dish to make fish soup.


Jiang ChiYan nodded as quickly as a chicken pecking rice. Obviously, he also knew the rumors about the evil Qi red sky crocodile. He knew that although these ugly looking monsters did not look delicious, the meat was actually sweet, which was a very precious delicacy.

Seeing Jiang ChiYan nodding, Jiang Hao simply took off his coat and jumped into the lake, ready to catch a bloody red sky crocodile. These evil Qi red sky crocodiles were obviously beaten and scared. Now they are shivering and hiding at the bottom of the lake, completely different from the beast in the past, just like a little white rabbit.

After Jiang Hao dived into the lake, he found that the water was very clear. In addition to the evil Qi red sky crocodile, there were many water life, especially the colorful seaweeds. People could not help but reach out and touch them. But just as Jiang haogang raised his hand, his eyes suddenly became sharp and his hands moved Suddenly, a water snake came out of the colorful seaweed and bit into Jiang Hao's palm. However, Jiang Hao, who was cautious, seized seven inches.

At this time, the water snake caught by Jiang Hao was boiling hot, higher than the temperature of the fire. Jiang Hao quickly released his hand, and the water snake also ran away. But at this time, Jiang Hao was also surprised to find that there were almost water snakes beside the seaweed growing everywhere at the bottom of the lake. At this time, Jiang Hao saw these things clearly The true face of the water snake.

It is Jingyan eel snake, a kind of rare ferocious animal at the bottom of East Tali lake. These snake usually appear along with the snake algae of Datura stramonium. In almost all places where there are Jingyan eels, there are stramonia stramonia, which is a kind of genius treasure containing rich water element power. Generally speaking, it is extremely rare, and it is impossible to grow so densely, However, under the bottom of the lake, there are stramonium stramonium everywhere, and almost all of the bottom of the lake is covered with this plant.

Of course, therefore, the number of Jingyan eels is also very large. Even if the strength of these snakes is not strong, even Jiang Hao can't help but feel some scalp numbness after so many of them are gathered together.

If it had been, Jiang Hao might have left because of this, but now it is not the same. These stramonids are natural nourishment for his Bodhi ancient mirror. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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