Sacred Devil

Chapter 236

How ironic is the Buddha in the small Buddhist temple to sacrifice himself to become a devil?

However, what shocked these monks was xuanci's strength. At this time, xuanci's strength was quite different from that when facing Jiang Hao. They would not believe that xuanci would hide his strength in the arena.

Now, when xuanci's strength is far beyond the challenge arena, he either breaks through the bottleneck or gets some chance.

"Xuankong, you can see what you look like now. No one is not a ghost. You are despised and far away by all people." Xuanci looks at Xuankong and says calmly.

"Buddha doesn't care!" Xuankong raised his head and looked at xuanci sarcastically.

Does he really care?

Of course not!

But, even if he cares, is it still useful?

There is no use at all. He has achieved the body of Shura. The Buddha power in his body has been gradually demonized, so he has no retreat.

As is often said in Buddhist scriptures, looking back is shore, but there is nothing else but the endless sea of suffering.

"Since you don't care, today I'll clean up the door for the temple and kill the devil!" Xuanciyi looked at Xuankong with righteous words and turned his Zen stick in his hand, and his whole body of Buddhism was rolling.

The monks around looked at xuanci's appearance, and a faint pressure came around, and he was surprised.

Although the pressure is very weak, but everyone clearly feel it.

Xuankong stood up with some difficulties, his face was rampant with a smile, there was no fear and panic in his eyes, even if he died, he would die heroic, let people remember him!

All the monks looked at Xuankong with doubts on their faces. They didn't understand why Xuankong would laugh. He was going to die, but he didn't have a trace of fear.

"Xuankong, why are you laughing?" Xuanci's face was cold, and a trace of indifference appeared in her eyes.

Xuankong disdained to cast a glance at xuanci, with a trace of cold in his eyes. Then he lifted the Zen stick in his hand and his whole body was full of momentum. Then he said in a slow voice, "I want to see how you kill the devil!"

With that, the Zen stick in Xuankong's hand fell down and rolled down with the momentum of rolling.

When the monks around saw this scene, they were not surprised. They all knew the strength of Xuankong. In the northern suburbs, even some elder friars of jiedan were not Xuankong's opponents.

However, the next scene, but let all people are shocked speechless.

Xuanci took a step forward, and his Zen stick suddenly waved. All of a sudden, the two sticks collided with each other. Suddenly, Xuankong was directly knocked out of the building and hit the building directly, with a mouthful of blood gushing out.

Everyone knows Xuankong's strength, but now, he is not the enemy of xuanci's one move.

"The Buddha is angry!" As soon as xuanci's Zen stick coagulates, his body turns and falls directly towards Xuankong's head.

At this time, Xuankong was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. He had no power to resist. However, there was no fear on Xuankong's face. He had a faint smile on his face, as if thinking of something beautiful.


A crisp percussion sound rings, and ye Xiaodie stands in front of Xuankong, and her soft sword directly collides with the Zen stick.

However, xuanci's attack is not so good to resist. That huge force directly sinks ye Xiaodie's soft sword, and even the sharp blade cuts ye Xiaodie's shoulder.

Just when ye Xiaodie couldn't support it, Jiang Hao walked step by step. He was wearing a green shirt, with a knife on his back and a trace of arrogance in his eyes.

When the monks around saw Jiang Hao, they could not help but step back. Their eyes were full of fear.

If it is said who is the monk who attracts the most attention in the youth big contest, there will be no dispute about Jiang Hao.

A monk in the late period of Bigu had a nine grade fierce beast and a king level ferocious beast. Moreover, he finally summoned a mysterious fierce beast to confront the ark of yuanyingqi.

The most important thing is that his ruthless killing and cutting made them extremely afraid.

Xuanci sees Jiang Hao coming towards Xuankong and ye Xiaodie. He takes back the Zen stick on ye Xiaodie's soft sword and looks at Jiang Hao calmly.

"Little monk, are you still alive?" Jiang Hao took a look at the sky and said slowly.

"Buddha is not so easy to die." Xuankong didn't care at all.

Jiang Hao nodded and stood in front of Xuankong. He looked at the dark sky covered with magic lines and frowned slightly. Then he took a pill from the storage bag and handed it to ye Xiaodie. In a slow voice, he said in a slow voice, "take it for him and stabilize the wound."

"Jiang Hao, he is possessed by the devil. Do you want to dance with the devil?" Xuanci looks at Jiang Hao and asks calmly.

Jiang Hao raised his head, looked at the tan skin of xuanci, his face also showed a trace of irony, tone full of unquestionable hegemony, slowly said: "we are friends!"

The simple five words are Jiang Hao's attitude towards his friends.Even if Xuankong was possessed by the devil and became the public enemy of all friars, they were still friends even if Xuankong was possessed by the devil! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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