Sacred Devil

Chapter 242

"Little monk, let's go." Jiang Hao looked at the dark sky and said slowly.

Xuankong raised his head, then looked at master Shenyin and master Shentu, and said calmly: "the so-called Buddha and devil, your heart should be clearer than me. I remember today's matter, Buddha!"

Xuankong didn't care about the words of Buddha and devil, but he lost his final sense of belonging to the small Buddhist temple.

Although Xuankong is not completely clear about the plot of the small Buddhist temple, he knows a little about it. He doesn't say it because he knows that even if he says it, no one will believe him. So, it's better not to say it.

Ye Xiaodie also took a deep breath and stood beside Xuankong, looking at master Shenyin and others were also full of hatred.

Xuankong tells her that the old man is likely to have been killed by master Shenyin and others. After all, how can a monk of Zifu period resist master Shenyin and others in Yuanying period.

Master Shenyin and others did not pay any attention to ye Xiaodie. Ye Xiaodie is only a monk in the Bigu period. It will take me a long time to grow up. Before ye Xiaodie grows up, they have killed ye Xiaodie.

Jiang Hao helped Xuankong and took ye Xiaodie to the winged snake and left directly.

After Jiang Hao and others left, master Shenyin left with xuanci and did not stop at all.

After they left, the monks around were shocked.

Jiang Hao's strength has shaken people's hearts. After all, not all Pigu monks dare to challenge yuan Yingqi.

However, Jiang Hao not only challenged yuan Yingqi, but also remained safe in the end.

After several people returned to the room, Jiang Hao put Xuankong on the bed, while ye Xiaodie followed Jiang Hao without saying a word.

"Little monk, take this pill." Jiang Hao took out a pill as white as jade. There was no flaw on the pill.

When Jiang Hao takes out the pills, the whole room is filled with strong fragrance of medicine. Ye Xiaodie and Xuankong are shocked and look at the pills in Jiang Hao's hands.

"Big return Dan!" Xuankong looked at the pills that Jiang Hao handed to him and asked.

"Take it. Only dahuandan can help you recover." Jiang Hao laughed, and did not give up at all.

Dahuandan is the best pill of all levels, which is infinitely better than that of the beauty level. Now, Jiang Hao is not stingy.

Xuankong took a deep breath, took the big return pill, and took it directly.

They are friends, so he hesitates.

After taking the big return pill, Xuankong only felt a warm current all over his body, and then, the original injuries began to recover slowly.

"Little monk, you only have three days, so you have to leave as soon as possible." Jiang Hao looked at the sky and took a deep breath.

Xuankong raised his head, then looked at Jiang Hao, with a trace of incomprehension in his eyes, and asked: "for me, you offended the small Buddhist temple, is it worth it?"

Jiang Hao was stunned. He had never considered this problem. For him, there was no value, only whether he should do it or not.

He and Xuankong are friends. When a friend is in trouble, he will naturally help him. On the contrary, he believes that Xuankong will help himself when he is in trouble in the future.

"Is it worth asking among friends Jiang Hao was puzzled and asked.

Xuankong began to laugh. He was crazy.

The little Buddhist temple asked him to kill ye Xiaodie. He betrayed the sect and even gave up the Buddha's body to become the body of Shura. He thought that he would not have friends any more. Jiang Hao not only offended the temple, but also did not complain about himself.

"I'm possessed. You shouldn't help me." Xuankong, with a bitter face, looked at Jiang Hao and said.

Jiang Hao grinned, his face calm, then slowly said: "I help you, just because we are friends."

Xuankong also laughed. He looked at Jiang Hao and said in a slow voice, "Jiang Hao, there are Buddhas in the ruins. These young Dabi let you enter the ruins just to wake up the Buddha. You'd better not enter the ruins."

Jiang Hao nodded. He had a little idea about the ruins of the little Buddhist temple.

The small Buddhist temple wants to awaken the Buddha and enhance the strength of the small Buddhist temple, but it is very difficult to wake up the Buddha, so they think of such a method.

However, Jiang Hao is very clear that if the Buddha is in this world, someone must be taken away from him. With the protection of the small Buddhist temple to xuanci, Jiang Hao thinks that xuanci is probably provided by the small Buddhist temple to the Buddha.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything without confidence." Jiang Hao nodded and looked at Xuankong.

Xuankong nodded. He looked at ye Xiaodie and said, "I'm possessed. You leave."

Ye Xiaodie didn't go. He looked at Xuankong and said calmly, "you said you would marry me. Before, you cared about your identity. Now, if you are not a Buddhist monk in a small Buddhist temple, then you can marry me openly and honestly. "

"I am possessed and despised by everyone. If you stay by my side, you may die at any time. Therefore, you can't follow me." Xuankong looked at ye Xiaodie with a ferocious expression and yelled: "I can die, but you must live!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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