Sacred Devil

Chapter 2427

After saying goodbye to the Reverend Hechu, Jiang Hao also embarked on the journey to doutian land. After passing through six or seven towns in a row, he arrived at the junction between the two continents, but he did not expect that the single moth would appear again.

"Didn't you see the sign on the wall? If you want to enter the city, you have to pay ten Amethyst. "

The guards stopped Jiang Hao and Jiang ChiYan, then pointed to the notice on the wall and said to Jiang Hao.

When the garrison was talking to Jiang Hao, his sight could not help but put on Jiang ChiYan's body. Although the girl's face was covered with a veil, it still could not cover the beautiful face of the city under the veil. In addition, with its graceful figure, people could not move their eyes.

"Although my sister and I are new here, we have visited several continents. The mainland and the mainland are interlinked. When should we pay for Amethyst?"

After hearing the words of the city guards, Jiang Hao couldn't help frowning. This is the first time he heard that he had to pay the toll before entering the mainland. Although Jiang Hao doesn't know what the Amethyst is now, he knows that it should be the currency of this land.

"It used to be unnecessary, but now it's changed. Isn't it easy to break the boundary between the mainland and the mainland? Of course, you need to pay Amethyst to maintain the force array of tearing apart the boundary."

Obviously, Jiang Hao was not surprised that Jiang Hao would ask such a question. After all, the city where he is now is the junction of doutian land and Saint Nash town. Every day, countless practitioners from other continents rush into the city. He does not know how many times a day he has to answer questions like Jiang Hao, so he is very comfortable.

After hearing the words of the garrison soldiers, Jiang Hao was immediately relieved. Previously, he had some doubts as to why there was no force for dividing the boundary at the gate of the city. The reason was that the array was arranged in the city.

"I come from the outer world. Is this Amethyst the currency of your Dou Tian continent?"

Jiang Hao asked again.

"Yes, that's right. This Amethyst is the currency of our doutian continent. If you want to enter doutian, you have to pay ten Amethyst as a toll."

The garrison officer nodded, and his sight still drifted to Jiang ChiYan beside Jiang Hao from time to time, but the latter did not notice. At this time, Jiang ChiYan's attention had been distracted. He was looking around the strange city in front of her. If she had not been stopped, she would have taken Jiang Hao around.

"How can we get Amethyst as currency for practitioners like us from other continents?"

Jiang Hao quietly blocked Jiang ChiYan behind him, and then asked.

After being blocked from sight, the guard was obviously impatient, and even his tone became ferocious.

"Then go to earn Amethyst. There are mercenary associations in Dayao city. If you have passed the test, you can go to the mercenary association to collect the task. Once you have successfully received the task, you can stay in Dayao city for a period of time. However, if you can't complete the task, you will be expelled from the city. After all, our Dayao city never takes waste, especially It's the waste that can't live in their own continent and then run to our continent. "

The guard's tone was obviously a little complacent, obviously because he was a native of doutian, which made him feel very superior.

Since the chaos in the world, because of their stronger strength than other continents, countless practitioners from other continents wanted to enter the doutian land for refuge long ago.

At the eastern boundary of doutian land, if you want to enter into doutian mainland, you must first pass through their Dayao city. This has led to a very large daily flow of people in Dayao city these years. In order to prevent anyone from entering doutian land, there is a toll.

On the face of it, although it is said that the travelling expenses are used to maintain the array cost of tearing apart the boundaries, it is also to eliminate a large number of practitioners who are not strong enough.

In the eyes of the city guard, Jiang Hao and his sister belong to this kind of people. Naturally, their tone of voice is not much better. What's more, Jiang haogang's actions make the city guards unhappy.

After hearing the guard's words, Jiang Hao frowned, but did not dispute with the other side, but then asked.

"So the mercenaries in this town have to accept the task and get Amethyst to pay the toll before they can enter doutian mainland, right?"

"Yes, but our mercenaries in Dayao city are not comparable to those in other cities and towns."

The Garrison's tone suddenly rose a few points, and his tone became arrogant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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