Sacred Devil

Chapter 2516

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, Hong Yi didn't reply in a hurry, but looked at each other with a smile. It seemed that there was something in the smart eyes that was surging in general.

"Even if I didn't do it this time, I think brother Jiang Hao is sure to be able to deal with it. I guess the main reason why you reported this matter to the military headquarters first should not be for me to help you?"

Speaking of this, red eyes also showed a trace of helplessness, sometimes too smart is not a good thing.

"The girl in red laughs. If there was no help from the girl in red two days ago, we would have to pay a heavy price."

"But the end result is the same, isn't it?"

Red asked.

This time, Jiang Hao did not export the argument, after all, the other side guessed right. This time, even if there was no red coat to fight, Jiang Hao was also bound to win the war.

The main reason why Jiang Hao reported to the military headquarters for support was not that he could not defeat Yang Tianqiong, but that he needed a witness. This person had better be a local practitioner in doutian mainland, and he also had a certain reputation. The red dress was obviously an extremely suitable candidate. As one of the most outstanding disciples of luomeige, his trust was obvious It is much higher than him, a man of practice from the outside world.

This is also the main reason why Jiang Hao reported to the military department and asked for support.

Obviously, the red dress is also very clear. Because of this, she can't help being frustrated. Anyway, she has always been known as the outstanding young generation in doutian mainland, but now it seems.

Red can't help shaking her head, the smile on her face also became a little bitter.

"The girl in red has already broken through to the realm of xianzun at a young age. Why should she belittle herself?"

Jiang Hao sighed a little and then said.

"Thank you for opening up, brother Jiang Hao. I came here today to say goodbye. After what happened a few days ago, I realized that my accomplishments were not enough, so I plan to return to the school for a period of time."

Although his self-esteem was a little frustrated, after all, red clothes were red clothes. He soon put away the small emotions and then continued to speak to Jiang Hao.

"If brother Jiang Hao has time in the future, you are welcome to come to our luomei Pavilion and let me do my best as a host."

"That's natural. If you have a chance in the future, you will visit luomei Pavilion."

Jiang Hao nodded and began to reply. Jiang Hao was also curious about the super first-class forces in doutian mainland.

"That's settled."

After seeing Jiang Hao's promise, the red dress's face also once again raised a smile, which was as bright as her scarlet dress.

After two people exchanged greetings, Jiang Hao also personally sent the red dress out of the house, and then watched each other's figure gradually disappear in the sight.

This is a strange woman.

Looking at the other side's leaving, Jiang Hao couldn't help feeling in his heart. Although from the beginning, there was a lot of unhappiness between them, but generally speaking, although the other side was proud of the big family's children, he was still a person who took the overall situation into consideration, and would not make rude actions because of his own willfulness The other side's impression is already very good.

"It's a pity that I haven't had a duel with my sister in red."

Jiang ChiYan looked at the figure of the red dress leaving, and could not help murmuring. Although she had seen the red dress's hand in the war a few days ago, the other party never opened the sword in her hand. Obviously, she has always reserved it. Jiang ChiYan is very curious. When the other party pulls out the sword in his hand, what kind of state can he achieve.

Because she belongs to the spirit, Jiang ChiYan is very sensitive to weapons. Even Jiang Hao's vision in this respect is not as good as Jiang ChiYan. Jiang ChiYan can feel that the sword in the other party's hand is absolutely not ordinary. It's a pity that she has not had time to ask for the sword to observe, and the other side has left Dayao city 。

"There will always be a chance."

After hearing this, Jiang Hao's expression on his face also became a little helpless. He reached out and touched Jiang ChiYan's small head, and then he opened his mouth to comfort him.

Looking at each other's looks before, he thought that the other party was really reluctant to give up the "little sister in red" who had only met once. But now it seems that he has been thinking too much. This small artifact spirit of his family prefers to compete with others than to seduce her.


Jiang ChiYan nodded his head, a lovely appearance.

Just after the red dress came to leave Dayao City, Ke lie, who had been hiding in the dark, also appeared in front of Jiang Hao. The other party seemed to have deliberately stuck the point, so as to avoid meeting with red clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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