Sacred Devil

Chapter 2561

"The first time I saw her, I was a child."

Speaking of this, Yuling Laozu also looked lovingly at Chi Dan, who stood beside you. After hearing this, he also had a sweet smile on his face.

"Thank you for your concern."

Chi Dan also said.

"This is not a place to speak. Go to the Council hall."

After two people had finished greeting, you advocated the old ancestor also to take the initiative to open the mouth to say.

After all, he had something to do when he came here. After receiving the report from Tang Tiancheng yesterday, you advocated Laozu almost knew how complicated the situation in ningdongnan town is now.

That's why he suddenly appeared and caught all the inanimate creatures in the town with a lightning speed, and wiped out all the rubbish when these empty creatures and their claws wanted to escape.

"You advocate me, please."

After hearing what you said, Tang Tiancheng, who was standing with Jiang Hao, also quickly stood up and made a gesture of invitation to you. As he reported all the news this time, he was responsible for the hosting work, and the location was arranged by him.

After arriving at the conference hall, all the people took their seats. Of course, the ancestor you advocated was in the upper position. Other practitioners ranked according to their strength. Jiang Hao was in the front of the strong in the early stage of xianzun realm. No one had any objection to this. After all, Jiang Hao's feat of one against three in Dayao city has proved everything.

However, to Jiang Hao's slight surprise, Hong Yi just sat on his left side. This was the first time that the two met in ningdongnan town. Although they knew each other well that the other was in the town, they had never found each other or met each other. If it had not been for this emergency, they might not have met.

When seeing each other, Jiang Hao also showed a soft smile on his face, and then took the initiative to say.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing?"

Although this kind of greeting sounds very official, it is indeed what Jiang Hao wants to ask most now.

"I'm fine, but it's you. It seems that I've found a baby again this time?"

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, red clothes also turned his head and looked at the Xuanyi man beside him, and replied with a smile.

"It seems that this matter is very popular, but how can you be so sure it is a treasure rather than scrap iron?"

After hearing what Hong Yi said, Jiang Hao also reacted in an instant. He knew that the other party was referring to the fact that he spent 3000 Amethyst stones to buy a token. However, he was quite curious that most practitioners in ningdongnan town thought he was a fool and spent so much money on a scrap iron, but it was obvious that the girl in front of him was not like this Yes, there was no mockery in her words, which Jiang Hao could tell clearly.

"Because if it's you or someone else, I'm not sure."

There was a mysterious smile on the red dress's face, and the words he said were really warm and ambiguous, which made many practitioners cast their eyes quietly. However, many practitioners had heard the rumors between them. Now, after hearing the two people's words, they believed some of the rumors in their hearts.

"You will give me trouble."

Jiang Hao answered the question. You know, just after the red dress was finished, there were a few more envious looks in the eyes that quietly looked at him. Obviously, those people were pursuers of red clothes. It seems that after today, he will have more enemies

"No way."

After hearing Jiang Hao said so, red clothes also quickly retorted, but in the sight of each other's line of sight, red clothes can only helplessly spread out.

"Well, I admit I just want to see you get rid of some annoying idiots. You won't mind if we have such a good relationship?"

When she said this, Hong Yi obviously lowered her voice to ensure that only she and Jiang Hao could hear it.

And this scene seems to outsiders to be whispering between them.

Chi Dan, who is sitting beside you, also cast her eyes curiously. She has never heard of the rumors between them. The reason why she looks at Jiang Hao is that she is very curious about Jiang Hao himself.

She has heard about Dayao city. She knows that the young man who looks gentle in front of her is a fierce man who can defeat three in the same realm. After noticing Jiang Hao and Hongyi whispering, Chi Dan's impression of each other is inexplicably lower.

She thought that people like Jiang Hao should be addicted to practice, but she didn't think that they were similar to ordinary people, which made Chi Dan disappointed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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