Sacred Devil

Chapter 2595

As for the disturbance outside, Jiang Hao is naturally unknown. After the Supreme Master cut off the connection between the town magic tower and the outside world, he looked back at the young man in front of him.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze swept, and he helped Jiang Hao, who was half kneeling on the ground.

Thank you very much

Jiang Hao quickly bowed down and said.

"You don't have to be so polite. You're a little doll. You're just not qualified to be your master in my state. I'm entitled to give you this inheritance."

At this time, the Supreme Master could be said to be more satisfied with Jiang Hao. He had been waiting for many years in duanlong Tai. After spring and autumn, the flowers were blooming and falling. After all, he did not wait for a successor who satisfied him.

Until today's arrival of Jiang Hao, the Supreme Master finally has a satisfactory candidate. However, the young man in front of him is in the same realm as him. It is indeed not enough to become the master of the other party by his immortal realm.

But he couldn't stand his appreciation of Jiang Hao, so the Supreme Master also planned to pass on his most precious one to the young man in front of him.

After hearing the words of the Supreme Master, Jiang Hao also raised his head in amazement. He naturally understood what inheritance meant to a dead immortal?

"Thank you very much for your love. I will never fail to live up to the expectations of my predecessors."

After a thorough reaction, Jiang Hao once again made a big gift to the supreme one.

"That's very good. It's very good."

The tone of the Supreme Master is also full of regret. This time, he did not directly lift up Jiang Hao, but accepted the other party's big gift.

With the power of his inheritance, receiving such a great gift from Jiang Hao is nothing to the supreme one.

And Jiang Hao naturally understood this. Although the realm of the venerable man was only one level higher than him, the supreme one obviously belonged to the outstanding one in the full circle of xianzun realm.

Otherwise, we would not have suppressed the empty ancestors here.

Just after Jiang Hao finished the ceremony, the Supreme Master also took out a delicate wooden box from his sleeve robe. Under Jiang Hao's constant gaze, the supreme one opened the box directly.

In the box, there is a small pearl lying in it. The little pearl is shining with jade, and it wants to run away from here as soon as it appears.

But at this time, the supreme one also snorted coldly, and immediately a green light appeared around the bead, sealing all the escape routes of the bead.

"Is this the spirit of tuyuan?"

At the moment of seeing this bead, Jiang Hao's pupil shrinks fiercely.

Even though he had never seen the spirit of Tu yuan, when he saw the bead in front of him, he had already confirmed the real identity of the bead.

After seeing the spirit of Tu yuan, Jiang ChiYan's expression also became infatuated. She could feel it. Once she swallowed the bead, the ancient Bodhi mirror would be able to achieve real perfection. Many taboos in the past would never affect her.

Jiang Hao and Jiang ChiYan's reaction also fell into the eyes of the Supreme Master. He was not surprised by their reaction. After all, he also flocked to the spirit of Tu yuan.

After all, the spirit of Tu yuan has a marvelous effect of breaking the realm. How many practitioners have tried their best for such a small bead that is not as big as a baby's fist, and finally regret for life.

If he had been alive, he would not have given the spirit of tuyuan to Jiang Hao, but now people are dying like a lamp. If he could find a good home for the spirit of tuyuan, it would be a good deed for him.

"This is the spirit of Tu yuan that people all want to get through their heads. Now I give it to you. You need to swear to me that you will not betray the whole human practitioners in the future. You must protect this land from foreign invasion."

The Supreme Master solemnly opened his mouth and said that at the moment, he no longer called himself old man, but used me. This change of address means that he and Jiang Hao have formally reached a contract agreement.

If Jiang Hao violates the agreement between them in the future, although it will not have a great impact on Jiang Hao, he will become a mental devil of Jiang Hao in the future, which will make the other party unable to break the situation.

It's not that the Supreme Master doesn't believe the young people in front of him, but the spirit of tuyuan is so serious that he has to be careful.

After hearing what the Supreme Master said, Jiang Hao's expression also became serious. He nodded and said to the Supreme Master.

"The younger generation Jiang Hao assures the elder that after getting the spirit of tuyuan, no matter what happens, I will firmly stand on the side of human practitioners and fight against foreign enemies together with our people. Even if I die in battle, I will not regret it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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