Sacred Devil

Chapter 2703

Sure enough, when Jiang haomu looked at the elder Xuanyi without squinting, the latter also cleared his throat, and then he said.

"I'd like to announce the rules again. Because the challenger is a criminal, only one person can survive the next game."

Just after elder Xuanyi's words have just been finished, Zhiyuan looks at each other and shouts loudly on the arena.

"It's not fair!"

The girl's voice was full of bitterness and pain.

It was not easy for her to get to this stage, but she didn't expect that God had made such a big joke on her.

"This is the rules of the arena. It has been set from the beginning. If the players who come on the stage are criminals from the death prison in Tazhong tower, there are always only two outcomes, either death or defeat."

Hearing Zhiyuan's cry, elder Xuanyi's face is still incomparably indifferent, like the embodiment of rules, and not human at all.

After elder Xuanyi said this, the audience in the audience nodded again and again. After all, they had already known about the rule, but they didn't expect that when Zhiyuan's challenge came to the last scene, it would be mu yuan.

"No, it's not fair. The reason why I took part in the brave challenge was to save my sister. I had to go through five passes and cut six generals to stand here. But now you tell me that I have to kill her to finish the challenge?"

Zhiyuan's tone is full of pain and sarcasm. She points to Mu yuan, who is also in pain with her face, and says to elder Xuanyi.

"The last game of the brave challenge has always been the target of the criminals in the death prison in Tazhong tower. The reason why she was put on the stage was that she was drawn in the draw."

Being questioned by a younger generation, the expression on elder Xuanyi's face also became a little impatient. After explaining the rules again, he said sharply.

"Before the start of the challenge for the brave, I said that the challenge for the brave is a matter of life and death, and wealth is in heaven. Everything has a certain number. If you want to blame, you can only blame nature and make people angry."

"I'm sorry that I'm making a fool of you. It's just a utopian plot! It would be very easy for him to draw lots. From the beginning to the end, you are covering up the second ancestor of utolin

By this time, Zhiyuan is obviously in a state of complete emotional collapse, and she doesn't care what she says.

She held out her hand and pointed to elder Xuanyi with a sad expression on her face.

"The so-called brave challenge is just a trick carefully arranged by your arena. Even if the person standing on the field today is not my sister, even if I win the final victory today, I am elder Xuanyi."

Speaking of this, Zhiyuan's eyes also showed the light of hatred.

"Even if I've done all the challenges within your rules, I'm not going to be able to take any of the criminals from the death prison in Tazhong tower, can I?"

The girl's words are so brilliant that they ring through every corner of the arena.

Almost everyone stares round eyes and looks at Zhiyuan in disbelief. No one thought that the other party would say such a thing at this time.

But I think I was forced to a desperate situation. Otherwise, how dare you offend elder Xuanyi as Zhiyuan.


Just after Zhiyuan finished his words, elder Xuanyi's face changed completely.

"Anyway, both of us have been reduced to the playthings of the officials. We might as well have a good talk. What's the point?"

If she had been scolded by elder Xuanyi, Zhiyuan would have been so scared that she couldn't even say anything. But now, she has completely ignored it.

How can a person who has been completely destroyed hope be afraid of death?

After seeing this scene, Jiang Hao can't help shaking his head. He can understand Zhiyuan. After all, the reason why the other party can survive these days is to rescue her sister. Now, there is no hope of saving people, and it is reasonable for him to completely collapse.

However, after she said this, elder Xuanyi's temperament naturally won't let her go. It's estimated that today's brave challenge will come to an end.

Sure enough, just as Jiang Hao imagined, after Zhiyuan finished, elder Xuanyi fell from the clouds and stood on the arena.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

"Zhiyuan boldly insults the arena without respecting the destiny. I will execute you on the spot as the director of the adjudication office today!"

The voice of elder Xuanyi is round and fierce.

After he finished, the audience also couldn't bear to miss their eyes. Obviously, they didn't want to see the next cruel scene. Even utolin stamped his feet with regret.

Although this scene had been predicted by him, utolin never thought that Zhiyuan would dare to fight against the arena after being forced into a desperate situation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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