Sacred Devil

Chapter 2708

Mu yuan's words also made Zhiyuan slightly confused. Although in her opinion, the former's inference was not wrong, but she did not know why. She always felt that the abyss Lord should have known her.

"What's the matter? Why don't you talk? "

Seeing Zhiyuan's silent look at the direction of the abyss Lord's disappearance, Mu yuan can't help but ask curiously.

"It's OK. I'm just thinking that I have an old friend who hasn't had time to say goodbye to him. I don't know what he'll think if he just leaves like this."

At the end of the day, Zhiyuan couldn't help lowering her head.

If she knew she was going to leave hukato town today, she would say goodbye to Jiang Hao before today's brave challenge.

After all, in this period of time, if it wasn't for the existence of each other, Zhiyuan was really not sure that she could get up from the mire.

"Is it the young man named Jiang Hao?"

After hearing what Zhiyuan said, Mu yuan couldn't help asking.

On that day, when the other party took Jiang Hao to visit him in the death prison of Tazhong tower, Mu yuan noticed that her sister seemed to have some strange feelings for the young man. When she heard this, she immediately thought of Jiang Hao.

"Well, it's him."

Zhiyuan nodded and answered.

"In that case, why don't I accompany you back to the town of hukato, and we'll leave after you say goodbye to the young man, or?"

When talking about this, Mu yuan also pauses for a moment, and then she opens her mouth and continues to say.

"Take him away with you?"

"Elder sister, what are you talking about? Jiang Hao and I are just good friends. Besides, in my present status, if we go back to find him again, we will certainly cause him unnecessary trouble, so let's forget it."

After hearing what Mu Yuan said, Zhiyuan couldn't help but make a coquettish remark. Then she shook her head and answered.

Although she has some regrets that she has not had time to say goodbye to Jiang Hao, Zhiyuan is unwilling to let her go back to say goodbye to Jiang Hao now.

The reason is very simple, that is, this time she offended Jiang Hao in the arena of hero society. If she went back to find Jiang Hao at this time, it was no doubt that she would set fire to Jiang Hao, which Zhiyuan did not want to see.


Seeing Zhiyuan's direct rejection of her proposal, Mu yuan looks at the other party tentatively and asks in a voice.

"Really, let's get out of here."

Zhiyuan nodded, and then she hastened. Obviously, she didn't want to continue to explain to the other party.

After hearing Zhiyuan's saying so, muyuan doesn't continue to insist, but leaves here with the other party.

It was not long after the sisters disappeared in the bamboo forest that the figure of the man in black appeared in the bamboo forest again.

Obviously, he did not leave directly, but secretly protected the sisters.

Looking at the direction of Zhiyuan's departure, the man in black also took off the mask that looked strange on his face, revealing a gentle and elegant face. Jiang Hao himself was the man in black.

After sending off the sister flowers, Jiang Hao also went back to the town of hukato to meet with his mirror split body again. Because of the distance between the two, Jiang Hao's brain was also dizzy at the moment of the confluence of the mirror body and the original body.

After a long time, he came back from his trance, and a cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

"It doesn't seem to work very often."

pressed the button and had some dizzy temples, and Jiang Hao could not help but make complaints about it.

If there are other practitioners, they will be afraid to lose their chin after seeing this scene.

You should know that even if some practitioners who have practiced secret arts can summon their own avatars in battle, they want to control the mirror to do other things, in fact, they want to cut their mind into two.

This operation itself does not cause much damage to the practitioners, but the consequences are not affordable to all practitioners, because once the mirror is too far away from the body, self-consciousness will be generated.

be made one of those minds as like as two peas in the mirror. That is to say, if Jiang Hao can not summon the mirror, then there will be more people in the world who are exactly like Jiang Hao.

And this will be an irreversible blow to Jiang Hao himself. Jiang Hao himself may even suffer a sharp fall in his realm due to the damage of his mind. He may even suffer from the attack of mirror body, because only after he kills his original body can he swallow up another consciousness and become a brand-new Jiang Hao.

It is precisely because of this kind of restriction that few people will do like Jiang Hao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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