Sacred Devil

Chapter 2728

So as long as it is LingXiao supreme palace, if you want to find a person, you can't find it.

After the old man said this confidently, Zhu Wuxing also nodded, and then looked to the East. At this moment, the sky was gradually white, and the new day officially began to open.

After seeing this scene, Zhu Wuxing couldn't help sighing, and then walked into the main tower, one of the three towers.

As for the old man in cloth, he also retired after taking orders.

Only the arena in the form of ruins is left.

As Zhu Wuxing expected, since the war in the early hours of this morning, news about the abyss Lord spread to other towns around the town of hukato.

Almost everyone began to talk about the Lord of the abyss.

This powerful man of xianzun realm suddenly broke through the death prison of Tazhong tower with his own strength, and there was no prisoner escaping from the prison.

In addition, he escaped from the Lord of LingXiao supreme palace.

These two points alone are enough to make this abyss Lord famous.

"Elder martial sister, who is the abyss Lord? It seems that I have never heard of this name before in doutian land? "

In the courtyard full of red plum, a little girl couldn't help asking a girl of the same age who was practicing martial arts.

After hearing the girl's question, the girl in red also took the sword back, and then looked at the other side with a puzzled look on her face.

"What abyss Lord? What happened? "

Obviously, the girl in red has been addicted to practice, and she doesn't know what happened to the outside world.

So just after the petite girl asked, she would look at each other with a puzzled face.

"Elder martial sister, you shut yourself up in this Merlin every day, and you are almost out of touch with the outside world."

After hearing what the girl in red said, the younger martial sister was also angry.

"Master let me clear my mind, and only this plum forest can make me completely calm down in the huge world of practice."

The girl in red explained that the sword she had taken back was in her arms.

The scabbard of that sword is engraved with a line of elegant characters, which is called "red clothes".

Obviously, the woman in red who is talking at the moment is Hongyi, the eldest disciple of luomei Pavilion some time ago.

"But what's the difference between staying here and dying?"

After finishing this sentence, the girl probably realized that she had said something wrong, and immediately said it even after saying it.

"FIE, FIE, FIE, elder martial sister, you should regard me as a childish man."

"You silly girl, how dare you say anything nonsense? If the master hears it, I'm afraid it will punish you to copy the Heart Sutra."

The red dress is also by the other side this pair of appearance to amuse some to laugh and cry, but still has a straight face to open a lesson way.

"Ling'er is not for the sake of elder martial sister's good. She should go out more and have a look at the fun of the whole world. She keeps herself in the plum garden every day like she is now."

The girl who called herself ling'er could not help but spit out her tongue and then explained.

After hearing what the other side said, the expression of red dress is also a little bit trance.

But soon she came to her senses and looked again at the little girl in front of her and asked.

"What's the matter with the abyss Lord that you just rushed in to mention?"

After listening to the question asked by the red dress, ling'er immediately came to be interested, and then chirped about the events happened in the town of hukato from the beginning to the end.

"Do you mean that the abyss Lord rescued from the death prison of tower tower the group of people who colluded with void creatures a few years ago and intended to subvert the land of Dou Tian?"

After listening to the other side's story, red dress also said summarily.

That pair of beautiful eyes is also with a little surprised look.

You know, there are several arrays in the death prison, and even now she can't break through them.

To be able to rescue people from the death prison in Tazhong tower, it is conceivable that the deep Lord's conduct is quite profound.

"Yes, and the most important thing is that even the master of the supreme palace of Lingxiao didn't arrest him after he went out."

Ling Er nodded, with an excited look on her face, and then said.

"Now in doutian land, everyone is discussing about this abyss Lord. But you, elder martial sister, don't even know such a big thing. It's conceivable that this plum garden can't continue to stay."

Just heard the front of the time is OK, but when the red dress heard the other side's words behind, but can't help laughing.This silly girl dares to say anything in order not to continue to shut down in this plum garden. . , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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