Sacred Devil

Chapter 2736

"But don't worry, I won't die so easily, but if you want to do something to me, you must kill her first, because only after you kill her can you do it to me."

When it comes to the back, the laughter of the black skeleton man is more and more rampant.

It seems to be determined that red will never do anything to her, unless the other party wants to hurt Gu ling'er.

As the black skeleton expected, after he had said this, the hand in red with the sword shook twice. Then he put down the sword, looked at him coldly, and asked in a sharp voice.

"Come on, what do you want to do?"

In the past, when she passed this road, the latter never showed up. This time, she was obviously seeking talents. Otherwise, this time, the other party would not only threaten her, but directly kill Gu ling'er.

After all, nihilism and human practitioners have always been in a situation of endless immortality. The reason why the other side has not done anything is obviously to ask for something.

"Sure enough, he is a wise man. In this case, I will not continue to go around with you. I want the token in your hand. If you give me that token, I will let you go and let her live."

At this time, the black skeleton man did not continue to circle with the red clothes, but said straightforwardly that the reason why he was able to do it was because he saw the token from the red coat's hand.

At this time, all they do is to win the mysterious token from the other party's hand.

After hearing the black skeleton man's words, her face also showed a look of surprise. Obviously, she didn't expect the other party to spend so much effort just to get her unknown token.

But it's right to think about it. All along, when she passed through the canyon, the black skeleton man never showed up. This time, I guess it was from him that she felt the existence of the token.

What's the origin of this thing? It has attracted the attention of void creatures.

Press the doubt in the heart, the red dress hesitates for a while, then is nodded.

"OK, I can give you that token, but you have to release the girl in your hand first and tell me the origin of the token."

"Do you think you are qualified to make a deal with me?"

After hearing what the red coat said, the black skeleton man's hands were directly patted in Gu ling'er's body. The latter's numb eyes revealed a trace of blood light, and then he stretched out his hand and pinched his neck.

Soon, guling'er's face became livid because of lack of oxygen.

If the black skeleton man doesn't stop, guling'er will strangle himself.

After seeing this scene again, the red dress quickly calls to stop.

"That's enough. I'll give you the token directly, and if there's something wrong with her, I'll definitely let you stay in this canyon forever, even if I'm fighting for my life."

At the end of the day, the red dress is also with a trace of ruthlessness. Obviously, she is not only talking about it, but really will do so.

After hearing what red clothes said, the black skeleton man also snapped his fingers. In an instant, Gu ling'er stopped his movements and dropped his hands powerless. His eyes were empty and numb.

Obviously at this time, she was completely controlled by the black skeleton man.

"I advise you not to play any tricks and take out the token honestly."

Said the Black Skull in a cold voice.

After seeing Gu ling'er in a bad condition, the red dress can be said to be anxious and angry, but it can't be seen at this time. She takes out a black token from her sleeve, then holds it up in the air and says to the black skeleton man.

"You let her go first, and then I'll give you this token."

Just after the red coat took out the black token, the black skeleton man's face also showed an excited look. Obviously, he was very eager for this token.

"Give me the token first, and then I'll let the little girl go."

Guling'er is the only chip in the hands of the black skeleton man. Naturally, it is impossible for him to let go of the former first, although both of them have fallen into his illusion.

But once he gives guling'er to Hongyi, and the latter repents, he can say that he has no way to take the other party.

"How do I know if you will let go of my younger martial sister after I give you the token? You are cunning creatures. What do you want me to believe in you

After hearing what the other party said, the corner of her mouth in red also showed a sneering smile, and then looked at the black skeleton man in front of her and said coldly.

"I said you have no other choice, unless you want to watch your lovely little sister die."

The black skeleton man was obviously sure that the red coat did not dare to attack him, so he spoke with a trace of certainty in his voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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