Sacred Devil

Chapter 2781

As long as Liuli is willing, she can make the young man in front of her disappear instantly.

And this disappearance is forever.

"It's not that you'll kill me. It's just that you don't want to compete with you. So now, can you tell me who you are?"

Jiang Hao looked at the girl in front of him with a calmer look. He didn't seem to be intimidated by what the other side said.

Of course, Jiang Hao's heart is not as calm as he seems on the surface. You know, after the other party finished his words, his heart was a little cluttered.

Although he had long guessed that the girl had an extraordinary origin, Jiang Hao was still shocked when he heard the other side's understatement.

You should know that he is a strong man with great perfection in the realm of immortals. He has reached the peak in the world of human practitioners. However, in the eyes of this young girl, she seems to be as small as an ant.

This made Jiang Hao a little hard to accept.

"Are you really afraid or not?"

Liuli became more interested in the young people in front of her. She was really very interesting. She met such an interesting person for the first time in the world of human practitioners, that is, in the void temple for thousands of years.

So at the moment, it's also the mood of the play.

"It seems to be a different kind of romance to die in the hands of the Moon Palace fairies, either heavier than Mount Tai or as light as a feather."

After hearing what Liuli said, Jiang Hao also said.

"Are you playing with me?"

Liuli obviously didn't expect that the young man in Xuanyi would dare to adjust and play himself.

"No, just tell me the truth."

On hearing this, Jiang Hao also quickly shook his head, his face full of serious look, it seems that it is true, just to say his heart.

Glass staring at the man in front of him, a pair of beautiful autumn water cut pupil reflects the figure of the man, in the palace at night, like a beautiful picture is slowly unfolding.

After a long time, the glass took back the line of sight, then looked at the stars in the sky, and said with a light tone.

"The world of some practitioners is small, as small as the bottom of a well, while the world of some practitioners is so large that they can break through the sky and go to a more perfect world of practice."

The girl's tone is very quiet and far away, falling in Jiang Hao's ear, but let the latter can't help but stare big eyes.

The meaning of the other side seems to mean that there seems to be a new continent, or a new world of practice, outside their spiritual world.

When Jiang Hao was shocked, Liuli also looked at Jiang Haoran again and continued to speak.

"When the void creatures invade your continent, you should also be able to guess that there is a new heaven and earth outside of this human practice world. The heaven and earth are very vast, and the void creatures are just a drop in the ocean in the vast world, and I come from there."

The voice of the glass is very flat, as if it is just telling a rare and ordinary thing, but falling in Jiang Hao's ears is like thunder, as if suddenly opened the door of a new world.

"Is the inanimate creature just a drop in the ocean in that vast world?"

Jiang Hao widened his eyes. The girl's words in front of him were too incredible for him. If he were someone else, he would think that the other person was crazy.

You know, the void creatures almost subverted their human practice world, but the girl in front of her was shocked and told him that the empty world was just a drop in the ocean in the other's mouth. How terrible was the so-called big world of the other side.

Just as Jiang Hao looked at the glass with shock on his face, Liuli also nodded, and his expression was still very calm. His delicate facial features seemed to have a little smile, which seemed to be because he was very satisfied with Jiang Hao's reaction at this time.

Just at this time, Jiang Hao couldn't manage so many things. After the other party finished, he was already in an incredible state.

Jiang Hao thought that he had seen a lot, but he didn't think that he was like the frog at the bottom of the well. The world he saw was just one piece of the world.

Probably aware of Jiang Hao's inner thoughts, Liuli also opened his mouth with a smile.

"You don't have to belittle yourself. With your strength, you are already at the top of your cultivation world. However, if you have a chance to break through the sky in the future, I suggest you go out and have a look."

"Break the sky?"

After hearing Liuli's words, Jiang Hao also looked at the other party, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. He obviously did not understand the meaning of the other party's words.

This day is the day, how to break open?

"After you break through the chaos, you will know how to break through the sky of your practice world. In fact, the so-called sky is just a shackle in your heart." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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