Sacred Devil

Chapter 2799

"What are you doing here?"

There is still no smile on the glass face, the whole person looks incomparably cold.

"Of course, I came to see the glass fairy. After all, the glass fairy is in a foreign land and has no friends here. My father specially told me to accompany him more."

For the glass of the high cold, Su mubai is obviously already used to, speak at the same time, the face is still with a faint smile, give a person a feeling of young people as warm as jade.

"No, the hall of seven emperors is still busy with its own affairs."

For Su mubai's intimacy, glass is obviously some resistance.

Even if these virtual creatures of the void clan disguise themselves as teenagers, the evil breath revealed from their bones can not be concealed.

"Why does the glass fairy refuse people so much? I just want to make friends with the glass fairy."

See glass to oneself still ignore, the expression on Su Mu white face also became a little lost, but in the moment of lowering his head, Su mubai's eyes flashed a trace of sinister look.

These days, he has been trying to get close to the Moon Fairy from all over the world. However, he didn't expect that the glaze had not been filled with oil and rice all the time, which made Su mubai feel a little dissatisfied in the long run.

"I don't want to give up with you in vain. The reason why I stay here is just to fulfill the agreement reached between my family and the void world. As soon as the matter is completed, I will leave the small world and have no further contact with you in the void world. Do you know what I mean?"

After hearing what the other side said, Liuli also frowned and looked at Su mubai.

Originally the temperament of the cool glass at the moment is also more cold as ice.

After hearing what Liuli said, Su Mu's expression on his white face was blue and white. He didn't expect that the other party would say such a thing in front of him. Obviously, he didn't intend to leave him any affection.

This let Su Mu white depth of the original glass that touch of love is also gradually become deformed.

The woman in front of her is really shameless.

Su mubai's expression became a little distorted for a moment, but it soon returned to normal, with a shallow smile on his face.

"Why is the glass fairy so? Since we are lucky to meet, it is a fate. I don't expect anything else. I just want to be a friend with the fairy. The fairy is worried about it."

Su Mu Bai's tone is still moderate, as if the glass has not been previously said to stimulate the general.

"Oh? Is it? "

Liuli takes a deep look at Su mubai, and then turns to leave directly. He has no intention to continue talking with the other party at all.

She was born with keen perception, and naturally knew what Su mubai's evil soul was thinking under the human skin, but she was not willing to argue with each other.

There's no need to waste your breath.

And it's not the time to fall out with nothingness.

It is precisely because of this that Liuli didn't ask the other party to leave, but turned around to leave.

Looking at the figure of the girl leaving, Su Mu's expression on her white face is also completely distorted, and the sight on the girl's body is gradually becoming resentful.

He had already done this, and the girl in front of him still ignored him, as if she were really a fairy in the moonlight.

You continue to be noble, until you in my body tactfully courtship that day, I see you pay off not high up!

Su mubai in the heart of vicious thinking, the mind seems to have such a picture, suddenly Su mubai's expression is also become obscene up, let people palpitation.


At this time, with the help of glass, Jiang Hao successfully entered the void world. As soon as he entered this other territory, he felt a cold breath coming over.

It seemed that the cold breath could not be isolated from the body by spiritual power. Even if Jiang Hao was possessed by divine literature, he still felt that the cold was about to penetrate into his own bones.

In addition, the space where Jiang Hao settled is also a desert, which can be seen as boundless.

Is this the void? It's really desolate and hopeless.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Hao couldn't help feeling. Although he had been pulled into the illusion of the virtual world by some virtual creatures with special abilities before, he also said with emotion.

But when Jiang Hao was really in the world, he did find that the void despair he felt at that time was far less than one tenth of a million.

It's no wonder that those virtual creatures can understand the killing move of void despair. It's hard for them to change their mentality in such a desperate situation for a long time.

While thinking about Jiang Hao, he also walked to the East. When he was walking on the road, Jiang Hao also found that dense white bones could be seen everywhere in the , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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