Sacred Devil

Chapter 28

She once suffered from congenital cold disease, although all people dote on her, but they have always been the pet of their elders.

When ye Ling was a child, she had fantasized that her husband must be a peerless strong man. Unfortunately, when she grew up slowly, she realized that her husband was doomed to change at all.

However, with Jiang Hao's appearance, she seems to see a little strange.

This seems to be a bit silly. For his own sake, he did not hesitate to challenge lingyunfeng of zongmen. He did everything to make Ye Ling's heart tremble.

"Thank you, Miss ye, for worrying. I'm only coarse skinned and thick skinned. Now I'm fine." Jiang Hao looked at Ye Ling and said with a smile.

Even though he had been a man for two generations, even though he had been in the eight wastelands in his previous life, he was so stupid when he saw Ye Ling.

This seems to be an instinct. Even Jiang Hao doesn't know why.


Looking at Jiang Hao's appearance, Ye Ling chuckles and laughs. His face, which is already beautiful and flawless, can be said to be overwhelming under this smile.

Jiang Hao looked at Ye Ling's charming smile. He was stunned.

He has not never seen beautiful women. He has even seen too many beautiful women, such as enchanting and charming witches, enchanting fairy princesses and pure fairies. Unfortunately, in Jiang Hao's eyes, they are not as good as Ye Ling's smile.

"Jiang Hao, will you always live here?" Ye Ling looks at Jiang Hao with some expectation.

Jiang Hao was silent for a moment, then looked at Ye Ling and said slowly, "I don't know. Maybe it will stay for a long time."

He will stay for a long time. After all, Luo Feng has told him about Jiang Zhen. Therefore, Luo Feng is afraid that Jiang haozhen will go to the wasteland to look for Jiang Zhen. Naturally, Jiang Hao will stay in lingyunfeng.

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Ye Ling's face was even more joyful. The longer he stayed in lingyunfeng, the closer their relationship naturally became.



Commandment hall!

At this time, there were several bodies in the hall of the commandment hall. These bodies were all dressed in the clothes of the disciples of Lingyun sect, and their death was very tragic.

Ouyang Jie stood in front of the bodies. Beside him, there was a middle-aged man in a black robe. He looked at the bodies with no cover up in his eyes.

"Brother, I will find out the murderer for you, then torture him to death and avenge you with my own hands." The voice of the middle-aged in the black robe was full of strong killing intention.

"Liang Yan is a rookie in the outer courtyard. There are very few people who can kill him in the outer courtyard. Moreover, it is impossible for Liang Yan to be killed without any resistance." Ouyang Jie looked at the middle-aged black robe and said in silence: "Liang Teng, you are the inner court disciple, so you should also pay attention to the situation in the inner courtyard."

The middle-aged man in black nodded. He took a look at the bodies and turned away.

When Ouyang Jie saw Liang Teng leave, he was relieved. He didn't expect that Liang Yan would be Liang Teng's younger brother. Liang Teng is 35 years old, ranking the No.26 rookie list in the inner court, and he is also a famous strong man in the inner court.

"Who killed Liang Yan? Liang Yan is a well-known strong practitioner in the outer courtyard. What kind of strength does it take to kill Liang Yan with such a powerful method? At least no one in the outer court can do it. " Ouyang Jie thought to himself and excluded them one by one.

He thought for a long time and guessed many people, but it seems that no one wanted to kill Liang Yan without any movement.

"Elder Ouyang, I'd like to meet Fang Jia, a disciple of the outer courtyard." At this time, there was a dull sound of seeing you outside.

As soon as Ouyang Jie heard the man, he showed a little smile on his face, and then went to the door to meet Fang Jia.

In Ouyang Jie's eyes, Fang Jia is not only a disciple of lingyunzong, but also an uncle of lingyunzong in the future. Besides, there is a Fang family standing behind Fang Jia!

"Elder Ouyang, what's going on?" Fang Jia just entered the hall and looked at the corpses in the hall. She frowned and asked.

"I don't know who killed Liang Yan in the back mountain, and the method is extremely fierce. It's not like the work of our Lingyun sect's disciples." Ouyang Jie replied bitterly.

Fang Jia went to several corpses. He squatted down and looked at their wounds. There was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

"They were all killed by the knife, and they were all killed with one knife." Fang Jia pointed to the bodies of several people in Liang Yan, and then pointed to several attendants, and continued: "these people were attacked and killed by fierce animals."

Ouyang Jie nodded. Naturally, he knew the cause of their death. But who did it?

In the outer courtyard of lingyunzong, who can quietly let Liang Yan be killed without any resistance?

Ouyang Jie couldn't think of it or find it.

"There are many disciples who use swords in the outer courtyard, but there are only three disciples of younger brother Qiang guoliangyan." Fang Jia looked at Ouyang Jie and said calmly, "they are mozak in the second place, Nie Kuang in the fifth place, and Hu Buyu in the eighthLiang Yangjie shakes his head and says, "Liang Yanjie can't do anything more than shake his head."

After a pause, Ouyang Jie said: "even the strongest Mozart can't do it."

"Oh, so it's likely to be a disciple of the inner court?" Fang Jia looked at Ouyang Jie and asked.

Ouyang Jie shook his head and said bitterly, "I don't know, but both mozak and Hu Buyu are in the gym, and Nie Kuang has been staying in the discipline hall."

"Does elder Ouyang know about Jiang Hao?" Fang Jia suddenly looked at Ouyang Jie and asked.

"Jiang Hao, a new disciple of waiyuan? How do you know him? " Ouyang Jie looks at Fang Jia with some doubts.

In Ouyang Jie's eyes, Jiang Hao is not bad, but he can't be ranked in the courtyard. If it wasn't for his father's name, he would never have remembered him.

"He's not simple. Even I can't beat him." Fang Jia suddenly looked at Ouyang Jie and said calmly, "besides, he is also an expert at using knives."

Fang Jia's words sounded like thunder, and Ouyang Jie's face was also with a faint shock.

Ouyang Jie is very aware of Fang Jia's strength. He is the first rookie on the Wai yuan rookie list and a genius of lingyunzong. Now he says that Jiang Hao's strength is almost the same as that of him.

"It's impossible. Jiang Hao is just a new disciple of the outer courtyard. His realm is only in the early stage of foundation construction. How can he be so strong?" Ouyang Jie shook his head and looked at Fang Jia.

Fang Jia did not say anything, but calmly looked at Ouyang Jie and said: "yesterday morning, Jiang Hao cut a knife under the Lingyun peak, which directly shocked the elders of Lingyun peak."

"How do you know?" Ouyang Jie took a deep breath and asked.

"I was at lingyunfeng at that time." Fang Jia looked bland, then looked at Ouyang Jie and said, "I'm looking for younger martial brother Nie Kuang today. I don't know whether younger martial brother Nie Kuang can be here?"

"Crazy son is out, not in the commandment hall." Ouyang Jie shook his head and replied.

Fang Jia also turned away, but when he turned around, there was a smile in his eyes.

Since he could not go to lingyunfeng, he took advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Jiang Hao.

Ouyang Jie stood in his place. He was silent for a moment, then left the discipline hall directly.

He wants to go to the place where Jiang Hao lives. If he is the one who killed Jiang Hao, there will be some traces left.

When Ouyang Jie comes to Jiang Hao's residence, the room is very clean and tidy without any clutter. Ouyang Jie glances at the room, but finds no trace.

Not even a bloody dress.

"Certainly not by Jiang Hao. How could he possibly kill Liang Yan?" Ouyang Jie shakes his head and exits Jiang Hao's room.



Jiang Hao takes Feng Yaoyao back to his residence, but behind them, Ye Ling also follows.

Jiang Hao did not refuse, and Feng Yaoyao naturally would not say anything.

"Jiang Hao, do you live here?" Ye Ling looks at Jiang Hao, turns a circle and asks.

Jiang Hao nodded, then looked at Feng Yaoyao and said, "Yao Yao, you go to practice."

Feng Yaoyao looks at Jiang Hao and Ye Ling suspiciously, but still nods and goes inside.

But she looked back and looked at them again and again.

After Feng Yaoyao left, only Ye Ling and Jiang Hao were left in the yard. Jiang Hao was plain, while Ye Ling was flushed and bowed his head. He did not dare to look directly at Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao took a deep breath, then raised his head, looked at Ye Ling, and said in silence: "Miss ye, today I want to tell you something."

When ye Ling heard Jiang Hao's words, he still had a trace of indifference in his eyes. He said in silence: "what do you want to say? I heard it. "

Jiang Hao looked at Ye Ling and took a deep breath: "do you know about love robbery?"

Ye Ling nodded, she can see this similar introduction in some books, but not everyone will meet their own love robberies.

Love, life and death are changeable.

"Miss ye, you are my love robber." Jiang Hao looked at Ye Ling and was serious.

Ye Ling is stunned, looking at Jiang Hao's eyes with a trace of consternation.

"I am your love robber?" Ye Ling looked at Jiang Hao and asked in silence.

"Yes, I didn't believe it at first, but I obviously felt the palpitation in my heart just now." Jiang Hao looks at Ye Ling with a trace of perplexity in his eyes.

Ye Ling was silent, and her face still had a trace of plainness.

"So, Jiang Hao, will you protect me?" Suddenly, Ye Ling raised his head and looked at Jiang Hao.

She smiles like a flower, and her face also has a trace of silence.

According to the book, if there is a love robbery, two people will surely die. Otherwise, love robbery will not be love robbery at all.

Jiang Hao saved her, so Ye Ling didn't want Jiang Hao to die. Since she didn't want Jiang Hao to die, she had to choose her own death."No one can hurt you, you are my love robbery, so no one can hurt you." Jiang Hao's voice is very firm, looking at Ye Ling's slow voice. 、 , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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