Sacred Devil

Chapter 282

"Two benefactors, the ruins will be opened soon. If you have any problems, please talk about them later." At this time, master Shenyin and master Shentu arrived together.

Behind them, there are twenty Buddhists. These Buddhists are led by xuanci. Behind xuanci, there are two Buddhists in the middle of jiedan period. After them, there are 18 Buddhists of Bigu great perfection.

This kind of lineup is more powerful than all the forces. Jiang Hao's eyes are slightly narrowed. Looking at xuanci and the Buddhist cultivation in the middle of the jiedan period, he has a trace of scrutiny in his eyes.

Apart from xuanci, these 20 Buddhists are likely to be the carriers of Buddha's taking away their possessions.

Xuanci also saw Jiang Hao, and his eyes were full of indifference. For Jiang Hao, he had no end of killing intention, because Jiang Hao once failed and even was threatened with death twice.

Jiang Hao just gave a gentle smile. There was no emotion in his eyes. There were many crises in the ruins. If xuanci died in the ruins, who would know how he died?

"Let's have a rest and get ready to open the ruins at noon." Master Shenyin looked at the monks and said slowly.

All of them nodded. Many monks sat cross legged and rested. Jiang Hao looked at Xiao Cheng and others and said solemnly: "there are many crises in the ruins. Nobody knows what will happen. Linger and elder martial sister Wang still need Li Yu to be a spiritual practitioner, so we must protect the three of them."

All of them nodded, and they all agreed with Jiang Hao. Ye Ling, Wang Shiyan and Li Yu are not weak in strength, but they need enough time to make their decisions.

"Han Li, you have the king of the earth, so you are mainly responsible for defense. When Xiaocheng has the decision of burning the sky sword, you are responsible for cutting off the rear. Chu Yue and mozak are responsible for attacking. You are responsible for assassinating and harassing Yao Yao. As for ling'er and senior sister Wang, you are responsible for the output of judicial decisions." Jiang Hao was silent for a moment and directly deployed the battle plan.

After all, there are many crises in the ruins, and now deployment will reduce many crises.

"Jiang Hao, can we be together in the ruins?" At this time, Li Qingshan walked slowly, looked at Jiang Hao and asked.

Jiang Hao smile, a face calm said: "I am still Lingyun Zong chief."

Li Qingshan was a little stunned at first, and then he reflected that he could walk alone, but Jiang Hao could not. After all, there were many crises in the ruins. As the chief disciple of Lingyun sect, he would naturally take his disciples to wander in the ruins.

"All of you are ready. I repeat that after the ruins are opened, there will be only half a year. If you don't come out within half a year, you will never have a chance to come out." Master Shenyin looked at the crowd and said solemnly.

Everyone nodded and didn't say anything. They didn't think they could stay in this crisis ridden ruins for half a year.

"Master Shenyin, please open the ruins now." At this time, a monk said.

Master Shenyin also smiles, and then takes a group of yuanyingqi monks to leave the temple. All the monks follow master Shenyin and other yuanyingqi and leave the temple.

Master Shenyin went to the small mountain in the west, but at the foot of the mountain, master Shenyin stopped and looked at master Shentu with a dignified face.

"Let's go, brother!" Shenyin took a deep breath, and his hands were frantically printed.

And the master also took out a Zen stick, eyes are full of dignified color.

"Open it for me!" Master Shenyin yelled angrily and saw his palm fall on the mountain.


All of a sudden, the mountain continued to tremble, and the Zen stick in master Shentu's hand suddenly burst out the majestic Buddhist power, directly separating the mountain peak!

After the mountain peaks separated, a desolate momentum came to us, and a gate appeared in the inner belly of the mountain.

All the friars were looking at the gate with a burning face. Their eyes were full of crazy color. After the gate, there were the relics of ancient immortals they had been waiting for for for a long time.

"Through this gate is the ancient immortal relics. After entering the gate, you will get a talisman. I hope you can gain something from the relics." Shenyin master's expression is tired, looking at the crowd slowly said.

Jiang Hao's eyebrows wrinkled and his eyes showed a trace of essence. He had been to numerous relics in his previous life, including ancient immortal relics and heritage relics.

However, when the gate of the ruins appeared, Jiang Hao clearly felt that the thin wisp of Buddha power in his body was actually running on his own.

The Buddhist power in his body is the remains of the time of refining the relic, and it is also the most quintessence of Buddhism. It is impossible to compare with the Buddha power in his body, whether it is master Shenyin or master Shentu in Yuan infant period.

"Is this relic related to the relic of one's own storage bag?" Jiang Hao had some doubts in his mind.

Only powerful Buddhist practices can form the relic, but there are Buddhas in this relic. It's no wonder Jiang Hao thinks of one.

"Jiang Hao, have you found anything?" Ye Ling looked at the change of Jiang Hao's expression and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Hao shakes his head. Although he has some doubts that the relics are related to the relic he has obtained, Jiang Hao does not have any substantial evidence to prove his conjecture, so he does not tell Ye , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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