Sacred Devil

Chapter 2833

If it had a big impact, even if the red clothes guaranteed their lives, the elders would never let this happen.

"What elder fengrou said has some truth. Jiang Hao, do you think so?"

Just as everyone was talking about it, Wuwei said again, and then she left the question to Jiang Hao. She would like to see how the other party intends to explain to this group of elders.

Although Wuwang showed some indifference and did not even clarify his own views and positions, when the other party looked at Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao felt that the other party should hope that what he said was true.

That is to say, he is very sure to win the support of the venerable.

If he can, Jiang Hao hopes to reach an agreement with Luo Meige as soon as possible. After all, the other side is the force of red clothes. When he thought of this, Jiang Hao held out his hand, and a Bodhi ancient mirror also appeared in front of everyone.

Just after the appearance of the ancient Bodhi mirror, Jiang Hao did not have time to speak, so he got up from the throne and walked to Jiang Hao in a flash.

If the other side did not show any lethality, Jiang Hao could not help but wonder whether the other side was just planning to do something to him. Under the eyes of the people, he looked at the ancient Bodhi mirror in Jiang Hao's hand and murmured.

"The legendary Bodhi mirror actually exists..."

"Do you know this Bodhi mirror?"

After hearing Wuwang's words, Jiang Hao's face also changed, then looked at the other side and asked.

"Where did you get this Bodhi mirror?"

Wuwang did not answer Jiang Hao's question directly, but looked at Jiang Hao and said at the beginning.

After hearing Wuwang's question, Jiang Hao also said the origin between him and Bodhi ancient mirror. After listening to Jiang Hao's narration, Wu Wang's face also showed a look of surprise. After a long time, he spoke leisurely.

"Your boy's luck is not so good. This kind of treasure only exists in ancient times. Although you have found it, it's no wonder that you have reached the peak of xianzun realm at a young age."

The people in the Hall fell into silence.

In particular, Yang fengrou, who had previously questioned Jiang Hao, looked at Jiang Hao with shock on her face. Obviously, she did not expect Jiang Hao's strength to be so terrible.

Although just getting along with each other, she already knew that Jiang Hao's strength was a little stronger than her own, but Yang fengrou did not know that she overestimated herself far away. The other side was not a little bit stronger than her. If the other side was willing to, she could easily wipe out Jiang Hao in a breath.

After thinking of this, Yang fengrou suddenly felt a little frightened. Looking at Jiang Hao again, her eyes were full of fear.

"I don't know much about this ancient Bodhi mirror. I hope you can give me some answers."

Compared with the shock of the public, Jiang Hao was more curious about the origin of this Bodhi mirror.

After knowing that the beautiful woman in front of her should know the origin of the ancient Bodhi mirror, Jiang Hao also asked in a hurry.

After hearing Jiang Hao's question, Wuwang did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the Bodhi mirror in front of him. After a long time, he began to speak.

"If I'm not mistaken, this Bodhi mirror should have nurtured a spirit."

"The spirit of Jiang Hao's Bodhi mirror is stronger and more intelligent than any other one I have ever seen."

The person who said this is naturally the red dress on one side. The spirit pointed to in the other's mouth is naturally Jiang ChiYan. Although she has not seen Jiang ChiYan for a long time, the impression left by the latter on the red dress is indelible.

"That's for sure. But if you have already cultivated a spirit, why don't you ask her about the intention of this ancient Bodhi mirror? She should know more than I do?"

Wu Wang did not look at the old Bodhi mirror in front of him. Instead, he took a look at his beloved disciple. Then he said to Jiang Hao.


After hearing Wuwang's words, Jiang Hao was also stunned.

Does Xiaochi smoke know about the origin of Bodhi ancient mirror?

This problem just appeared in Jiang Hao's mind, which was denied by Jiang Hao. After all, he grew up watching Jiang ChiYan as a child. Obviously, the other party did not have the memory of the ancient Bodhi mirror. Occasionally, he could feel some, but only some very vague pictures.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao also opened his mouth to explain.

"She doesn't know about the past of Bodhi ancient mirror, and because of swallowing the spirit of Tu yuan, she has been in a deep sleep all these days. Although she forced herself to wake up a few days ago, most of the time she is in a state of deep sleep. Even I have no way to connect with her."

"Oh? Is this not yet fully awakened? "

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Wu Wang immediately became interested and said.

The ancient artifact, which has not yet been fully awakened, is a bit , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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