Sacred Devil

Chapter 2847

Because of this, these practitioners will not give in because of each other's realm!

Over the years, due to the war between the two sides, it can be said that countless practitioners have died in the battlefield, and the matter of the virtual creatures slaughtering the human practitioners is also constantly spreading. It can be said that there has been an endless situation between human practitioners and empty creatures.

Even if the opponent's strength has been raised to the chaotic state, there will still be countless human practitioners' angry eyes in the arena of hero society. If they can, they will even be willing to sacrifice their lives, just to be able to inflict heavy damage on the person in front of them!

After feeling the hatred of the human practitioners below, he felt a burst of sadness in his heart. Over the years, he did not know how many times he had suffered such a look.

But no matter what, he must overthrow the plot of the supreme palace in the sky, because only in this way can he rehabilitate himself! For all the dead people in the past!

"A group of scum who collude with void creatures dare to come back. Even if I fight for the life of this old guy today, I will bring you people to justice again!"

Just as CREI and Anluo mountain looked at the practitioners below, an elder standing beside Zhu Wuxing also called out.

Since Jiang Hao went into the dark forest last time, several more practitioners of xianzun realm in hukato town have also returned to LingXiao supreme palace. Now, only Zhu Wuxing and the elder are left in the arena of hero society.

The city owner of the town of hukato was also urgently recalled. Now there are only two practitioners in hukato town.

This is also the main reason for Jiang Hao to rest assured that Ke lie and an Luo Shan went to the Tazhong tower death prison to save people.

"Oh! You say that we are in collusion with void creatures. I think you know better than anyone who colludes with void creatures

What Zhu Wuxing said to the elder also made Ke lie sneer.

That's disgusting. He's sick of these little people!

It makes people sneer at the fact that it is not appropriate for the human practitioners to collude with those disgusting insects to disintegrate the internal part of human practitioners.

"Do you think that there will still be people who will believe what you say? Don't be so ridiculous! We are not blind. What happened two years ago is enough to explain everything! "

After hearing Ke lie's explanation, Zhu Wuxing's face also showed a look of sarcasm.

If it had been two years ago, there might have been some practitioners who had doubts about this, but after two years, no practitioner would have believed what he said.

After all, after he was arrested, his highness, the ninth emperor of the void creature, came to save him once "from a long distance". Since then, no one has thought that he is innocent.

"It's no use saying too much. One day I'll prove to the world who is the one who lies!"

After hearing what Zhu Wuxing said, Ke lie looked at the practitioners below again. As the former said, no one would believe what he said.

In that case, Krey did not intend to continue to argue.

"What needs to be proved? We all know the truth. Isn't the ninth emperor a good example? What's more, you're not a ghost or a human being, and you're proving everything

Zhu Wuxing continued to speak.

If it was normal, he would not talk nonsense with the man in front of him, but after feeling that the strength of Ke lie had been improved again, Zhu Wuxing had to delay with the other party.

At present, the hero will fight with Gu Lao alone. If they really fight with Ke lie and anluoshan, they will not be rivals. In addition, the array of death prison in Tazhong tower is broken, and the city master is not in, so the city protection array cannot be opened.

At this point, they will soon fall into the wind.

In that case, it's natural to procrastinate.

Anluoshan naturally knew Zhu Wuxing's intention, so after the other party finished speaking, Anluo mountain also stepped forward, pressed the shoulder of Ke lie, and said to the other side.

"Brother Kelie, it's important to save the brothers. There's no need to talk to him about it!"


After hearing the words of Anluo mountain, CREI also nodded, no longer talking nonsense with each other, but said to the practitioners below.

"I came here to save my brothers. They didn't do anything wrong because they exposed the conspiracy of void creatures. So they were detained here. I have no intention to be enemies with you. Even if you join the battlefield, you can't solve anything."

Speaking of this time, Kerry also pause for a moment, no matter what kind of reaction the public showed, he also continued to say. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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