Sacred Devil

Chapter 2852

The appearance of this scene also made many practitioners in the outside world feel puzzled.

After all, according to the previous style of LingXiao supreme palace, Jiang Hao and others should be chased to death. As a result, after only three days, the whole palace became very quiet as if nothing had happened.

This kind of quiet makes people feel a bit strange, almost all people think that this kind of quiet is actually the quiet before the storm.

I'm afraid the mainland will be in chaos.

Many people have such a sentence in their hearts.

Just when the eyes of many forces in doutian mainland were focused on luomei Pavilion and Lingxiao Wushang palace, on an island nearest to doutian mainland, an old man with a slightly emaciated figure suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a trace of light in his turbid eyes.

"Lao Li Tou, you've lost the game. You don't want to play tricks, do you?"

The slightly emaciated old man had a chess game in front of him. The sunspot had fallen into the downwind and was surrounded by white ones. It seemed that he was about to lose.

On the other hand, there is an old man sitting opposite him. Although the strength of the old man is just a strong one in the realm of fairyland, it is the peak existence on this island.

"I won't lose."

Said the slightly emaciated old man.

"You always say that."

On hearing this, the old man on the opposite side immediately blew his beard and glared.

"But I did not lose."

The old man said again.

"But you've lost this game. Don't think you just snuck in there, I didn't notice."

The old man complained.

But just as he had just finished speaking, the old man suddenly stood up, and his back, which had been bowing, seemed to straighten out a lot at the moment.

"What do you want?"

After seeing this scene, the old man immediately took a step back and also stood up, but in his heart there was an ominous premonition.

Is there something wrong with the old Li Tou's look today?

To be exact, it's just pretending to be absorbed in meditation, but in fact, it's not quite right after taking a nap.

When the old man made a wild guess, the old man named Lao Li Tou looked up at the direction of doutian land and then opened his mouth.

"Emperor Wu, I'm leaving?"

"What are you talking about? Leave? Is it that I, the great Wu Dynasty, can't keep you? "

On hearing the old Li Tou's words, Emperor Wu immediately said with dissatisfaction. It seemed that he was abandoned by his beloved.

The guards on one side could not help laughing.

Who could have thought that Emperor Wu, who had been a great power to the whole dynasty, was actually such an old urchin in private.

Even old Li Tou couldn't help being disgusted. He looked at the other party with disdain and said, "you old man, get out of my way. If I hadn't seen your daughter look like my dead wife, the ghost would have stayed in this place for such a long time."

"Who is not ashamed? Laozi's precious daughter is what you can think of? "

After hearing that old Li Tou said so, Emperor Wu's face showed a look of pride.

At the beginning, Lao Li Tou didn't know where he came from. He fell in love with his daughter and said that he looked like his dead wife. In order to protect his daughter, Emperor Wu did not hesitate to fight against him.

As a result, I don't know how the old man practiced. Now he has reached the realm of fairyland, but he still can't walk on the other side's hand.

Thinking of those things that happened before, Emperor Wu couldn't help shaking his head.

This old monster, fortunately, he did not marry his daughter to each other, otherwise his daughter would have been old, and the other party still looked like this now. Do you think it's terrible?

You know, when he met each other, he was just over 40 years old, but now he is old, and the other side is not changed at all.

As if the life and death of the world had no effect on him.

"Emperor Wu, the great Wu Dynasty may need you to defend yourself in the future?"

The words of Emperor Wu did not arouse much reaction from old Li Tou. He turned to look at each other, and his face became solemn. He did not have the usual Hippie face.

"Are you really going?"

Seeing the other side's look, Emperor Wu was also stunned and his tone changed.

"I've been here for hundreds of years, and it's time to leave."

Lao Li nodded his head, then turned the subject, and then said.

"You should stay here. At this age, don't go out and go around. If you really encounter the disaster of life and death, if you can't make it, you can come to Dou Tiandi to find me."

"I knew that you came from doutian land. I have been covering your origin and your past all these years. Now you, the old man, are leaving soon. Can you tell me who you are?"On hearing the other side's words, Emperor Wu was also full of indignation.

Although now, he does not know what the other side is, but compared to that matter, he cares more about the name of the other party. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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