Sacred Devil

Chapter 2859

She had been able to feel the breath of master and all of them, but in that moment, everyone's breath disappeared, which was really confusing.

After ling'er finished asking, others also looked at the elder martial sister in red one after another.

Elder martial sister's strength should know what happened.

You know, just now they all felt two kinds of extreme terror, and even the scene of doomsday appeared above luomei Pavilion.

But in just a moment, these scenes disappeared.

Under the gaze of many younger martial brothers and sisters, Hong Yi also looked at the hall, her face slightly changed, and then she explained.

"Jiang Hao and Jiuyou have torn apart a piece of space, and now they are fighting in that space."

When he said this, his face was shocked. It turned out that after reaching that level, tearing the space was just a matter of an instant.

Although today's red dress is also a strong xianzun realm, but to let her instantly tear a piece of space, she thinks that now she can't do it.

When the red dress is slightly moved, the spirit son on one side can't help but sigh.

"Then we can't see it."

When she said this, ling'er's face was full of lost expression. She also wanted to see the picture of two celestial beings fighting with each other at the top of the realm. But she didn't expect that these people would tear up a piece of space by themselves and not show it to them. What a disappointment!

"If you can't see it, it's better than they started to tear down our luomei Pavilion."

After ling'er finished speaking, a disciple standing not far from them could not help saying.

You know, when Jiang Hao and Jiuyou ancestor started to fight, she was nearby. She also had a sense of that terrible smell. If this breath was allowed to explode completely, luomei pavilion would be reduced to ruins.

"It's also true. The destructive power of the strong in xianzun's realm is really terrible."

After hearing what the disciple said, ling'er also nodded and agreed. However, although the words said so, it was still difficult to cover up the lost look on her face.

After all, it's a battle between the top of the xianzun realm. I don't know if I have a second chance to see it in my life.

"It's not that you can't see it."

At this time, the red dress is also the line of sight from the hall, and then look to ling'er and others.

"Elder martial sister also has a way?"

Hearing this, ling'er was excited immediately.


Hongyi nodded. Although he could not tear a piece of space like Jiang Hao and Jiuyou ancestor, he would not have a big problem if he just let these people see what happened in the space.

"I knew that the elder martial sister was the best."

See red clothes nod, Ling son quickly took the other side's hand, and then is the coquettish way.

Red took out her hand and gave her a piece of fried chestnuts with sugar. When the other party was in pain, she lifted her hand, and a Wang Qingquan appeared in front of everyone. In the spring, there was a picture.

"Master Jiang Hao!"

After seeing the picture in front of you, ling'er also covers her forehead and shouts with surprise.

At this time, in the torn space, the world seems to have only two colors, one is like blood general red, the other is overwhelming black.

These two colors divide the space into two parts.

After Jiuyou, a bloody skeleton emerges. Behind Jiang Hao, there is a huge Bodhi mirror, and his hands are holding double swords.

"The youngest immortal in history, I want to see how strong you are!"

Think of each other's address, Jiuyou Laozu's mouth also emerged a sneer.

You know, he has been at the peak of xianzun realm for hundreds of years. Even if he meets the strong man in the half step chaotic state, he has the power to fight. Facing the boy who has just stepped into the peak of xianzun realm, he is not half afraid, but full of confidence!

"Please give me your advice

Jiang Hao and the other side did not continue to speak hard, directly is the toe a little body shape fierce toward the nine you old ancestor burst shot.

Look at that appearance is actually intended to directly and the other side of the most primitive melee.

Aware of this, Jiuyou Laozu also did not retreat, directly with the other side tangled together.

At this moment, the thundering sound was also ringing.

But in a moment, they had already passed hundreds of moves.

"The body of the strong at the peak of xianzun realm has been nurtured to a perfect state. If they fight with each other like this, they will not be able to tell the difference even after a hundred days?" After seeing this scene,

also couldn't make complaints about her. She thought that the strong of the realm of fairy dignity should be seen by many visions.But did not think that they actually used the most primitive hand to hand combat? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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