Sacred Devil

Chapter 2872

If he was on his way as usual, Wang Xianwen estimated that he would have to meet at least a dozen mutant fierce beasts with fairly good strength.

he took the spear out of the body of one of the mutant fierce beasts, and the blood was like a column, and Wang Xianwen's face became a little strange.

"When there were so many deviant beasts near the baigui mountain range."

Looking at the monster corpse in front of him, Wang Xianwen also couldn't help frowning.

Before he closed down, he often practiced in the baigui mountain range. Naturally, he was familiar with the surrounding area. However, today's baigui mountain reveals an unusual atmosphere everywhere.

"Is there a wave of animals coming?"

Liu Wende looked up from afar at the baigui mountain range, then opened his mouth.


For Liu Wende's conjecture, Wang Xianwen said with some uncertainty.

"Are we going to enter the baigui mountain range today?"

Liu Wende licked some dry lips with an unwilling look in his eyes. They had planned for a long time, but they wanted to enter the baigui mountain range today. If he gave up, Liu Wende would not.

"In, of course, you have to go in. If you don't go into the tiger's den, you'll get nothing."

Facing the other party's question, Wang Xianwen almost did not think about it, so he opened his mouth and answered.

"From the experience of the past years, it is not the time for the outbreak of the animal tide. It is estimated that it is just a few waves of small mutant fierce beasts. It is not our style to wait for this opportunity to give up halfway."

"What brother Wang said is, but we should be careful."

At the same time, Liu Wende also looked at the quiet path in front of him.

This place is not easy to find. Although it is still outside the baigui mountain range, it is actually very close to the interior of the baigui mountain range. When they just came here, they had met several powerful mutant fierce beasts.

However, those deviant beasts did not attack them. Although some of them were against the common sense, Liu Wende and Wang Xianwen obviously did not take this into consideration when facing the huge temptation.

"Naturally, when we cross this path, we will reach the territory of the six armed ape, and we will cross it as fast as we can."

When Wang Xianwen spoke, his eyes became dignified.

Although with their strength, they can be short-lived with the variation of xianzun realm in the early stage, but in fact, there is a huge difference between Xianwang realm and xianzun realm. Once they are in a bitter battle, even they are not sure to come out alive.


Liu Wende also nodded heavily. Naturally, he knew the danger. However, it was not luck but his own strength that could cultivate him to this level.

After some preparation, they set foot on the path leading to the interior of baigui mountain. The trail was very quiet all the way, which made people feel uneasy.

"It's so quiet..."

When he was halfway there, Liu Wende, who had not spoken, could not help speaking.

In fact, at the moment he stepped into the path, he was ready to fight. As a result, he came all the way, let alone mutated fierce beasts. Even ordinary monsters were not met.

It's like these mutant beasts evaporated.

It all seems so unusual.

"Yes, it's so quiet."

Wang Xianwen also nodded his head. His eyes were always wary of looking around him. His calloused hand was placed on the sword. If there was any disturbance, he could do it immediately.

"Brother Wang, what do you want to do when the gate enters the baigui mountain range?"

For this strange sect, Liu Wende was full of curiosity from the moment he knew his name.

"I don't know. It's probably cleaning up the deviant beasts in the baigui mountain range..."

Wang Xianwen thought about it, then hesitated and said.

This seems to be the most reasonable explanation at the moment.

"I guess so. Otherwise, why are there so many deviant beasts on the periphery of the baigui mountain range, and the interior is so quiet? I don't know if they have found that secret place."

At the beginning, Liu Wende was still a little excited, but the more he thought about it, he could not help worrying. Compared with the good deeds done by Xuanmen, what he was more afraid of was that the people of Xuanmen found the existence of relics.

It's a treasure that can become a powerful immortal.

"It's better not to find it, if it does."

When Wang Xianwen said this, he also spoke in a tone of voice. His eyes suddenly became resentful. He only listened to him.

"Then we must not give in, even if it is against these people."

This is the way of practice. The strong must fight for it!"What brother Wang said is that after all, we discovered this secret place first. If they want to have a share, they have to ask us whether we can accept it or not." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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