Sacred Devil

Chapter 2875

"The remains?"

After hearing what Wang Xianwen said, Liu Wende obviously hesitated.

He had been preparing for the ruins of the powerful immortal for many years. Now he was about to fulfill his long cherished wish. But at this time, Wang Xianwen told him that he could not stay here any longer.

This makes Liu Wende obviously a little difficult to accept.

"Do you think that in the present situation, even if there are really treasures in the ruins, do you think we can act under the eyes of the two immortals with our strength?"

Wang Xianwen gave Liu Wende a bad look.

Is he willing? It's not the current situation.

"But you and I have worked hard for so long just for today. If you leave like this, are you willing to do it, brother Wang?"

Being scolded by the opposite side, Liu Wende is still a little reluctant.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. Now that money is in front of us, who is willing to leave?

"Do you think so?"

Wang Xianwen feels a bit big at the moment. How could he not have known that his Taoist friend was such a brainless fellow before? If he had known, he would have broken up with the other party.

At present, the situation is no longer a matter of whether he is willing or not, but because of the situation. Why can't this guy see clearly?

"Brother Wang, I respect you most in the past. From the day we became practitioners, we knew that there were endless dangers along the way. But isn't danger just another name for opportunity?"

Liu Wende continued his efforts.

Obviously, at the moment, he is determined and doesn't want to leave.

"Risk doesn't mean death!"

Wang Xianwen only felt some pain in his head at this time, but for the sake of many years' good friends, he still said patiently.

"We are now in the periphery of the baigui mountain range, and the center of the battle is in the deepest position of the baigui mountain range. Just the overflow of the residual waves has already made people headache. Do you think that with the strength of you and me, we can fish in troubled waters under such circumstances?"


Wang Xianwen's painstaking efforts have obviously achieved some results. Just after he finished, Liu Wende, who was a little excited from the moment of emotion, was also silent.

What the other side said is very reasonable. Even if the battle broke out inside the baigui mountain range, the outside world would still be affected. Under such circumstances, they would enter rashly and probably would not know how to die.

When Liu Wende was silent, whew, there were several voices in the sky.

Suddenly, they looked up and looked at the direction where the fairy in red had left before. However, they saw several figures coming from the sky and heading for the baigui mountain range.

What shocked Liu Wende and Wang Xianwen most was that these figures were all powerful in xianzun realm.

"What happened in the depths of the baigui mountain range that attracted so many powerful people?"

Looking at the direction of these strong men leaving, Wang Xianwen can't help but say.

"In this small world, when are the strong xianzun realm like Chinese cabbage? You can see it everywhere."

is more than Wang Xianwen's curiosity, Liu Wende can not help but make complaints about it.

We should know that the ruins they want to go to this time is the place where a strong immortal master fell down, but at this time, dozens of powerful people of xianzun realm appeared successively in the baigui mountain range.

This is so shocking!

Liu Wende feels that all these years are in vain except today.

"With so many powerful people gathering, it seems that doutian mainland will not be peaceful."

Wang Xianwen did not make complaints about Liu Wende's Tucao, but opened his mouth.

"Are you going to look for the remains now?"

When asked, Wang Xianwen also turned his head again and looked at Liu Wende, his eyes full of ridicule.

If the other party dares to go now, his brother's character is not just as stubborn as cattle.


After hearing Wang Xianwen's question, Liu Wende did not answer directly. Instead, he coughed twice. Then he looked into the depths of the baigui mountain range with an embarrassed look on his face.

He is not a fool. He knows that he can't do anything that will kill him.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing this, Wang Xianwen is also not polite to laugh up, did not give his good friend a little face at all.

While they were talking, the strong men who entered from the path had already arrived in the depths of the baigui mountain range. Naturally, the leader was the Emperor Yan, who was famous for his reputation in doutian.

Li Zheng's eyes scanned the depths of the baigui mountain range, which used to be a continuous mountain range, but now it has been reduced to a piece of ruins. Everywhere you can feel the substantial energy fluctuation.

Obviously, there was a big war here, but I don't know why at the moment when they entered the baigui mountain range, the original clear breath suddenly disappeared.Only left a piece of astonishing vision of heaven and earth.

"This... I can't feel Jiang Hao's breath?"

The Taoist priest who came with us had some uncertain words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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