Sacred Devil

Chapter 2895

After feeling the tremendous power from his body, Jiang Hao was finally relieved. He got up from his bed, opened the door and went out.

As far as you can see, there is a red plum blossom in full bloom, which embellishes the spring color.

Although Jiang Hao made a lot of noise that day, under the deliberate protection of Jiang Hao, the red plum of Tingfeng Pavilion did not suffer too much damage. In this period of time, under the recuperation, it has already been restored to its former scenery.

As soon as Jiang Hao went out, red clothes appeared in front of him.

Today's red dress is different from the past, probably because she stayed in luomei Pavilion these days. So she did not hold a sword in her arms as before. Instead, she stood in the same place, looking like peach blossoms. What she carried was a gorgeous and amazing one.

"Have you recovered from your injury?"

Since Jiang Hao no longer looks like before that pair of disease disaster appearance, red clothes also can't help but some surprise of the mouth asked.

As soon as he spoke, the image of the fairy from the clouds disappeared in an instant. Instead, he could reach out and touch the warm fragrant nephrite.

"Well, the Jiuding dihunyou pill is worthy of being the top seven pills. After refining, my body's injury has been improved by half. In addition, after several days of warming up, I have been completely cured."

Jiang Hao said with a smile.

In fact, after taking Jiuding dihunyou pill, not only did Jiang Hao recover from his injury, but also improved his strength.

"That's good."

After hearing Jiang Hao say so, Hong Yi nods at ease, and then goes forward to tidy up the lapel for Jiang Hao.

I told Jiang Hao one by one what happened in doutian mainland these days.

Speaking of these days, when many practitioners came to meet Jiang Hao in admiration, Hong Yi couldn't help laughing.

"You are now a celebrity in doutian land. The practitioners who seek you to refine pills have already filled the city of wild geese, but most of them have been turned down by me. Only a few people have been left for you."

By the time we got here, the red dress was a bit more normal.

"In addition to three of these people who are already in our Xuanmen, there are four strong people from other continents. Almost all of them are strong ones in the great perfection of xianzun realm, and only one is in the middle stage of xianzun realm."

"I didn't know that there were so many powerful people in our small world."

After listening to the story of red, Jiang Hao was also slightly surprised.

Before I had not broken through to the realm of xianzun, I was full of yearning for this realm. I thought that the strong people in this realm should be rare, but I didn't expect that there were so many in this small world.

"Xiaoqian has a vast territory, but there is not only one Dou Tian continent. This should be clearer than me."

Jiang Hao's words also made the red dress smile. After laughing, the red dress was right again.

"What's more, if it wasn't for the existence of these predecessors, the void creatures would have occupied the small world for a long time. Although the gods and dragons can't see the end in ordinary times, they will appear whenever the war comes."

When talking about this, the red dress also has some admiration. Although this is a race war, it is precisely because of the guardianship of these elders that Xiaoqian world has not been completely occupied by void creatures for so many years.

"Let's meet them together."

Jiang Hao nodded, and the expression on his face was also serious.

Naturally, he knew very well why the red clothes left these people. Now the battle between heaven and earth is imminent, and the Xuanlong ruins will be opened at any time. It would be great for them to condense all these idle forces.

After all, there has been no new movement in the supreme palace of the sky recently, and such a calm is often the most disturbing.

When he thought of this, Jiang Hao's mind also appeared a familiar face, which is from the world of glass.

With the other party in, the void creature side will obviously have a greater chance of winning.

One of the things Jiang Hao wants to do now is to unite all the forces that are as united as possible.

In the process of going to the assembly hall, red clothes also introduced the identities of these practitioners to Jiang Hao one by one.

By the time she finished her introduction, they had already arrived at the door of the conference hall. Jiang Hao paused for a moment, with a warm smile on his face, and then walked into the meeting hall with his red clothes.

At this time, seven old people with different styles were waiting in the chamber.

"Welcome to luomeige to see the boy. I feel very honored."

As soon as he entered the conference hall, Jiang Hao said hello to the seven elders with a smile.

Although his strength may not be weaker than any of the seven old men, in the same realm, his age is there, so Jiang Hao claims to be a , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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