Sacred Devil

Chapter 2912

Although Hongyi said so, Jiang Hao still checked carefully and made sure that the other side was in good health. Then he looked around again.

After confirming that there was no other life on the island, Jiang Hao also took out a small wooden house from the mustard seed space. Suddenly, there was a house for people to rest on the beautiful beach.


After seeing this scene, the red dress on one side also showed a look of surprise. Although she always knew that the ancient Bodhi mirror could store things as an ancient artifact, she never thought that the storage space of ancient Bodhi mirror was so large.

Or is Jiang Hao really extravagant to put a cabin in such a rare mustard seed space?

If you let others see this, I'm afraid it will startle your chin.

After noticing the change of the expression on the red dress's face, Jiang Hao also knew that the other party had misunderstood him, even when he opened his mouth to explain.

"This wooden house is filled with smoke from a small pool. The interior space of the Bodhi ancient mirror is a little strange. It is much larger than the general space. It does not affect anything to put such a small wooden house."

After hearing this, the red dress is also more surprised. If there is no problem putting such a house, how large the internal space should be?

"It is indeed an ancient artifact that even the master praises. Let alone other things, the function of internal storage is not comparable to that of ordinary magic weapons."

The tone of red dress was full of wonder. She stepped forward and put out her hand to touch the wall of the house. Then she looked back at Jiang Hao again as if she had suddenly remembered something.

"It doesn't matter if we build a small house here?"

The expression of red dress is a little nervous.


Jiang Hao looked at the other party in a puzzled way. He obviously didn't understand the meaning of the other party.

"Master, aren't they coming soon? The house is obviously out of thin air. If they see it... "

The rest of the words did not finish, but the meaning has been clearly expressed.

"They rely on personal magic to cross the sea. Even the fastest flying sword takes half a day without being invaded by monsters in the deep sea."

When he said this, Jiang Hao's tone was also a little helpless.

It's not that he refuses to use the teleportation array to transmit all these people directly, but because these people have no chance to speak to him at all.

In addition, none of the people in the LingXiao supreme palace have yet to arrive, so Jiang Hao goes with these old guys.

After all, these people are basically in closed practice all the year round and rarely go out and walk around. It is a good thing to let them exercise their muscles and bones before the war begins.


After hearing Jiang Hao's explanation, the expression on her face is also speechless.

Especially when she thought of her master among the many strong men who crossed the deep sea, she was helpless. However, she did not say anything at last, but directly shifted the topic.

"Since it will be some time before the seniors can arrive, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery here. After all, we may not be able to see the beautiful scenery in front of us."

Looking at the vast ocean in front of her and the exotic islands behind her, she felt a little depressed at the moment.

Living in luomeige all year round, she has little chance to see the sea.

Just when the red dress was quite full of emotion, Jiang Hao also looked at the ocean from the other side's line of sight, and then said with a smile.

"I don't know if there are mermaids in this area."

"Mermaid, isn't that only in legend?"

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, red clothes immediately widened her eyes and looked at each other.

Seeing that his face was full of surprise, Jiang Hao also told each other about his encounter with mermaids in the evil city. After listening to Jiang Hao's story, red clothes focused on the old drunkard.

"If I have a chance, I'd like to meet the elder you are talking about."

Red tone with a little sigh, but in her voice just fell, two people's eyes are at the same time become sharp up, together to see the east of San Francisco.

There is a similar array with the portal used by Jiang Haoxian, which appears in front of them. Under their gaze, a white and elegant figure comes out.

The girl's face is exquisite, and her skin is white and transparent. The three thousand green silk is fixed with only one hairpin. Although the hairpin of white jade looks very ordinary, it is engraved with complicated runes, which is not ordinary at first sight.

In addition, the girl also has a pair of particularly clear and moving eyes, like Obsidian flowing in the stream.

Just as Jiang Hao and Hong Yi look at the girl, the girl also looks at them with a little surprise, but only for a moment, it is fleeting, and it is restored to the original unshaken , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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