Sacred Devil

Chapter 2923

Because everyone is a girl, so the relationship between red dress and Qin Yin pigeon has always been good. Although the scene just happened was too sudden, she still recognized the identity of each other.

"Qin Yin pigeon?"

Jiang Hao frowned slightly, and a bright figure appeared in his mind.

He remembered that the patriarch from Wanhua sect had already reached the middle stage of xianzun realm.

To this realm of the strong, even if they encounter an unmatched opponent, it is absolutely impossible to just have time to send out a scream?

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao also stretched out his hand and pulled the red coat to his side.

"What's the matter?"

Red clothes was startled and looked at Jiang Hao, thinking that something had happened again.

"The shadow just moved so fast that I didn't even have time to see what kind of monster it was. You still hold on to my hand. I'm afraid you'll have an accident."

Jiang Hao explained.

The scream was not far away from them, but even so, Jiang Hao didn't see whether it was a man or a monster?

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Jiang Hao also let red clothes tightly grasp his arm, he did not want to let red clothes follow Qin Yin pigeon's footsteps.

After hearing Jiang Hao's explanation, Hong Yi also nodded, and then closely followed the other party's side, holding Jiang Hao's arm with one hand.

Her strength and Qin Yin pigeon is not much different, even the other side has no way to respond to the attack, it is estimated that their own words are the same result.

As they kept moving down, Hong Yi only felt that her sight line seemed to be gradually restricted, and her immortal body seemed to be losing its function with the depth of her dive.

Aware of this, red also can't help but say.

"The sea seems strange. I could see the distance of 800 miles in the sea, but now it seems that I can only see the surrounding sea area at most."

"It should have been affected by the ruins, which have weakened our abilities."

Jiang Hao nodded, apparently aware of this early in the morning.

"We've been swimming for so long, why haven't we seen them?"

Red Yi looks around. She doesn't see any other practitioners except for her, Jiang Hao and Qin Yin pigeon, who just disappeared for no reason. However, it is clear that all of them came down from the same sea area.

How can it disappear as soon as it enters the sea floor?

"I don't know."

Jiang Hao shakes his head. He has been looking for the figures of other practitioners in the Xuanmen all the time, but he also gets nothing.

As for the former huge shadow, I don't know whether it was because he and the red dress were very vigilant, so it never appeared again.

By this time they had been diving for nearly a quarter of an hour.

According to common sense, at this time, mountain sea soul eating bats should have arrived in San Francisco, but so far, they have not felt any movement.

It was as if the two of them had been isolated from the world from the moment they entered the sea floor.

After hearing Jiang Hao say not clearly, red dress's mood is also more and more impatient, in the heart is has a regiment of anger, faintly burning up.

She had been holding Jiang Hao's arm all the time. After the other party said it was not clear, red clothes also released her hand.

Jiang Hao turned his head and looked at each other with a little puzzled in his eyes.

However, at this time, a huge black shadow suddenly rushed to the red dress, and the speed was so fast that he would not have been able to capture the existence of the black shadow if he did not feel that the red dress was released and looked at each other.

The sword, which had been tied behind her, appeared in front of the red dress and stabbed the monster with a sword.

Obviously, the monster didn't expect that these treasures had the function of protecting the owner on the sea floor, so he was caught by surprise.

It was at this moment that Jiang Hao and Hong Yi finally saw the appearance of the monster. It was a huge water monkey!

However, this water monkey has a delicate face that only a human girl can have, plus the fact that it also has 3000 green silk. If it was not at the bottom of the sea, people would definitely mistake her back for a beautiful human girl.

Compared with the normal upper body, the lower body of this water monkey is a lot of deformity. The strong and strong lower limbs are full of strength.

The sword in red just stabbed the water monkey's chest. Although the water monkey's defensive power is amazing, this sword in red clothes has been cultivated for years in red clothes. Ordinary treasures can't be compared with each other. One blow can break its hard flesh and blood.

Stabbed by a long sword, the water monkey also made a shrill scream. His delicate face was full of pain, and the blood gushed out along the sea , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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