Sacred Devil

Chapter 293

"What if I refuse to do so?" Jiang Hao looked at the head of the aboriginal friars, eyes are full of thick disdain.

They had been in the ruins for only three months, so he was not afraid to offend people. Even if he offended the powerful forces in the ruins, Jiang Hao would not be afraid.

What's more, they came to the ruins just to find xuanci and others to stop the plot of the little Buddhist temple.

"Outsiders, the strength of Lirong tribe is not what you can imagine. I advise you to hand over zhenshanzhu, or you will all die when the high priest of our tribe arrives." The head of the aboriginal monk looked at Jiang Hao, his eyes showed a strong sense of killing!

They are the descendants of the Buddha, and the treasure of their tribe zhenshanzhu is given by the Buddha. Although they have received zhenshanzhu for so many years, they have not studied the role of the inheritance treasure of the tribe.

Everything can be lost in Lirong tribe, but the treasure of clan inheritance can not be lost.

"Well, wait till he comes. You'll all die before he comes." Jiang Hao raised the knife, and his body momentum kept soaring.

"Go! God! Step on it! Spirit Jiang Hao yelled out word by word. All of a sudden, his whole body skin instantly became dark, and a line instantly covered the whole body.

Six turn immortal body!

Jiang Hao's power increased again, and his knife fell.


Suddenly, the void collapses, and the immortal chopping knife is like a magic weapon, crushing everything with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth.

"No!" The head of the aboriginal friars roared up to the sky, his voice was full of unwilling color.

When the chopping knife falls, the first Aboriginal friar will be devoured by the momentum of the sword, and then the head monk will be turned into a pool of meat and mud.

After the death of the first Aboriginal monk, Jiang Hao's face was calm, and then he stepped forward directly. His eyes showed a thick cold color, and then he cut it with a knife.

The powerful sword came and directly killed the remaining Aboriginal friars. After Jiang Hao joined in, the aboriginal friars who had been suppressed were still more and more defeated.

Li Yu three people's decisive attack, mozak, Xiao city and Chu Yue crazy attack.

"Quick battle, quick decision!" Jiang Hao cut down a knife, directly killed an Aboriginal monk, and then said.

All of them nodded, without a trace of hidden strength. They only took a few minutes to kill the four aboriginal monks.

After these Aboriginal friars died, Jiang Hao and others put away their storage bags and quickly left the battlefield.

The inheritance treasure of Lirong tribe is a magic bead. Moreover, from the mouth of the aboriginal friars, their tribe has a more powerful high priest!

Therefore, Jiang Hao is not willing to stay in the battle place for a long time. After all, no one knows whether there will be more powerful monks in the Lirong tribe.

The monks in the ruins are different from them. What they practice is very simple, only spiritual cultivation and body training. However, the monks in the ruins do not practice body and spirit. They simply rely on feeling the pulse of power. Therefore, their strength is much stronger than the monks in the eastern regions.


The ruins are very West, Li Rong tribe!

The old man with white hair raised his head and his eyes were full of gloom.

"I didn't expect that Mengxi failed. It seems that the people who came in this time are much better than the last one!" The old man with white hair looked at the extinguished light and said slowly.

Every lamp here represents the life of a member of the tribe. The lights that have just been extinguished are the monks who went to recover the treasure of the tribe's inheritance. Now the lights are off, which also shows that they have failed!

"Meng Xing, give me the order to hunt down all the foreign invaders!" The old man with white hair looked up with no emotion in his eyes.

"Yes, high priest!" Suddenly, a monk outside answered respectfully.

The old man with white hair is the high priest of Lirong tribe and one of the most powerful friars in the ruins!

When the old man with white hair finished all this, he began to sit down again. In front of him, there were all kinds of cultivation methods!

However, these cultivation methods are not one of those practiced by anyone in the ruins. These cultivation methods are all obtained by her from those outsiders decades ago.

He had practiced this skill, but he found that it was not suitable for him or anyone in the relics. So he began to study how to crack these skills.

After decades of research, he is very clear about his achievements. Almost all the cores of Lirong tribe are confident to break through the skills of these outsiders.

"It's less than a month before the Buddha was born, and I don't know if the Buddha will choose to take it away this time." The high priest was looking forward to it.

As believers of the Buddha, they naturally hope that the Buddha will succeed in taking it away. After all, only after all, can the Buddha have the hope of leaving the Wuwei iceberg.

All people think that it is a legend that Wuwei iceberg trapped the Buddha. However, as believers of the Buddha, Li Rong tribe all know that this is not a legend, it is a real thing."Meng Xian, remember to protect those Buddhist practices in the small Buddhist temple. They are the hope of Buddha's rebirth." The high priest was silent and looked outside.

"Yes, high priest!" Outside, a more indifferent voice sounded, and then disappeared without trace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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