Sacred Devil

Chapter 2932

"No one can destroy everything I guard."

Jiang Hao turned his head and looked at Li Wenxin in a low voice.

"If anyone wants to do this, I will certainly make him regret it!"

Along with Jiang Hao's voice, and behind him that exudes the dark light of the empty eye, but at this time the empty eye sounded a broken voice.

Jiang Hao's idea directly destroyed the empty eye!

"Why How could that be so? "

Li Wenxin was completely stunned when he looked at the empty eyes which were also broken and turned into a sky full of glory. Clearly, Jiang Hao had just been addicted to the world of void fear. Why could such a terrible will erupt?

In addition, Li Wenxin felt a strong sense of killing from Jiang Hao at the moment when the empty eye was broken.

But before Li Wenxin had time to think about it, Jiang Hao's figure was already in front of him. The knife light reflected the void, and the young man's dark eyes were full of cold light at the moment.

Li Wenxin quickly blocked the attack, but in the face of Jiang Hao's fierce attack, he couldn't be as relaxed as before. His heartless double swords fell on the scales of his body and drew blood marks one after another.

Scales fall, leaving a shocking wound!

The half step chaotic state is not a perfect God. After Jiang Hao also broke out the strength of the half step chaotic state, Li Wenxin, who was able to achieve the half step chaos state with the help of the outside world, was no longer the opponent of Jiang Hao.

Just as he first pressed Jiang Hao step by step, Jiang Hao also launched a vengeance like attack, which directly destroyed most of Li Wenxin's immortal body, and the other party's breath also began to become listless.

The empty mark left on Li Wenxin's arm began to dim after Jiang Hao's final blow. It was obvious that the power was about to be used up.

Jiuyou Laozu and Du Hongchang also looked at each other, knowing that there was no way to keep away from the affair at the moment, so they rushed towards Jiang Hao one after another.

They clearly understood that after Jiang Hao completely defeated Li Wenxin, they would be the next people to pay the price of their lives.

"Let's do it together. I don't believe we can do anything about him today!"

Although Jiang Hao has broken through the half step chaotic state, Li Wenxin is still struggling to support him. If he and Du Hongchang can give each other enough pressure, Li Wenxin may be able to break out more powerful magical powers when he and Du Hongchang can give each other enough pressure.

At that time, even if Jiang Hao has three heads and six arms, it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Hao to escape from their overwhelming attack.

"Jiang Hao!"

One side of the red dress after seeing this scene, is also hastily anxious to shout, obviously wants to come forward to help.

"You don't have to deal with these ants who are willing to sell their souls to void creatures."

After hearing the cry of red clothes, Jiang Hao looked at the three people in front of him and drew a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

"Besides, I'm afraid they'll dirty your hands."

With the landing of the last syllable, Jiang Hao took the lead, but this time his target was no longer Li Wenxin, but Du Hongchang.

Du Hongchang obviously did not expect that Jiang Hao would come to the persimmon to pick the soft pinch first. Just as Jiang Hao had made some moves, Du Hongchang's body shape was in a hurry to retreat behind him.

However, he obviously underestimated the speed of Jiang Hao's promotion to the half step chaotic state. Just as Du Hongchang's body suddenly retreated, Jiang Hao made a sudden impact, with five fingers forming claws, and the target pointed directly at the other party's throat.

Just as Du Hongchang was about to escape from Jiang Hao's attack range, Jiang Hao's speed increased again. Jiuyou Laozu and Li Wenxin behind him tried to rescue Du Hongchang at the same time, but Jiang Hao's action was obviously faster. Before the attack behind him, Jiang Hao's palm also fell on Du Hongchang's slender neck.

Du Hongchang still wanted to break free, but he was surprised to find that the speed of the spiritual power in his body began to become extremely slow.

Don't say it is to break away from the shackles of Jiang Hao. He can't even resist. He can only watch Jiang Hao easily break his neck.


Du Hongchang uttered his last scream in despair.

However, this scream did not last long, and Du Hongchang closed his eyes forever.

In Jiang Hao's hands, the strong man in the middle of xianzun realm was like a chicken with no resistance.

Such a scene fell in the eyes of Jiuyou Laozu, whose face finally showed a look of fear.

He originally wanted to stop Jiang Hao, but this time when his attack quickly fell on Jiang Hao, he suddenly turned around and wanted to run away.

Obviously, Jiang Hao's decisive fighting style also completely scared Jiuyou ancestor's courage.


Li Wenxin did not expect that at this critical moment, Jiuyou Laozu would have the intention of retreating, not to mention that the other party was running so fast.He didn't even respond! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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