Sacred Devil

Chapter 2945

"It was the first time I met Xuanlong. He was not a human practitioner like me, and he stayed in the half step chaotic state for nearly hundreds of years."

When he said this, there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

I don't know if I miss Xuanlong, who was as young as he was, or who was still free.

Jiang Hao did not interrupt, but continued to listen to the other side.

In the other side's narration, Jiang Hao also learned that the Xiaoqian world in those years was not the same as it is now. Human practitioners are the dominant force, but are divided into two forces.

One is a man of practice in ancient times, the other is an ancient fierce beast, and Xuanlong is the most powerful son of the real dragon among the ancient fierce beasts.

The invasion of the void creatures, so that the two forces were completely united. Because of Xuanlong's outstanding strength, he became the leader at that time.

Broken empty old ghost and Xuanlong also became opponents, both of them are the most likely to break through the chaos state of the strong.

In order to end the war as soon as possible, Xuanlong finally made a decision to break through the chaos with the power of Xiaoqian world. After knowing this, the old ghost came to stop him, but he was finally suppressed by the other side of the underworld.

I don't know much about the rest.

After all, he fell into a deep sleep after being suppressed. He only remembered that after that, a more terrible war broke out between heaven and earth, which was far more than the scale when he and Xuanlong started to fight.

"If I have not guessed wrong, it should be the result of the fight between the two strong men in the chaotic state."

When he said this, the old ghost's face was deeply shocked.

At that time, although he was still sleeping, he still felt the terrible power.

Now in retrospect, there are still some lingering fears.

"Two strong people in chaos? You mean master Xuanlong and master of void

After listening to the story of the old ghost, Jiang Hao's expression on his face was also a little shocked, but soon he thought of what happened later according to the other side's story.

"Who else but the two of them can make such a noise."

Broken empty old ghost wryly smile, at that time he and Xuanlong are also the favored son of heaven, but he finally lost to Xuanlong.

"And if I'm not wrong, their final battlefield should be chosen at the boundary."

"Wait! Is not the land of boundaries dead

Hearing this, Jiang Hao also quickly interrupted.

"Because it is a dead land, it is suitable to be a battlefield. Moreover, the restrictions imposed on the strong in the realm are not as strong as those of the immortal realm practitioners."

Broken empty old ghost mouth explains.

"Only there can they give full play to their real strength. If there is a direct war in Xiaoqian world, the whole Xiaoqian world may be overwhelmed and destroyed, but even so, the war in that year is still very shocking."

Speaking of this, the old ghost's face changed, obviously recalling the scene at that time.

"Aren't you sleeping? How can you know so well? "

One side of the red dress after hearing the other side said this, can not help but ask.

"I just fell into a deep sleep just because I was suppressed in order to survive. I am not dead. Naturally, I can detect what is happening outside."

See red clothes don't believe what he said, broken empty old ghost also has no good spirit way.

"Forget it, you're such a low-level girl, of course you can't understand it."


Hearing the other party's words, red dress is also angry, but finally did not continue to argue with the other party, after all, the other party still has a lot of things to explain clearly.

"And then, what happened?"

Jiang Hao on one side patted the red coat on the shoulder, then continued to ask the old ghost.

"Later, I don't know exactly what happened, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that the war was so tragic that Xiaoqian world and the void world were criticized for it."

The old ghost of broken void can't help but sigh when he talks about it. It's really the ultimate war that has never been before.

"After that war, the spiritual power of the two realms was exhausted, and most of all things in all walks of life were destroyed. As for the great man of the void, he was also seriously injured. Several channels leading to the small world of the void world collapsed."

With the narration of the broken void old ghost, a scene of World War also appeared in Jiang Hao's mind, which made Jiang Hao unable to calm down for a long time.

Who could have thought that such a great war had happened in Xiaoqian world tens of thousands of years ago, but from this point, it can also explain why there are very few records of Xuanlong in Xiaoqian world. After that war, there are not many people alive.

In addition, thousands of years of precipitation, it is enough for people to forget too many things, those past honors and ups and downs are buried in the long river of , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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