Sacred Devil

Chapter 2948

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, Hong Yi also looked around, but because of the hindrance of her divine consciousness, she could only see where her eyes could reach.

The forest under the moonlight was very gloomy, and there was a giant rat chasing after them all the time, so red clothes could not speculate about the rest of the dense forest.

However, since Jiang Hao said so, someone must have come out of the sea and entered the forest like them.

"No! We can't go on like this. We're running away aimlessly. These giant rats are driving us away

At this time, Jiang Hao suddenly stopped, and then looked at those giant rats chasing after him. It seemed that the purpose of these huge mice from the beginning was to drive them out of the forest.

So from just now on, there are traces to follow.

If it goes on like this, he and Hong Yi will get out sooner or later.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao stopped running away with the red clothes. Instead, he stopped to fight against the huge mice in front of him.

Take a look at the praises of these ancient beasts?

Seeing the men and women in front of them stopped and no longer ran away, those giant mice also looked at each other, and then they quickly formed a circle around Jiang Hao and red clothes.

After successfully encircling Jiang Hao and Hong Yi, the giant mouse did not directly launch an attack, but was staring at them, as if waiting for someone's order.

"There seems to be a wolf head."

After noticing this scene, Jiang Hao also slightly raised his eyebrows and quickly looked at Shi Zhou, but he did not see the existence of other giant mice.

On the contrary, because they stopped running, the surroundings became quiet, and the rest of the forest became clear.

It seems that another group of people entered the dense forest.

This time, it was not only Jiang Hao, but also the red clothes beside Jiang Hao and the group of giant mice that surrounded them in the middle.

Maybe that's why they didn't attack directly from the beginning.

"Cheep! Squeak

When the two sides were in a standoff, the forest was in the middle of a more intense call, it was the voice of a giant mouse, but the voice sounded particularly hoarse, as if to warn someone.

After hearing the hissing, the group of giant mice that originally surrounded Jiang Hao and red clothes immediately rushed in the direction of the sound, as if to rescue the driver.

"What's going on?"

Red looked at the scene in front of her in amazement. She had just been ready to fight with the giant mice in front of her, but she didn't expect these giant mice to run away?

"Let's go and have a look."

Jiang Hao was also very confused about what had happened, so he also rushed to the place where he had made a sound before.

Along the way, Jiang Hao and Hong Yi saw a lot of giant mice. They all ran in one direction and did not pay attention to Jiang Hao and Hong Yi at all.

This makes Jiang Hao and Hong Yi more determined what should have happened in front of them. With such a mind, they also quickened their pace and soon came to the center of this dense forest.

Here, the traces of trees become less, and the place is replaced by a wide grassland.

As soon as Hong Yi entered here, her face was surprised because she saw that master Wuwang and senior Li Zheng were in the center of the grassland, and senior Li Zheng was carrying a cute white mouse in his hand.

The white mouse looks completely different from those giant mice in red. Its appearance is a thousand miles away. If those giant mice are disgusting, the mice in front of them are cute and lovely.

When the red coat looked at the white mouse, the white mouse also looked up at the red dress, with a smart light in his eyes, and his big black eyes were as clear as black pearls.

"What a lovely mouse

Hong Yi couldn't help exclaiming. She even forgot to say hello to her master and Li Zheng for the first time.

"These giant mice seem to have come to be mice."

At the same time, Jiang Hao's eyes are also placed on the white mouse that was carried in the hands of Li Zheng.

At this time, both of them were surrounded by giant mice as before. The only difference is that there are more giant mice here and their expressions are more ferocious.

It was as if Li Zheng was not carrying a small mouse in his hand, but the king of a giant mouse.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hao couldn't help feeling a little weird.

After all, the mice in front of us are so far away from those giant mice that it is difficult to regard them as the same race. Maybe they are not the same race?Jiang Hao had some uncertain thoughts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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