Sacred Devil

Chapter 2953

After listening to the mouse's explanation, Jiang Hao and others also looked at each other and saw a trace of inconceivable in each other's eyes.

"By the way, I said the island monster Oh, no, the ancient beast seems to have come to life suddenly. You seemed to have the same view as me at that time? "

Jiang Hao originally intended to talk about monsters, but considering that the mice regard these monsters as family members, so in the middle of the speech, Jiang Hao also swallowed them back and forced them to turn into ancient fierce beasts.

"I thought they were all the same as me, but they told me that they had been dead for a long time, only that they had suddenly come back to life some time ago."

Xiaobai opened his mouth and explained that her face was also full of doubts. Obviously, she didn't understand what was going on.

"Suddenly come alive?"

Just after Xiaobai finished, the expressions on the faces of the people also became a little weird.

"It seems that this is the reason why the Xuanlong ruins reappeared. I didn't expect that the powerful supernatural powers in the chaotic realm were so terrible that they still possessed such terrible powers even after thousands of years of death."

After a long time, Li Zheng, who had come back to God, could not help but export.

Over the years, he has been known as the pinnacle of human practitioners, but in front of Xuanlong, Li Zheng only felt as small as an ant.

The strong of xianzun state and chaos state may be a process of qualitative change.

Jiang Hao also thought the same way. At this time, his heart was full of endless reverie about the chaotic state.

However, the red dress on one side could not help asking.

"Xiaobai, they don't seem to understand us. Why do you understand the language of human practitioners?"

In the mouth of red clothes, they are naturally those giant rats with strange appearance.

"I don't know. When I wake up, it's like this, and you are the first human practitioners I saw after I woke up, eh..."

Speaking of this, Xiaobai also pondered for a moment, and then continued to explain.

"In fact, they are very good. They don't mean anything to you. They just don't want you to come here. Although I don't know what's in that waterfall, there seems to be a group of dangerous guys living there."

Xiaobai pointed to the back of the crowd and explained the behavior of the giant mouse.

After hearing Xiaobai's explanation, Jiang Hao and Hongyi nodded at the same time, because they had discovered this before, starting from their entry into the dense forest.

Although these giant mice have been closely following them, they did not attack them. Instead, as Xiaobai said, they were driving them away.

"So if you can, I hope you can go back the same way. The deeper you go, the more dangerous it will be. I don't know why I knew that."

Xiaobai said again.

Obviously, she is very familiar with this island, or Xiaobai was very familiar with this island before, so her intuition also told her that the closer to the center of the island, the more dangerous it will be.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Just as Xiaobai had just finished speaking, a few loud noises suddenly came from the southeast of the island, which even shook the earth together.

Red clothes and others were also startled, while the giant mice looked at the southeast with hostile eyes, as if they knew what had happened.

"It seems that more practitioners have entered the island."

Xiaobai also looked to the southeast of the island, frowning slightly.

"The creatures on the island, in order to get a complete liberation, will be crazy attacks on outsiders, until death."

Cold words from Xiaobai's mouth said, originally naive and lovely at this time she seems to have changed to another person in general, but the next moment, the other party restored the previous naive and romantic appearance.

It was as if the words just said were not from her mouth.

"Is this the purpose of Xuanlong?" Jiang Hao said in a deep voice: "this is to test the strength of practitioners, including forcing us into the sea before."

"Maybe from the moment we stepped into the island of San ferika, we have entered the remains of Xuanlong. All these may be Xuanlong's test for future generations, and entering the sea is the first test."

At this time, Wuwei is obviously a aftertaste.

That explains what happened after they went into the sea.

"The first test has already turned many people out of the door. I think the more behind, the more powerful these mutated fierce beasts will be, and there may even be opponents in the half step chaotic state."

Speaking of this, the tone of red changed. Although she thought that Xuanlong ruins should be full of danger, she never thought it would be so dangerous.

From the moment they set foot on the island, they have entered the trap set by Xuanlong.If you want to get his relics, you have to play according to the rules he has set. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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