Sacred Devil

Chapter 2960

"It is true that there are some problems, but fortunately, they are all solved by Jiang Hao."

Red clothes nodded, and then said all the things that had just happened.

After hearing that the red clothes said that they had just met the ancient fierce beast in the half step chaotic state, Wuwei could not help but take a breath of cold air.

Although she has already known Jiang Hao's real strength, she is still a little frightened when she knows that the other party has solved the half man and half snake monster in a very short time.

At the beginning, the young man who was still a little immature in her eyes had unconsciously left her behind.

At this time, Wuwei finally understood why Li Zhenghui was so optimistic about Jiang Hao. The other side did have this capital.

"It's really young heroes. Those old folks all say that I've already stood on the top of the mountain, but what they don't know is that the so-called mountain top is actually just a small hillside, and there is a bigger world up there. You and I are always in the process of climbing."

After listening to the story of red, Li Zheng could not help feeling.

These ancient ferocious beasts are different from Li Wenxin, who had the power of half step chaos only by virtue of the power of void mark, but the former is the real half step chaotic state.

Although there is no big difference between the two, in fact, the gap in strength is very different.

It is precisely because he understands this that Li Zheng will say such a thing.

"What you said is right. Even if you dominate the small world, it's just on the hillside. Besides this small world, there is a broader world."

Jiang Hao nodded. Since he knew the existence of the great world, he had completely changed his previous ideas.

In the past, he was like a frog at the bottom of a well. He could only see the blue sky in front of him, but now he has a more profound pursuit after knowing the wider world.

Red clothes and Wuwang naturally understand this, but the mice don't know.

As soon as she got ashore, she was transformed into a human again, and her innocent appearance was restored.

After hearing Jiang Hao and Li Zheng talking about Tao there, her small face was full of puzzled expression. It was clear that she could understand every word that these human practitioners said, but after they were connected together, how could she not understand the meaning?

In the mouse doubt when, the ground is suddenly moved, this move everyone is stunned.

So did Jiang Hao and Li Zheng. They looked at the ground almost at the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

After the first shock, within seconds, the ground began to vibrate violently again, as if it were an earthquake.

"Go! It's not suitable to stay here for a long time! "

Li Zheng and Jiang Hao looked at each other and then said at the same time.

Just at the moment when they opened their mouth, the land near the waterfall began to fall off inch by inch, spreading towards the direction where Jiang Hao was, like the collapse of the sky. Jiang Hao grasped the red clothes with one hand and the white mice with the other. The speed skyrocketed, and the black figure left one shadow after another in the air.

Li Zheng on one side is also the same, directly with no arrogance toward the dense forest inside rushed in.

Although I don't know what's in the dense forest, it's the only way out right now. If you continue to stay, it will be covered by huge stones.

Wu Wu naturally knows this, and allows the other party to escape with him. On the way, such things have happened many times.

After the four men rushed into the dense forest, the collapse of the rear suddenly stopped. Looking from a distance, Jiang Hao found that the previous waterfall had disappeared, leaving only the ruins. Further on, there was an endless abyss.

"How could that happen? Why did the collapse stop as soon as we got into the dense forest? "

Red said with a lingering fear.

"I don't know, but it seems that we should be deliberately forced into this."

Li Zheng shook his head and looked at the center of the island.

It seems that as soon as they enter the island of San Francisco, it seems that there is a pair of big hands pushing them towards the center.

And who is the owner of these big hands? You can guess it without thinking. After all, no one can do it except Xuanlong, and only the other party can control everything that happens on the island.

"It seems that Xuanlong has set the final battlefield outside this dense forest, that is, the central area of the island."

Jiang Hao looked in the direction of Li Zheng's fingers. Naturally, he knew the meaning of the other party. In fact, he wanted to go with the other party.

One side of the mouse grabbed 3000 green silk, she found that human practitioners are really hard to understand, she did not understand a word of these two people!

"Do we need to go through this dense forest now?"

Xiaobai timidly opened his mouth and asked. He was weak and innocent. At this time, he looked more , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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