Sacred Devil

Chapter 2962

Jiang Hao looked at the old tree in front of him. It seemed to be no different from other ancient trees in the dense forest.

At this time, just a gust of wind blowing, leaves issued a sound, in the dense forest gives a sense of peace.

Everything looks really normal.

"Maybe I remember wrong..."

After seeing this, the mouse bit his lip and said.

Perhaps the tree in front of him was not the first one he noticed when he entered the dense forest.

"Will you know if you cut him off?"

After hearing the mouse's words, Jiang Hao also took the booty from the half man and half snake monster.

The Trident glows in the moonlight. Although it doesn't look like it can cut down trees, it can easily run through the trunks of these ancient trees with a single stroke.

Jiang Hao took the Trident and walked towards the tree which had been pointed by the mouse before. The mouse stood aside, and the flower looked pale.

The reason why she wanted to go with Jiang Hao before was because the little brother looked very gentle, but she didn't expect that this time she was totally out of sight.

The little brother can't get along with gentleness.

As Jiang Hao took the Trident and walked towards the old tree in the sky, the old tree that had been rooted in the ground and did not move was suddenly moved.

The roots of the trees that were perched on the ground came out and tied Jiang Hao's thighs directly, making the other party unable to move forward.

At the same time, other trees seemed to have survived in an instant, directly attacking the past at Hongyi Wuwang and others. As for the mice, when the ancient trees had moved, they showed their original shape and jumped onto Jiang Hao's shoulder directly.

The hair explodes, like a frightened bird!

"It seems that you have no problem with your judgment. I will say that there are no ancient fierce beasts in this forest. It turns out that these ancient fierce beasts are the ancient trees around."

Although his legs were tied by roots, Jiang Hao did not panic. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the white mouse that fell on his shoulder, and then said.

White mouse's face is going to be white. When is it? Is there time to say this?

Shouldn't the most important thing now be to run for your life?

After thinking of this, the mouse jumped directly from Jiang Hao's shoulder, trying to help Jiang Hao gnaw off all the roots of the trees, but at the moment when she jumped down, she was caught by a pair of thick palms.

Then that pair of thick palms is to put it again on the shoulder.

"Sit down and don't fall. If you do, I won't care about you."

There is a smile in the youth's voice.

Before the mice could react, she could smell a burning smell.

The mouse looked at the past along the direction of the taste, but found that there was an immortal fire on the soles of Jiang Hao's feet. With the appearance of the immortal fire, the roots that looked very tough were almost immediately pulled back.

These roots are also afraid of fire, especially the most powerful fire in the world.

While emancipating his legs, Jiang Hao also buried several immortal fires in the side of Wuwang and senior Li Zheng. They did not have time to do it by themselves, and the roots of the trees that had imprisoned them were also instantly retracted back.

The root is the life of these ancient trees in the sky. Naturally, they will not cause too much damage to the roots.

After taking back the roots, those ancient trees in heaven launched the next round of attack.

All the trees in the dense forest have survived. Their branches are tightly intertwined, forming a huge cage. It seems that they want to directly trap Jiang Hao and others here.

Although the undead fire can cause certain damage to these trees, if given a certain period of time to form a cage for these trees, even Jiang Hao could not easily break the situation.

What's more, there are red clothes and others.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao also called out to Li Zheng.

"Mr. Li Zheng, you leave with the red coat and the arrogant master. I will lead these monsters away."


After hearing Jiang Hao's cry, Li zhenglue Wei hesitated. Although the other party and he were both strong in the half step chaotic state, the ancient trees in the sky here had already come to life. Could Jiang Hao really handle it alone?

"Don't worry, I can do it by myself, and then we'll meet in the heart of San Francisco!"

Jiang Hao naturally knew what the other party was hesitating about, even though he was hastily speaking.

After hearing Jiang Hao said so, Li Zheng did not say anything more, but agreed directly.

"Then you must pay more attention to yourself!"After leaving a word, Li Zheng was ready to leave with red clothes and Wuwei. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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