Sacred Devil

Chapter 2964

Jiang Hao also stopped and looked back at the ancient tree spirits.

These guys had shown that they wanted to eat him alive, but now they all stopped. Jiang Hao had to be alert.

But now they have come here, and the road has been blocked by these ancient tree spirits. Now Jiang Hao's only way out is through this passage.

"No matter what the hell is ahead."

Seeing that these ancient tree spirits were just watching him at the entrance of the passage, Jiang Hao could not help sighing after he refused to step forward.

He still remembered what the white mouse said, these monsters who had come back from ancient times needed to die or defeat them to be liberated, but these monsters now even gave up the chance to extricate themselves, that is, they refused to step into this passage.

Obviously, there is something more terrifying than death at the end of this scorched soil.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The white mouse sitting on Jiang Hao's shoulder is also aware of this, and immediately it is haw Wah to call twice.

Although Jiang Hao could not understand what he was saying, he could also feel fear from the tone of the other party.

"Why don't you transform yourself into a human being?"

Jiang Hao asked tentatively to the mouse on his shoulder.

On hearing Jiang Hao's words, the white mouse crazily shook his head and directly refused Jiang Hao's proposal.

Although the body form of the mouse can not communicate with human practitioners, it can avoid most of the dangers for her. Moreover, it is safer to stay on Jiang Hao's shoulder than to stand beside the other side.

"At least, they are small people who wake up from ancient times. How can they be so timid?"

After seeing the little white mouse's innocent and pathetic appearance, Jiang Hao couldn't help laughing.

This guy would have been eaten by those ancient ferocious animals if he hadn't saved his life with those giant mice.


After hearing what Jiang Hao said, the white mouse couldn't help squeaking twice. It seemed that he was defending himself, but it seemed that he was lack of confidence.

Jiang Hao reached out and touched each other's small head, then strode toward the channel in front of him.

The entrance of the passage is very long, as if someone is opening a road in front of you. There are still ancient tree spirits on both sides of the burnt soil, but no ancient tree spirit dares to step on this burnt soil.

Walking on this soil, Jiang Hao did not notice any unusual situation. He was baptized by the venomous eyes of those ancient tree spirits all the way, and walked fast forward all the way.

After all, there are ancient tree spirits all around. No one knows how long the threat of this passage to the ancient tree spirits will last. Maybe after a while, when the person who leads the road leaves, these ancient tree spirits will fight with Jiang Hao like crazy again.

With such an idea, Jiang Hao also trod the moon all the way, and soon caught up with the figure in front of him.

Under the moonlight, the girl in white walked forward slowly. On both sides of her body and in front of her were ferocious ancient tree spirits, but these ferocious ancient tree spirits all became shivering after seeing the girl in white.

And when facing Jiang Hao, they are totally different.

Obviously, the girl, who seemed to be quiet and moving forward slowly, gave them an unprecedented sense of threat.


Although he didn't see each other's true face, Jiang Hao recognized his master's identity at the first moment when he saw his back.

The girl in front of her is not someone else, but the glass from the whole world.

Hearing the news behind him, Liuli also turned around and looked at Jiang Hao. His clear and beautiful eyes didn't contain any emotion. He stood in front of him clearly, but it was as if he was nine days away, mysterious and elegant.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

Jiang Hao looked at the glass's side, but he didn't see Fu Anyi and other people's figures. He thought that he was as scattered as they were.


Liuli nodded, still very indifferent.

She had already noticed Jiang Hao's existence long before. Otherwise, why did the other party think he could catch up with him?

Jiang Hao naturally did not know this. After seeing the glass's attitude so alienated, the expression on his face became a little embarrassed.

At this time, glass's eyes are placed on Jiang Hao's shoulder of a white mouse.

"Is this?"

Liuli's expression slightly surprised, she did not notice the existence of this little guy.

"Here's Xiaobai. This is me."

Jiang Hao saw the other side's attention on Xiaobai's body, but also opened his mouth to introduce.

After listening to Jiang Hao's introduction, Liuli's eyes to Xiaobai changed slightly, and then a strange name was said from her mouth."Star Eaters?"

"What is that? Its name? "

After hearing this strange word, Jiang Hao was also slightly surprised. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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