Sacred Devil

Chapter 2974

"This is their battlefield. You'd better stay with me until the war is over."

Looking at the little guy in front of him, he looks panicked. Xuanlong also reaches out his hand and flicks the other party's small head, then opens his mouth and says.

"Cheep, cheep..."

The mouse made a few more grunts of discontent. It held out its front paws and covered its head.

How can this strange guy say that he can intervene in the war in front of him, but can't he see her so weak and innocent?

After putting the mice away, Xuanlong looked at the direction of Xuanmen again. His mild face suddenly became serious.

"What are you waiting for? Do you really want to watch the world become a slaughterhouse of nihilism

With the words of Xuanlong falling into the ground, the people in the Xuanmen were also boiling with blood. The reason why they joined the Xuanmen was to prevent the virtual creatures from invading their homes of human practitioners.

Now, at the most critical moment, they will not shrink back.

"Everyone, let's help Jiang Hao to win the heart of the origin and protect my little world forever!"

Li Zheng took the lead in rushing out and yelled at the gate.

Just after Li Zheng finished, the Xuanmen people also began to sharpen their swords. If they were still a little unconvinced to Jiang Hao at the beginning, then after the other party broke through the semi chaotic state, the discontent completely disappeared.

The world of practitioners is like this, and strength is the most important thing.

With Li Zheng's command, the two conveniences seemed to sound the clarion call of battle. Jiang Hao and Fu Anyi rushed in the front at the same time. Although they were diagonal, they had only one goal, that is, the original heart of the center.

"No access to our king!"

The entrance of strangers made the stone statues who came to their senses angry. They waved their weapons and fought for the general in their center like soldiers from ancient times.

"Get rid of these statues first!"

After seeing those statues rush towards Jiang Hao first, Li Zheng also ordered the people in the Xuanmen on one side.

"Let the old man experience the real strength of these statues first."

Holding a broken sword, mu Wenmao rushed to the stone statue nearest to Jiang Hao.

Although his strength is not as good as these statues, he will fight for Jiang Hao and send him to the throne!

"Mu Lao!"

Seeing that mu Wenmao rushed over, Jiang Hao was also a little worried.

"Don't mind me, and move on!"

Mu Wenmao turned his head and laughed at Jiang Hao. Then he got entangled with the monster in front of him. The broken sword stabbed the monster's body, but he was soon bounced out, and the place where he was injured was also recovered quickly.

It is obvious that these monsters, in addition to their amazing defense, have extremely terrifying resilience.

"Thank you very much

Seeing each other's thin figure, Jiang Hao was worried, but he also knew what was the most important thing in front of him?

Therefore, after reporting to the other party, Jiang Hao went all the way forward, while Li Zhenghe and Wuwei opened the way for him beside him.

Under the siege of the statue, he opened a road of blood.

In such a battle, the sword in red was even reduced to waste. If it was not for Li Zheng's help, it would be difficult to survive under the siege of these statues with the strength of red clothes.

The closer you get to the center of the square, the more powerful these statues are.

At the back, Li Zheng and Wu Wang were forced to separate, but by this time Jiang Hao had already broken through to the center of the square.

There is only a heart of the origin that emits light, and the statues nearest to the heart of origin are involved by the people of the supreme palace and the gate of the sky.

Only Jiang Hao, Fu Anyi from the supreme palace of Lingxiao, and the two powerful men of emptiness from the realm of emptiness can walk to the heart of origin.

The reason is that the strength of those statues is so powerful that they have separated a strong man from the void. Otherwise, Jiang Hao will be able to fight against four.

"I'm a little surprised that you can get here."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Fu Anyi said.

He also saw Jiang Hao grow up all the way to now. At the beginning, he did not pay attention to this young man, but now this young man has become his biggest threat.

"An accident? I thought it was reasonable. "

After hearing what the other side said, Jiang Hao also laughed, and his momentum did not fall on the other side.

"I have three strong players in the half step chaotic state, and you are the only one. You are so confident that you think you can win?"

Seeing Jiang Hao's face still showed a confident look, Fu Anyi could not help but say.

"You're wrong. I never thought I would lose."Jiang Hao looked at the three men in front of him. His looks were calm and he could not feel half scared. It was as if he was not three strong men of the same level, but a mountain that was about to cross. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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