Sacred Devil

Chapter 2978

"I said at most a stick of incense time will solve the mirror separation."

After Jiang Hao's mirror separation was solved, the void creature was transformed into a human practitioner again. The old woman had a proud smile on her face and looked at Jiang Hao with scorn, as if she were a corpse.

What a weak man of practice.

I don't know what the flesh of a strong man in the half step chaotic state will taste like.

Thinking of this, the old woman also licked her scarlet lips and looked at Jiang Hao again as if she were looking at food.

"It's hard for me to work hard."

Fu Anyi first bowed to the old woman, then looked at Jiang Hao again, and said haughtily.

"How much chance do you think you have now?"

With the addition of Mogu's ancestor, Fu Anyi has completely occupied the territory previously divided into two. Jiang Hao is now in the home court they have arranged. Once the strength loss is lost, there is no way to recover. Even if they don't start, Jiang Hao will die because of the lack of strength.

"One point."

After hearing Fu Hao's words, he shrugged and said.

Obviously, he is saying a point of assurance, but the other side's expression seems to be very general.

Jiang Hao's attitude also made Fu Anyi very dissatisfied. He wanted to see the scene of Jiang Hao kneeling for mercy, but it seemed that only after breaking both legs of the other party could he see such a picture.

After thinking of this, Fu Anyi's sight fell on the other side's straight legs, and finally said with a smile.

"You are quite self-conscious. If you are willing to waste your legs and fall under the door of our void creatures, maybe I can let you live."

"I say you are old guys who have lived for thousands of years. Why do you still like to talk so much nonsense when fighting?"

Jiang Hao looked at Fu Anyi with some incomprehension. It seemed that he couldn't understand why the other side still said so much nonsense when he got to this point.

It's just like who can win if his cruel words are strong?

In that case.

"Don't tell me what's missing. I'll tell you this. Even if the master of emptiness is willing to kneel down for me as a mount, I will never join your void world. Do you understand?"

If he remembers correctly, the master of the void seems to be quite suitable for being a mount.

As soon as Jiang Hao said this, Fu Anyi and others immediately became gloomy.

Even Xuanlong outside the battle circle was also stunned. This young man really dares to say that although his former self also opposed the void master and fought many times, he seemed to have never said such a domineering thing.

Why didn't he think that the master of the void would mount him?

What a failure.

After thinking of this, Xuanlong's face also showed a look of chagrin.

"I must smash all your dog's broken teeth today!"

As a follower of the void master, Mogu's ancestor was also furious at the moment, and looked at Jiang Hao's eyes as if he was going to devour the other side alive.

"You want to break my teeth because you don't have them? Especially you, a monster who is not human or ghost, while maintaining the superiority of your void race, and at the same time transforming into the appearance of our human practitioners, is it really contradictory psychology? "

Jiang Hao did not change his face because of his threatening words.

On the contrary, he looks at the other side's body with disgust. Is it hard for the other party to know that his noumenon is really ugly, so he has to restore the appearance of an adult practitioner after the battle?

Although the latter words, Jiang Hao did not say, but from Jiang Hao's eyes, Mogu ancestor can read everything.

All of a sudden, Mogu's ancestor no longer cared about Fu Anyi and others around him. Instead, he took the lead in rushing towards Jiang Hao. His body shape also changed in an instant. A huge insect appeared in front of Jiang Hao again. His red eyes fixed on Jiang Hao, and a quick killing spirit filled the whole battlefield.

At the moment when the other side rushed over, Jiang Hao was ready to deal with it. Although these people in front of him were not good at shooting, their strength was absolutely beyond words. Moreover, everyone spent more time in the half step chaotic state than he did.

With one enemy three, said to have a point of assurance, in fact, it is Jiang Hao who is looking up to himself.

"This guy has to get all the people in the other side of the road mad at him before he gives up!"

Li Zheng at the periphery of the central area of the square, after seeing this scene, also can't help but frown. He turns to the one side and says without hesitation.

"No mistake. If something happens to Jiang Hao later, I will save the other party first."

"I know what you mean. You don't have to worry about me."After hearing what Li Zheng said, Wuwang also showed a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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