Sacred Devil

Chapter 2984

But in a flash, the old ghost also revealed his original form.

The world war began again!

"It's time to end it!"

The heartless double swords reappeared in Jiang Hao's hands. Although the heartless double swords at the moment have been shaped like scrap iron, when Jiang Hao holds them in his hands, the light is blooming again.

The spirit is burning!

"How many cards does this guy have?"

Even Xuanlong was surprised when he saw the heartless double swords blooming again. Of course, he knew why the heartless double swords were able to shine again. It was nothing more than that the spirits in the heartless double sabres were burning their lives in exchange for their final strength.

However, Xuanlong couldn't help being surprised because Jiang Hao had too many cards. Whenever he thought that the other side had lost, Jiang Hao would surprise them all again.

It is not only Xuanlong, but also the human practitioners who are watching the battle here through the mirror image. All of them clearly understand what the battle here represents.

If Jiang Hao fails, then their human practice world will fall completely and become a slaughterhouse of void creatures. So when Jiang Hao shows his power of World War I again, countless human practitioners are also inspired by it!

Looking at the heartless double knives in his hand, Jiang Hao's eyes also showed a look of relief.

After so many years of fighting side by side, the heartless double swords for Jiang Hao are not only weapons, but also his comrades in arms. At the moment, his comrades in arms are fighting with him at the cost of burning their lives!

"This war will never die!"

Jiang Hao murmured, then he looked up again at Fu Anyi, his eyes full of war.

Fu Anyi has already solved the Phoenix with the old ghost of Jiuwu. Seeing Jiang Hao staring at himself, Fu Anyi's heart suddenly rises into a panic. However, before he can wait for him to think more, Jiang Hao has already appeared in front of him.

After perceiving the spatial fluctuation, Jiang Hao's speed also has a qualitative improvement. The black figure appears around Fu Anyi like a ghost. The latter's reaction is also very fast. At the moment of Jiang Hao's appearance, Fu Anyi's five fingers become claws and go towards Jiang Hao's throat.

However, Jiang Hao's speed was obviously faster than that of Fu Anyi. He not only twisted the opponent's attack, but also took the opportunity to stab the other party's heart with a knife. Both of them were very cruel and wanted to kill people.

When Jiang Hao launched an attack, the Jiuwu old ghost also chopped his sickle towards Jiang Hao's back, just like before, he wanted to hurt Jiang Hao so badly.

However, this time, Jiang Hao obviously won't give the other party a second chance. At the moment when the sickle was waved, Jiang Hao's attack did not decrease, and his wrist turned, and the whole person hid behind the other side in the direction of Fu Anyi's attack, directly avoiding the attack of the sickle.

The machete in Jiang Hao's hand also pierced into Fu Anyi's heart, and then drew it out.

The bright red blood sprayed out and dyed the clean blade red.

Jiang Hao's speed is really too fast. In addition to the speed, the other side's attack is also very tricky. Fu Anyi didn't expect that Jiang Hao also chose to engage in close combat under such circumstances. In order to cooperate with the Jiuwu old ghost's attack, Jiang Hao was caught by Jiang Hao's best opportunity.


Fu Anyi murmured, then reached out and grasped Jiang Hao's blade.

Blood flowed out like no money.

And Fu Anyi also kept Jiang Hao who wanted to retreat, and Jiuwu old ghost launched a new attack again.

The breath of emptiness converged on the black sickle, and thousands of complaining ghosts also made a sad voice at the moment, as if they could devour the human mind.

"Ten thousand swords break the void!"

A low voice came from the old ghost's mouth. He raised the black sickle in his hand, and then chopped it in the direction of Jiang Hao. At this time, Jiang Hao, who was left by Fu Anyi's life, could not avoid it. He would soon be cut by the sickle.

"You always talk about the fear of emptiness. Why don't you feel the fear of high-level divine power with me this time?"

Jiang Hao directly let go of his heartless double swords and turned to face the Griffin fog. The old ghost could break the mountain and river.

Just at this time, a strange wave of divine script came out of Jiang Hao's body.

That is the power of Shenwen, which is the power of Xuanlong.

When Jiang Hao used this power, Xuanlong was also in front of his eyes. Although he had already known that Jiang Hao had practiced divine power, his opponent's attainments in Shenwen were far beyond his expectation.

One by one ancient words appeared in front of Jiang Hao, and slowly formed a extinction. With the appearance of this extinction, the atmosphere of destruction was enveloped between heaven and earth.

With the appearance of this destructive breath, the fear of emptiness on the black sickle is directly suppressed in all aspects. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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