Sacred Devil

Chapter 2988

"It's ok now, but I seem to have offended a lot of big people this time. I'm afraid I'll make a lot of trouble for them if I'm a member of the elder."

At the end of the day, Jiang Hao was embarrassed to scratch his head.

Although he won the victory this time, he also offended many people, especially the God of Qingge in the mouth of the void master. Just listen to him and know that he is a cruel character. If Jiang Hao wants to go to the great world in the future, the first thing to solve is this matter.

"You boy, I understand what you mean. You can rest assured in the world. If the old man Qingge doesn't have the face to look for your trouble, I will revenge for you, but you can also rest assured that when you come to our realm, oh, No."

Xuanlong paused for a moment, then continued to say.

"It should be that those people will be more shameful when they arrive at their level. Even if they hate you any more, they will never personally attack a younger generation. I think you should be able to solve the enemies of the same level as you?"

Although it was a question, it was said by Xuanlong in a positive tone.

He spoke highly of Jiang Hao, even more than the demons he saw in the world.

"If you have the words of master Xuanlong, you can rest assured."

Sometimes wise people don't need to speak too thoroughly. After getting Xuanlong's promise, Jiang Hao also nodded with a smile.

As for the reason why the other party just wanted to stop talking, Jiang Hao was also very clear, but at this time he would not follow the other side's words.

But Jiang ChiYan on one side couldn't help laughing.

This master Xuanlong is really interesting. The other elders are all holding on airs. Only the other side says that he is shameless. How can there be such an elder?

Jiang ChiYan, an unsophisticated person, understands this.

Hearing Jiang ChiYan's laughter, Xuanlong also looked at the other party. The former immediately covered his mouth, and made Xuanlong laugh with his lovely appearance that I was wrong.

"Master, I'm just as happy as they are. Xiaoqian world has finally defeated the void world. Don't think much about it!"

Jiang ChiYan quickly opened his mouth and explained that he was afraid Xuanlong would not believe it. Jiang ChiYan also pointed to those practitioners who were reveling behind him.

After hearing Jiang ChiYan's words, Xuanlong couldn't help shaking his head, looking at each other's eyes as loving as looking at the younger generation.

After Jiang ChiYan said these words, the revelry practitioners finally quieted down and looked at Xuanlong, the ancient god.

But for the sacrifice of the other party, they believed that there was no future in the world. This time, it was also because Jiang Hao stepped forward and drowned in Jiangqing.

"Originally, I was worried about whether Xiaoqian world could survive this disaster. Now it proves that my worry is unnecessary. With your strength, you can protect Xiaoqian world. You make me very happy."

At the end of the day, Xuanlong's tone also changed.

Obviously, I remember everything in the past.

"Forget it. Now that the battle is over, it's time for you to enjoy the booty. I won't interfere in all this, but you Jiang Hao."

When he got here, Xuanlong also looked at Jiang Hao again.

"Fortunately, you don't mean to be able to lead the world this time, even though you are able to lead the world with me?"

"I hope you can solve your doubts."

After hearing Xuanlong's words, Jiang Hao also frowned and said.

"The original heart is a spiritual thing. There is only one in every small world. It is unique, and it will choose its own master."

When he got here, Xuanlong's face became solemn.

"If you can't get the approval of the original heart, it's useless even if you force it. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

After hearing Xuanlong's words, Jiang Hao nodded solemnly.

"That's good. This is the original heart. Now I'll give it to you. It's up to you to accept it or not."

After saying this, Xuanlong also put the mouse on his shoulder and walked towards the statue in the center of the square.

Under the gaze of the public, Xuanlong takes the heart of Yuanyuan down and hands it to Jiang Hao. The heart of Yuanyuan lies flat in the palm of Xuanlong.

Although it's a heart, it radiates a brilliant white light. The appearance is also the most simple circle, but on that circle, it seems that there is something divine in the flow.

After feeling the existence of Shenwen, Jiang Hao also raised his head and looked at Xuanlong, as if he was asking something.

"Well, that's what you think."

Seeing Jiang Hao staring at himself, Xuanlong nodded, and then gave Jiang Hao the heart of origin.Jiang Hao quickly took over with both hands, and all his attention was put on the original heart in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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