Sacred Devil

Chapter 2995

The deafening sound of congratulation did not let Jiang Hao's divine consciousness recover. Jiang Hao's divine sense was still expanding, until the whole Xiaoqian world was covered by his divine consciousness, and Jiang Hao stopped his action. At this time, his divinity exploration had reached the peak.

Further out is the boundary area, which is the gateway to other small worlds.

Just when Jiang Hao's divine consciousness finally fell in front of the realm, a vicious breath mixed with the matter of destroying the heaven and the earth appeared in front of Jiang Hao.

It was a monster bred from the void. It looked like a dragon rather than a dragon. Its huge one eye was full of evil light, so it looked at Jiang Hao, and his eyes were full of resentment.

"Empty Empty master... "

The first moment he saw the monster, Jiang Hao recognized its identity.

Only the void master of the void world can have such a vast breath.

More importantly, from the other side, Jiang Hao noticed the fluctuation of the empty rules. What the other side practiced was obviously the empty rules. In addition, the other side swallowed up the heart of the void world. Therefore, even in the chaotic state, the other side was also the top strong one.

"I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

It seems that the master of emptiness is not surprised by Jiang Hao's arrival. He looks at the young man in front of him. He doesn't know whether he sniffs the organs of his nose and looks greedy on his face.

"Wait for me? When I kill you

After hearing the empty master's words, Jiang Hao's mouth also touched up a smile.

Now he has broken through to the chaotic state, and it is also after swallowing the heart of the origin of the small world.

So in terms of strength, he is not afraid of the monster in front of him.

"Arrogant man of practice, you will pay for what you say."

Jiang Haode's words also made the void master angry. If it had not been for the rules, he would have rushed to Xiaoqian world and directly frustrated Jiang Hao. Where would he have waited until now.

Although Jiang Hao has also broken through the chaos, for the master of the void, the other side is just a new breakthrough. It is still very easy for him to destroy the other party. At most, he has to pay a little more.

"In fact, I also want to tell you that what you have done to Xiaoqian world in these years will one day pay the due price."

Hearing the word "cost", Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes to the other side were also full of killing intention.

In recent years, under the command of the master of emptiness, the void creatures wantonly massacred human practitioners, even disturbed the way of heaven and eroded the spiritual power of Xiaoqian world, making the Yin and Yang of Xiaoqian world upside down, and countless practitioners died of chaos.

Even many of Jiang Hao's good friends were not spared. The pile by pile was enough to form an endless situation between them.

"Jie Jie, I'd like to see what kind of price will be paid by an unknown person who has just ascended the world."

The master of emptiness laughed and looked at Jiang Hao with scorn.

"Of course, you can not go to the big world and stay in the small world forever, but in that case, I don't think you can see her."

With the words of the master of emptiness finished, an image appeared in front of Jiang Hao. It was a huge crystal coffin, and in the crystal coffin was a girl with blue temperament.

The girl closed her eyes and frowned slightly. She seemed to be trapped in an endless nightmare.

It was Brandy!

Jiang Hao recognized the girl's identity at a glance. On that day, he went to the void world. If the other party didn't push him into the transmission array at the last moment, maybe he would have fallen.

For brandy, Jiang Hao's heart has always been full of guilt, after all, he once promised the other party, will bring the other party back to the small thousand world, but he did not do it, but also hurt the other party was caught by the void master.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao also raised his head and looked at the void master.

"What do you want?"

Instead of answering Jiang Hao's question directly, the void master laughed.

"Jie Jie, you human practitioners are really strange, but just a few aspects of fate, can make a chaotic state of the strong mind unstable, but also interesting."

As early as that day, after Jiang Hao left, the void master directly extracted Bai's memory. In the other party's memory, the void master not only saw the past of brandy, but also saw the intersection between brandy and Jiang Hao.

It is also because after seeing the memory of Prynne, the master of emptiness can make clear the communication between the two people. Prynne is not even Jiang Hao's woman, so they meet by chance.

But even so, brandy can still affect Jiang Hao, which makes the void master feel more novel.

After all, for such a man as the master of emptiness, even his own son can be said to be destroyed, let alone those who have only a few , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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