Sacred Devil

Chapter 3011

"What a fool. If you stay at ease in the world, I may still have no way to deal with you, but I didn't expect that you would send it to the door on your own initiative."

The tone of emptiness dominating is full of pride, which obviously does not put Jiang Hao in the eye.

A practitioner who doesn't even have the courage to fight with him is not worthy of his attention.

You should know that at the beginning, the void master still regarded Jiang Hao as his opponent. However, after Jiang Hao chose to escape when fighting with him, for the void master, Jiang Hao was just a defeated general.

After hearing the words of the master of the void, Jiang Hao's mouth also drew a cold arc. He did not continue to talk with each other, but his body became empty. The next moment he appeared outside the channel of the void world.

"What do you want to do?"

Originally also rampant to the extreme void master, after seeing Jiang Hao's action, also angrily cheered.

"What else can you do? If you don't let go of Xiaoqian world, I will certainly not let go of this void world. If you can destroy Xiaoqian world, then I can also destroy your void world!"

After hearing the question from the master of emptiness, Jiang Hao's face also showed a sneering smile.

The reason why the other party was able to kill him wantonly at the beginning was that there was no strong man in the chaos realm in his Xiaoqian world. Now he has broken through to the chaotic state, and the other party still dares to do so. Obviously, he did not pay attention to him.

In this case, Jiang Hao might as well let the other party understand what is called a tooth for a tooth!

"Dare you

At this time, the figure of the master of the void also appeared in the realm again.

In his opinion, Jiang Hao's style of cherishing his life will definitely not be as resolute as the Xuanlong in those years. It is precisely because of this that he has the desperation of today's void master.

However, when Jiang Hao's figure appeared around the void world, the heart of the master of the void still beat hard. If the other party really made the act of catching the dead, even if he could destroy the small world, it would not be worth the loss.

"I dare you!"

After hearing the words of the void master, Jiang Hao's sarcastic smile was a little deeper.

Previously, he avoided fighting because he felt that he had no 100% confidence that he could defeat the other side, but now that the other side has achieved this, Jiang Hao naturally will not shrink back.

The big deal is a dead word, but even if it is a fight to death, Jiang Hao will let the other party pay a tragic price!

Looking at the fierce expression on the young man's face in front of him, the master of the void, who was still very firm, was shaken up.

If the void is destroyed, all his efforts over the past ten thousand years will be in vain. In addition, because he is the original God of the void, he will also suffer from the reverse.

Similarly, Jiang Hao is the same.

After thinking of this, the void master looked at Jiang Hao again and said, "since you are so rampant, how about we divide life and death in this realm?"

"With pleasure!"

This time, Jiang Hao did not play Taiji with each other as before. Just after the void master made such a request, Jiang Hao also agreed.

"You won't run away like you did before?"

Seeing the ease of Jiang Hao's promise, the master of emptiness can't help speaking.

After hearing the words of the master of emptiness, Jiang Hao also looked back to the direction of Xiaoqian world. Although it was hundreds of millions of miles away, all the scenes in Xiaoqian world appeared in front of Jiang Hao at the moment.

He can't retreat from this war. If he does, the creatures of Xiaoqian world will be destroyed!

Those who he valued will also die in this disaster, which is absolutely unacceptable to Jiang Hao, so.

"Today, we will not retreat from a deadly battle. If we violate this statement, heaven and earth will jointly punish them!"

Jiang Hao's voice, with unprecedented firmness, resounded through the whole territory!

"Let me have a look at your confidence in coming back today."

After hearing what Jiang Hao said, the master of the void nodded with satisfaction. The eyes of those who looked forward were also full of killing intention.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you break in, I have given you a chance to escape, this time, I will kill you!"

With the voice of the master of emptiness, countless empty breath also wrapped Jiang Hao's whole person.

It was the rule of emptiness understood by the master of emptiness. Under the package of the rule of emptiness, Jiang Hao could not feel the existence of any external force, but could feel the endless desolation.

In this regard, Jiang Hao did not show any panic, but in the other side used this move after the hook lip.

"Don't play these old tricks any more. You can decide the outcome with one move. If you can take my move, I'll let you handle it!"

Jiang Hao snorted a little coldly, and all the rules of the void around him disappeared. The Shenwen armor also appeared in Jiang Hao's body , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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